The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1412: Enter the Secret Realm of the Flame Giant

"Noah, we came to see you!" Outside the Flame Giant Secret Realm space, Thunder Giant King Baldrick roared with his throat, thunder and lightning flashed in his hand, his huge fist suddenly attacked, and a faint ripple appeared in the air. Hearing a soft "click", a thin crack appeared in the space in front of him.

"Hey, it's pretty sturdy. There is no giant in the world that can't be solved with one punch. If there is, then another punch!" Thunder Giant King Baldrick said solemnly to Little Weir, who became a flame giant next to him. Being strong is really strong, son, be optimistic, this is the Thunder Fist of our Thunder Giant!"

The last three words were spit out, the thunder on the Thunder Giant King Baldrick quickly condensed on his arm, a flash of lightning was fleeting, the Thunder Giant King Baldrick’s right arm smashed out like lightning, the air was violently distorted, and there was a loud noise. The middle space was shattered, and a huge black space crack appeared out of thin air.

The Frost Giant King Eric rushed in, and Ville led Caroline in. The Storm Giant Chief Livii, the Tidal Giant Chief Lastin, the Giant Tree Chief Lionel, and Rubim The beast Oulis firmly protected the rear of Little Vil and followed behind him.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick grabbed the edge of the space crack with both hands and tore it hard, and the corners of his mouth curled in disdain, as if he was very disdainful of the strength of this space. Seeing his son in the space crack was gone, this was an easy step. Stepped out and went in.

Amid the loud noise of "Rumble~", huge flames fell on the ground and exploded violently, shouting and killing endlessly. In the slightly dim secret space, dark red light can be seen everywhere, and pungent gunpowder smoke fills the whole area. In space, huge figures fought mercilessly, blood limbs and steel fragments flying around.

A series of huge black figures dared not fear death, rushing to a suspended city one after another, the top of the huge suspended sky shone with dazzling light, a giant palm-sized light ball shone with dazzling light, blood-red defensive enchantment Wrapped the entire Hanging City, but under the attack of various shadows, the defensive enchantment rippled, obviously not so stable.

"Frozen!" Over the past few months, Ville has almost died of anger, but he has no choice but to throw a rat-trap on him. The Frost Giant King Eric finally found a target to vent, a biting cold air flew out, and a dark red figure. Was frozen in an instant, falling to the ground like raindrops.

In a blink of an eye, Ville arrived in front of the icy monsters. Without a word, he was directly included in the bag. In the world of snowwood, the tree of life and the tree of death simultaneously made efforts to turn these souls that had lost their minds into puppets. The flame giant peeled the skin cramps and resolved it.

Do you say the control of world consciousness in the end?

Do you think that the seedlings of the Snowwood World World Consciousness Tree of Life eat rice? Not to mention Xiao Miao, even Xiao Wei could easily use the world authority to cut off this connection.

The giants are full of treasures, especially these adult giants. The weakest ones are also Tier 3, Tier 4 is just ordinary. The giants are the world overlords not just for fun, they are unique innate conditions, and they contain. The bloodline is beyond the reach of others, only the dragon can barely compare with it.

Little Weier discovered some strange things. He brought the corpses of the giants or giants members into the Snowwood World, unexpectedly inexplicably able to increase the strength of the Snowwood World, and there is a trace of inexplicable things. The Lord couldn't say clearly, the world consciousness seedling of Snowwood World also said it was delicious and wanted, but the other things were a bit confused.

Since neither he nor Xiao Miao found anything wrong, and the apostle elf Xiao Wei promised to be beneficial and harmless, Xiao Wei naturally let go of it and put it inside. As for the harm?

Haha, being frozen by the Frost Giant King, has become a flame giant with no sense of puppets, the highest strength being no more than Tier 5, and being suppressed by the tree of life and the tree of death in the world of snow wood, can it turn the sky upside down?

Don't say it's going to shake the sky, even if you struggle, you don't have the ability to struggle.

"Son, are these contaminated things useful for you? You said it earlier. You don't need your father-in-law to take action. It depends on your father and mine." Since the Thunder Giant King Baldrick discovered that the Frost Giant King had begun to compromise, he I can’t get through with him everywhere, I finally found such a good son, you first shouted and screamed, and now you actually want to cheat my son from me?

Don't think that you will have a daughter. You can do whatever you want with a good daughter. Your daughter will eventually marry my son, not my son.

At first, the Frost Giant King and Ville didn’t deal with it. The Thunder Giant King Baldrick was a little worried, and he persuaded Eric several times with his fist. Later, the Frost Giant King began to compromise and let his son Fernanda come forward to please Ville. The Thunder Giant King Baldrick was even more worried, and he stayed at Ville, beating Fernanda bitterly for this, and he didn't let his son be attracted by others.

When the Frost Giant King Eric "sent" (not extortion, the Frost Giant King volunteered) the Little Vir, the Thunder Giant King Baldrick slanted his mouth next to him, and then directly found several other giant patriarchs and grabbed a few of the gods to give away. To Little Will.

Unlike Little Vil and the Frost Giant King, the Thunder Giant King was really hard to grab. The extremely giant patriarch could not beat the Thunder Giant, we really wanted to please Little Weir, so in the end he could only pinch. Acknowledge it with his nose.

Being a **** is really not important in the eyes of the giants, they believe in their fists even more.

Several giant patriarchs shot one after another, two sixth-order giant kings, and several giant patriarchs at least in the middle of the fifth stage joined forces. Although there were many monsters, they could only retreat steadily, and they were all cleared in a blink of an eye.

The defense barrier shook slightly, and a huge portal appeared quietly, and a hoarse voice sounded: "Baldrick, Eric, how did the two of you get together? You can still remember to visit me. visit."

"Yo, Noah, you are not dead yet." Thunder Giant King Baldrick stepped out from the gate and entered the floating island. Frost Giant King Eric slapped his hands, and the freezing cold broke out in an instant, abruptly on the defensive cover. An ice barrier formed outside.

"You are still so cautious, you deserve to be Eric, the Wall of Ice!" The hoarse voice was filled with emotion, and the corners of the Frost Giant King Eric's mouth twitched slightly. He hadn't heard his title for many years. , But he heard a trace of twilight in the voice of the flame giant King Noah and...

And a trace of lifelessness!

Except for Caroline, who was stuffed by Little Vil in his chest, all Tier 5 and Tier 6 masters, those Tier 3 and 4 dark red monsters can't cause damage to them no matter how many, let alone there are two who like large-scale attacks. The Giant King swept away all the monsters surrounding him in the air in a blink of an eye.

Little Will smiled and took all the spoils into his bag. Only then, accompanied by several giant patriarchs, entered the gate. The surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and a fiery red light came into view.

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