The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1552: The strong gather

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"Oh, isn't this a deceitful god? You dare to fight against the **** dad? Tsk tsk, have a backbone!" Suddenly a yin and yang voice sounded, and then a white light shot out, and the violently turbulent world suddenly fell apart, and the world was guarded. Will let out a roar of grief and anger, and his whole body slammed into that finger.

"Presumptuous!" After being repeatedly blocked, the owner of that finger was really angry. The finger suddenly retracted and replaced by a huge fist. The whole world was forcibly beaten by him. The world collapsed, the chaotic air rushed in the endless void, and everything decayed wherever it went.

The will to guard the world was blown up, and a cry of sorrow turned into stars and merged into the shattered world. In a flash, Ville moved out hundreds of miles away and landed next to a blood-colored altar. His huge fist snapped hard. Coming over gave him a feeling of nowhere to escape.

"My dear girl, the world is shattered, and when will it not return." A loud voice sounded, and a white light fell from the sky and penetrated the broken world barrier, hitting the palm of Almighty God, forming a avenue of light.

Three figures appeared quietly and flew up along the white light, and Weier's face changed drastically in an instant.

"Goddess of Dawn, Liz."

"Lilith." Weier's expression became very ugly. Three sixth-order masters, Lilith actually walked in the forefront. The goddess of dawn and the lord of travellers were clearly guarding them.

"Void Pirate King, are you really going to be my enemy?!" The owner of the palm let out a roar, and the whole world was shaken.

"King and kidnapping the hypocritical god, your eyes grow up to the ass? This king is just taking his daughter back and returning, you, it is not worth my special trip. My dear daughter Lilith, have fun in this world Tsk tsk, it's a sixth-level avatar again, you are not far from the eighth level, you deserve to be my favorite daughter, the third princess Guangming." In the bold voice, a void city is faintly visible.

Lilith's figure flew high quickly, with a bright smile on her face, "A very good experience, more than the law of light collected in the past seven or eight worlds, I am very satisfied."

"Haha, as long as my baby girl is satisfied. In other words, is there anything you want in this world? If so, Father will help you get it, even the little guy who has been staring at you just now. Tsk tsk, it’s not easy to have two seventh-tier players in the medium-sized world." The words of the Void Pirate King made Almighty God furious, one hand turned into an arm for two days, and the space barrier was torn apart forcibly, with a powerful aura. Severely suppressed Little Ville.

Lilith's figure was blurred for a while, and when she reappeared, she was already in the Void City. In the gorgeous palace, the Void Pirate King looked at the three figures below with a smile on her throne.

The goddess of dawn and Liz respectfully salute, Lilith's gaze is cast on the blonde beauty in white armor beside the Void Pirate King. Her appearance is exactly the same as Lilith, but the aura on her body is even bigger and unfathomable.

"Welcome back, my avatar, seeing my own expression at the moment, I know this is a very good journey, so, can you make you happy too?" The third princess Guangming looked at Lilith with a smile, the latter being naughty. Blinked his eyes, "It is my honour, your beautiful princess, by the way, I ask you to find a fiance, a real genius fiance and a devil teacher."

Lilith said that the complete person turned into a stream of light and merged into the three princesses of Guangming. The Void Pirate King curled her lips and said: "My dear baby girl will become the Void King in the future. How can a native of a medium-sized world be worthy of you? Say teacher, haha~"

The three princesses of Guangming were in a trance, with a weird expression on their faces. After a while, the light on their bodies flickered, and the chain of the laws of Tao and Tao appeared around their bodies, making a "crash" sound, morning light, shining sun, setting sun, starlight, moonlight, law The chains kept colliding and rubbing, bursting out the sparks of the law into her body.

After that, the eyes of the three princesses of Guangming suddenly opened, two bright rays of light burst out, and the momentum of the body burst for a while, and it took a long time to stabilize. The Void Pirate King couldn't help but smile: "My dear daughter Lilith, it looks like you did it this time. The harvest is very good, the eighth-order king is just around the corner."

Lilith, the third princess of Guangming, has a slightly subtle expression on her face. She cast her gaze to the broken world not far away, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Father, this world has undergone a little unexpected change in the backward direction, Almighty God. Afraid..."

As soon as her voice fell, a green light broke through the void and landed on the core of the Wizard Islands. A towering tree swayed from the ground, turned into a green light and rushed into the sky, before leaving the world barrier. "Inadvertently" bumped the two arms that came in.

"Mother Tree of Life, what do you mean?" Almighty God let out a low roar.

A soft and melodious voice sounded, "Almighty God, the tree of life is my child. This child has fallen outside, but has a very pure bloodline. It should be returned to the spirit world. No one can enslaved the tree of life. Void gods can't do it. , Neither can you!"

It was another Tier 9 god, and it didn't seem like accident at all, but he knew that this tree of life existed, and he came here to recycle it.

Tier 9 Void Pirate King, Tier 9 Mother Tree of Life, Tier 9 Hell Demon Lucifer, this world is absolutely weird!

However, in any case, he would not allow other creation gods to appear in the world, omniscience and omnipotence are his way, creation is his method, other creation gods are his competitors, and the little guy on the ground has a strong sense of creation. Brought him a deep threat.

There is no retreat in the battle of the path. His full title is the All-Knowing Almighty God of Creation. If he wants to become the strongest in the world, he must gather more fattening of the same type, repel or swallow other people in this article. Achievements on the road.

He also knows the power of the way of the world, or the way of creation, and also knows that many people have studied this way. Those who dare to follow this way are all powerful geniuses and evildoers, but he has no choice. .

Almighty God's hands tore open the world barrier, and his arms fiercely grabbed the figure suppressed by his breath. At this moment, a new change appeared, and a nine-story wizard tower appeared on the world barrier. In addition, a dark beam of light pierced into the world fiercely, and fell on the nine-story holy tower in the center of the world.

Figures followed the black beam of light into the nine-story wizard The nine-story holy tower was shattered. With the collapse of the nine-story holy tower, the world inevitably fell apart, and the powerful space turbulence In a blink of an eye, Little Will was overwhelmed.

Almighty God uttered a roar: "Morta Wizard, you..."

"Almighty God, just now, you seem to have killed a seventh-order wizard. Are you going to be an enemy of our wizarding world? You must know that any wizard above the seventh-order is a treasure of the wizarding world. You can't afford to lose it. You actually... "A sharp and piercing voice sounded in the wizard tower, letting Almighty God know what to do with pride. It was obviously the seventh-order body refining wizard who took the initiative to attack him recklessly. Why did he become his own responsibility?

"Void pirates, elves, gods, hells, wizards, well, well, I don’t know who else will make a move next. The secrets of this world are becoming more and more interesting to me. Wizard Morta, Do you think that the turbulence of space can make me lose track of that high-quality creator? When he embarked on the path of creation, he was already marked by me on the road. He couldn’t escape from me. The palm of your hand!"

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