The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1472: Isn't he a Tier 6 powerhouse?

"Dad, someone wants to bully mom, come hurry up!" Zeluo held Lilith's neck, her little tears were still wet, she looked at the opposite, tall and five-headed student with two horns and a hideous face, and muscles all over her body. Qiu Knot, the **** demon with a silver collar around his neck, couldn't bear to raise his head and roar.

This childish action fell in the eyes of the Justice Judge, the Sacred Tool Forge, the Thunder King, the Wind Blessed, and you go, the demi-god powerhouses are very cute, but it gave the Judge Devil a very bad feeling.

I had beaten the child painfully before, and then this little loli yelled, and the other's mother came out, carrying a spear and almost made a big hole in her body. Fortunately, she was provided by the elders in her family. Sign up for props, and a personal bodyguard, this was spared.

Before she became rampant, this little loli actually started shouting for help to the sky again. He didn’t think this little loli was a idiot. She knew that her bodyguard was a Tier 6 demon. There is only one reason for still insisting on calling his father on the stage.

In her mind, the sixth-order big devil is not her father's opponent either!

But from what she calls Lilith, it can be seen that she should be the daughter of Will Declan and Lilith Kendall. Lilith Kendall’s strength is just as she said before, "only" the fifth-level high-end. , It should be the same as her father. What made her think that her Tier 6 Great Devil bodyguard could not beat the Tier 5 Will Declan.

Not far from Lilith’s side, a wave of spatial fluctuations appeared. Accompanied by a “click~”, a space door slowly appeared. Ville stepped forward, and instantly came to Lilith and Geralo’s side, and the space door closed. , The eyes of the suspicion devil who looked at him suddenly shrank. Is this method really something a Tier 5 master can have?

Although in this medium-sized world, Tier 4 masters have the ability to tear space for space transmission, and Tier 5 masters are able to use space abilities very freely, but the basis of this different space is Tier 6 **** demon. According to the rules, It's not exactly the rule of that medium-sized world. The space is relatively stable, and it is not so easy to tear the space.

What's more, he wasn't very sure whether this new little guy was really in this different space before, or if he suddenly appeared here from somewhere else.

"Dad~" Zeluo opened her arms and rushed to Ville. The latter saw the tears on her face. Although they had healed, there were still traces of scars, and her face was full of pity, "My little dear. Geluo, do you want to dad?"

"Think~" Zeluo gave Little Will a sip, so that the old father was so relieved that he was his own baby daughter, she was clever and well-behaved, but should the person who offends my daughter take a good look? Now, you dare to hurt such a cute little loli, is there a brain problem?

If your brain doesn’t work well, I don’t mind taking it off for you!

It’s true that Zerro exercise is the unanimous decision of herself and Lilith, and it was also Zerelo’s voluntary choice. However, seeing Zeluo endure hardships, Will and Lilith, who are fathers and mothers, still can’t accept it. It’s the same thing for us to exercise our daughters. You do it. There is a price to be paid for hitting my daughter.

After being crooked with Geluo for a while, Ville sent her back to Lilith's arms and squeezed her fleshy little cheek: "Follow your mother obediently, can Dad help you the villain?"

"Okay~" In Zeluo's mind, Dad is omnipotent, and bad guys must not beat Dad.

Little Ville took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the sixth-order great demon. "It seems that I and the great demon are very destined. I was once fortunate to have the inheritance of a fourth-order earth-attributed great demon. Defeating the two Tier 4 peak water and fire demon, attracted a Tier 6 **** demon to chase and kill, and finally the Tier 6 demon died in front of me."

"Back then, I was just an insignificant Tier 4 junior. Faced with the chase of the Tier 6 great devil, I could only evade and flee. Now, I want to give it a try. Is it really that difficult to kill the Tier 6 great devil?" Xiao The earthy yellow light flashed on Weier's body, and the strong earth power instantly swept his whole body.

The big devil's bodyguard suddenly narrowed his eyes, and Ville's figure looked like an earth dragon swept through the columns and rushed towards him. The big devil's bodyguard squatted slightly, his huge fist smashed out and went straight to Ville's head. , He can't dodge, after all, behind him is the little master who needs to be guarded by his life.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the fists of Little Ville and the devil's bodyguard slammed together, and the powerful impact force abruptly shattered the place where they were and became more than three feet deep. Centered on them, the diameter was ten feet. Zhang was in a mess, and the earth was cracked and dusty.

"Okay!" Little Weir let out a hearty shout, two fists smashed like a violent storm, the big demon bodyguard stood motionless, his fists waved in an airtight, one person and one devil fists and feet added together. If thunder, a hundred meters in a radius of violent wind roared and fisted vigorously, everyone retreated one after another, watching the battle from a distance.

It's just that the jealous demon lord who was protected by the great demon bodyguards suffered. The earth roared and trembled, and the defensive cover shivered in the aftermath. The powerful aura and murderous aura gave him a feeling that he could be killed at any time in the center of the battlefield. .

The **** fifth-tier high-end, this man named Will Declan is absolutely impossible to be a fifth-tier, his personal bodyguard is also considered a master among the sixth-tier **** demons, under head-on, he can't actually gain the upper hand, this medium-sized world What kind of monster is this young man?

"Law of the earth, breaking the mountain!" Little Ville squatted slightly to avoid the big devil's punch, fisted with his right hand and the light flashed on it, and then quickly smashed out, the fist wind rushed towards with the row of winds like a dragon drill. The great devil.

The big demon figured slightly to one side, and his body turned and drove his right fist to slam out vigorously, like a poisonous snake, and slammed at Xiaoweier's wrist, preparing for a halfway volley. Xiaoweier's attack made him, the Tier 6 great demon, dare not to be sharp. .

A ray of light flashed under Xiaoweier's feet, and the whole person speeded up in an instant, and dangerously avoided the big devil's slamming. The whole person and the big devil passed by, and the gleaming fist went straight to the suspicion devil.

"Asshole, do you know who I am? Do you dare to kill me?!" The suspicion devil's face changed suddenly, and he drew a long bow with both hands, and a blood-colored long arrow on the long bow gleamed with a faint light.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the defensive cover beside the suspicion devil broke through a big hole, the latter loosened his left hand, and the **** long arrow flew out like a lightning and went straight to the front door of Little Ville.

With a flick of Little Will, a space crack appeared out of thin air, and a long arrow flew like lightning, and disappeared into the space crack in full view. Little Will slashed through his right hand like a knife, and the defensive cover was abruptly shredded by him. "Wow!" The pieces were broken into a pile.

The counterattack of the sixth-order great demon bodyguard followed, and the whole person thumped the ground suddenly. The sound of "Rumble~" the earth roared, and the layers of sharp stabbings fiercely killed Little Will in all directions, densely packed. Dead ends.

"The ground moves in all directions!" Although Ville was attacking the suspicion devil, most of his mind was paying attention to the big devil. Seeing that the opponent had made a big move, it was naturally impossible to take it lightly. He squatted suddenly, his palms facing the ground fiercely. Shoot, powerful force injected, the earth roared and the mountains collapsed, and the layered earth fluctuations spread around him quickly, and the cracked rock thorns shattered wherever it passed.

In the collision between the thorns of the earth and the fluctuations of the earth, Ville and the great demon were equally divided, suspicion that the Demon King’s longbow threw it straight to Ville’s front door, but turned around and ran, several ups and downs appeared hundreds of meters away and avoided. The battlefield impact of Little Ville and the Great Devil.

The light in Little Weier's hand flickered, and a five-foot long sword quietly appeared, and the whole person quickly ran to the Suspicion Devil, behind the big demon bodyguards chasing him, but his speed was much worse than that of Little Weier.

"Millennium Gravity Sword!" Xiaoweier's magic swordsmanship has long been different from what it used to be, and the space wherever he goes is trembling Suspicion that the devil's complexion has changed greatly, and the magical tools are becoming smaller and smaller. Wil smashed over, but he was broken one by one.

"Rock Shield!" The big devil and the suspicion demon were staggered. A huge shield blocked Ville's magic swordsmanship. The shield made an overwhelming sound, "Titicaca" cracked, and then flew with Ville's foot. After coming out, the "boom" was broken, and the gravel scratched his body, but the great devil did not retreat in the slightest.

"If you have to protect this waste, you will eventually be dragged down by him and die in my hands!" Little Ville was condescending, with a "meteorite sword" that defeated him steadily.

"It's my duty to guard him!"

"Even if he is a wise man who doesn't recognize the situation clearly?"


"Even if you pay your own life for this, you still can't change anything in the end?"

"If you want to kill Young Master, step on my corpse first!"

"Then you go to die!"

The suspicion demon yelled: "I don't want to die, I am a nobleman who is jealous of the royal family. I have a bright future. I can't die silently in an unknown space. I want to go back! I order you to protect me from here. , You are my personal bodyguard, you are responsible for taking me away!"

Judge of Justice, Divine Tool Forge, Thunder King, Wind Blessed, you go. Several demigods looked at the vigorous battlefield, their faces were full of shock, is this really the battle of Tier 5 powerhouses?

That suspicion devil should also be a Tier 5 master, right? It's just a burden on the battlefield. How strong is Will Declan?

He, shouldn't he be a Tier 6 powerhouse, right? An uncontrollable thought appeared in his mind, and it seemed that doing his subordinates was not impossible to accept.

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