The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1444: I am the suspicion devil, please please me

"Have you never heard a word? The more you know, the faster you will die. If that person can kill here, it is possible to monitor everything here, and our every move may be under the eyes of the other person. "The Shadow Killer said coldly: "I don't want to die, even if I try to pay out all my merits and wealth, I will get out of this quagmire."

"Trell, although I don't know who you are hiding the news for, this person has absolutely no good intentions for you." After the Shadow Killer finished speaking, the whole person jumped and disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Terrell, who was expressionless, but a storm was set off in his heart. He thought he was not a fool, but things seemed to be developing in a direction that he didn’t want. There was a real relationship between himself and him. Is there a deep hatred?

The goddess of pain and torture wants to become a god, so killing Val demigod on the way is not necessarily to kill him, but she is absolutely ill-intentioned. Val demigod rose up to resist and captured her alive, but was unwilling to release her again. , Obviously there are some unknown secrets that are unwilling to disclose.

As a friend of Teresa, it is reasonable to want to save her, but is it definitely wrong for the other party to be unwilling to let others go?

He used to say that he would rather kill Teresa than release her. As long as Teresa does not leave, she is safe, but why does he insist on saving her? Who on earth instilled such an idea into himself?

In other words, who was the first person to insist on saving Teresa?

Bearer of thorns!

In theory, I shouldn’t doubt a friend who’s already in trouble. I don’t confirm whether there is a super-friendship relationship between him and Teresa. It was he who gave the idea of ​​exchange for Teresa for relatives and friends of the gods.


Terrell didn’t want to think deeply, but there were some things that he had to think about, otherwise he would sink deeper and deeper. Looking at the eyes that stared closely at him, Terrell said a name quietly: " Cliff."

"Cliff the Bramble Bearer?!" Many demigods are not unfamiliar with the name Cliff. This man who judges the Elves and fights against the Elves is really not a good person to be honest, but there is one thing that cannot be denied. , This is a ruthless person.

He is cruel to his enemies, and he is equally cruel to himself. It seems that he is cruel to his friends and himself.

The dwarf demigod rubbed his forehead and said distressedly: "That madman hasn't heard from him for a long time. Has he returned to the battlefield of the abyss?"

Terrell shook his head and said: "Cliff was captured by the hands of the Elven High Priest himself. I don't know where he is now and how he is. It's not just Cliff, Tandy, and Crystal. God was also arrested, and in fact I was arrested too, but there was always someone who wanted to finish this matter, so I was released again."

"You mentioned this to us before. The lunatic Cliff led a farce, and then you tried to wipe his butt, but found that you were not capable, so you found us. Well, we are not your only ones. Friends, a group of demigods in the Sanctuary of Light have been pitted by you before." The voice of the demigods of the elemental sanctuary in the dark was a little bit grim.

The light attribute demigod who followed Terrell with his wings converged, and said coldly: "I am one of your so-called pitted demigods of the light sanctuary. The previous time, we were indeed negligent, or just luck. Too bad, after paying some price, things are barely settled. But this time..."

Although the last time was very dangerous, everyone was happy in the end. The Guardian Expedition was unscathed, and by chance, it made great achievements and gained a lot, and finally got into the cemetery of the gods. The benefits of experience.

But this time is different. Except for half of the people who died in the Guardian Expedition, even their lair was copied by themselves and others. Although the purpose is to find more information and weaknesses of them, it is really very difficult to copy other people’s lair. Too much, even thinking that this caused the Guardian Expedition to be cancelled directly.

According to the three masters of the Guangming Sanctuary, there was no one for a long time, and the expedition team's resident was lost, and the guardian expedition team's designation was cancelled on the grounds of insufficient strength, leaving them directly free.

However, free men also have the benefits of free men. By virtue of their meritorious service, they are directly qualified to escape from the battlefield of the abyss.

The dwarf demigod said madly: "Cliff's life or death is unknown. He is unlikely to be caught. Moreover, he is not a person in our small circle, and he does not know the coordinates of the dusk plane and the teleportation array leading to the teleportation here. Only a few people in the formation know about him, and he is definitely not among them. In addition, we have not received the information that he entered the battlefield of the abyss, his suspicion can basically be eliminated."

"Trell, think about it, who else is suspected besides Cliff. This is very important to us!"

Terrell looked down at his feet but was speechless for a long time. A hoarse voice sounded in the darkness: "Trell, the person behind may be your friend, someone you respect, or even your loved one. , But we are also your friends, willing to take risks for you, to offend a few evildoers for you, and even for your troubled friends."

"I'm not threatening you with friendship. I just hope you can think about our situation. Jagger has already sacrificed. It doesn't matter if he finds something, or he was killed by the black hand as the chicken and left us. Regardless of the people, he is dead after all, not far from us!"

"We want to know who is behind the scenes who manipulated everything and who took advantage of our friendship to do this kind of thing. We must know that we represent not only ourselves. We also have relatives and friends behind us, as well as a group of younger brothers. Jia. Geer is free to be the leader of an expedition team, have you ever thought about how to explain to his group of younger brothers?"

"Even if the brothers below can be ignored, the fall of a semi-god powerhouse is definitely not a trivial matter for Sanctuary. Have you ever thought that Sanctuary will investigate this matter until..."

Until what?

Until traced to the plane of dusk.

For the sanctuary, this is not impossible, after all, the demigod powerhouse is the backbone of any sanctuary.

Well, the Giant Sanctuary is an exception. There are more than a dozen fifth-tier god-level powerhouses, and dozens of half-god powerhouses are hundreds of them. They are really not the backbone of the In other words, how many we have here. people? "The shadow killer's voice sounded in the air, but no figure was seen. Everyone was taken aback for a while, not understanding what he meant.

"Don't you think there is something wrong with the number of people?"

Terrell glanced away and let out a low growl: "Judgment field, come!"

With a crisp "pop~", Terrell's realm just rises and vanishes instantly. A black figure beside the round table in the hall shines brightly, and an erratic voice follows: "Hehe, did you finally find it? I thought At least you have to wait for a few more deaths before you can discover my existence."

"Who are you?!" All the semi-god powerhouses were on guard at the same time.

The black figure is like a bottomless black abyss. There is nothing but black. "You walk in and out of my house and don’t know who I am? You were boring before, but now you make me feel very happy. Suspicion, doubt, kill each other, please use your life and blood to please me."

"I am the Lord of Suspicion, Lord of Twilight Space, and I am among you. I will be among you. You will be liberated if you find me and kill me. Otherwise, I will devour you one by one. I am the master of my world. The game has started!" The black figure exploded in an instant, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and a magnificent villa enveloped everyone.

"Your time is running out. I will devour someone every day. Don't go out when it's dark, or you will be at your own risk. I hate people who don't follow the rules of the game." The voice is erratic, as if everywhere, and the nine people are silent. Standing quietly on a round table, nine keys marked with numbers lay quietly on the round table.

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