The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 333: Alpine Dwarf: Gru. Hammer

   "I have a big hammer, big and big hammer. I have a small stove, small and small stove. My strength is very big, very very big. I am a brave, little blacksmith, little blacksmith!"

A very cute song was uttered from a "little man" who was 1.2 meters tall (almost) with a waist circumference of more than three feet. His tousled beard and hair drifted in the wind, his leather armor was scarred, and he only had a simple backpack. , An axe, a hip flask.

  Goddess is here, what did I see?

   canoe, dwarf, and a dog.

"Hey, friends? How far is it from here to the Countess of Rose?" The canoe, which is less than three meters long, is made quite intricately. It carries a dwarf and a puppy without any problems. I didn't see how he was. Operation, the canoe has turned to approach the pier.

   Are dwarves a foreign race?

Strictly speaking, other intelligent creatures are considered alien races except for the human race, but among them, the orcs, the elves, and the dwarves are all considered big races. The relationship between the elves and the dwarves and the human race is still considered friendly, and they belong to the one that can walk in the human kingdom with integrity. Kind.

   Fortunately, the dwarf said, but young and beautiful female elves walking in the human kingdom need to be mentally prepared to be caught by sap and sold.

  The Eye of Appraisal was activated, and the message of the opposite dwarf appeared soon.

   Dwarf Warrior Gru Hammer

   Age: Eighty-one

   Power: 18.2

  Agility: 15.6

   Constitution: 17.4

   Spirit: 6.9

   Extraordinary power: grudge, dwarf senior warrior, magic power, second-level wizard apprentice

   Talent: casting, fighting, not drunk in a thousand cups

Comprehensive evaluation: Eighty-year-old dwarves have just grown up. Don’t judge their age based on their height, weight, and beard. This is a dwarf warrior who has just grown up. Judging from his spiritual power, this is also a genius. .

  Dwarf wizards with good mental powers are generally good casters, boy, he is not inferior to you in battle, and he can be your master in casting.

"Hello, Mr. Dwarf, we are residents of the Rose Lady, I don’t know what you are going to do with the Rose Lady?" Little Ville stood up, very interested in casting him, and had the eyes of appraisal. If you don't remind yourself that this person is an enemy, you are more likely to be neutral or friendly.

   "Hello, son of the human race, I'm glad you didn't think of me as a strange person, although the dwarves are strange enough for ordinary people like you."

   The dwarf warrior performed a courtesy, the courtesy of the dwarf when meeting friends: "My name is Gru, Gru Hammer, and I am a free alpine dwarf from the far Kakat Mountains."

"I walked across the mountains, across the jungle, across the grasslands, and came here along the river, looking for a way to the land of freedom. In the jungle of Mabstershire, I got the news I wanted, but I just waited. The life I like, the adventure is, I saw this in Mabster City, a shoddy short knife." The dwarf warrior took out a one-foot-and-five-minute short knife from his backpack, a sixty-forged weapon.

This is a weapon created using the dwarf casting method provided by Ville. It is indeed very rough in the current view of Ville, but it is a good thing for ordinary mercenaries. Ville can now easily Create a hundred-refined steel weapon.

   "Dwarf craftsmanship, defective product?" Ville looked at the short knife and gave an evaluation.

Gru's eyes lit up, as if he had found a confidant, "Hey, friend, are you also a foundry? Today is really a good day! Yes, this is a piece of rubbish, you know, friends, for this rubbish. Twenty gold coins were spent, do you know? How much wine can be exchanged for twenty gold coins."

"They vowed to say that this is a high-quality weapon made using dwarf casting technology. Oh my god, this is a slander on our dwarves. We won't sell this kind of garbage. I found a lot of people and finally learned about this weapon. It came from the Kendall family, and then I moved to Drake City, and the original shop owner told me that all their blacksmiths had moved to Duchess Rose to pick them up."

"It can be seen that you have suffered a lot." Ville's impression of the dwarf is not bad. He returned to the manners of a dwarf, which made Gru even more excited. If it was not that his height was not enough, he would like to take a shot of Ville. Shoulders.

"Yes, but it doesn’t count, my friend. It’s really not easy to meet someone who knows dwarves so much. You can see that you are a nobleman with good taste, but I didn’t see it from your face. Come out any disdain for our dwarves." Gru seemed very straightforward.

"You must know that the nobles of the human race are a group of idiots with good eyes and low hands. They don't know anything about casting and fine wine. Friends, I invite you to drink. The fine wine from the Mabster Jungle is difficult for you humans to drink." He took out an exquisite hip flask from the backpack, um, it was actually an exquisite hip flask in the style of an elf.

"Hi, my friend, your eyes are very rude now. We dwarves are very self-aware. We love casting, but we don’t have much artistic talent. The elves can throw us ten streets in this respect. This hip flask is also one It was given to me by a night elf, even though I feel that she is not really sincere to me."

   Glu looked at the wizard of Star Mountain who came up, with a look of caution on his face: "I don't have much wine, I only invite friends to drink."

   "My name is Star Mountain. For the dwarves, aren't all those who like wine friends?" The wizard of Star Mountain felt that the dwarf in front of him was not hostile and malicious, so he leaned forward. Wine is also his hobby.

"Dwarf friend, I am not your enemy. I have explored some ancient ruins, found some dwarf-related materials, and have some understanding of you. More importantly, I have some fine wines that have been deposited for thousands of years." The Wizard of Star Mountain didn't have the slightest concealment. He directly took out a wine bottle from the storage bag and opened the mouth of the bottle gently, and the rich fragrance of wine suddenly spread.

"Good wine!" Gru couldn't help his eyes glowing, but before that he still gave a wizarding ceremony to the wizard of Star Mountain: "Hello, Wizard of Star Mountain, wizard apprentice Gru Hammer pays tribute to you. ."

"It's been a long time since I met such an interesting dwarf." The wizard of Star Mountain sealed the bottle and threw the bottle over. Gru hurriedly caught the bottle, and carefully checked and found that there was no spill. Come out, then rest assured.

"From the perspective of the aroma and color, this is indeed a good wine. It is really possible that this kind of consistency has been precipitated for thousands of years. The wine brewed by the Human race is too impetuous now, not comparable to the wine of other races, but it was a long time ago. The wine is really good." Ge Lu's age is definitely at the level of grandfather in the human race, and he is very good at identifying fine wines.

   I received a gift from someone and I'm not willing to refuse, what should I do? Then exchange gifts. Gru brought up his dark elf wine, and asked the wizard of Star Mountain to accept it.

  The fine wine brewed with **** materials has traces of toxins and is slightly addictive, which can slightly improve the physical fitness of the drinker, and is ineffective for advanced professionals.

   At the moment of Little Ville’s appraisal, the effect of this bottle of wine quickly appeared. The benefits were not effective for senior professionals, but the side effects could take effect. The person who gave the wine was obviously not at ease.

"There is no need to conceal the identity of the wizard here. This is my grandson Wil Declan, a senior human warrior first-level wizard apprentice, an elf blood awakener, and a foundry who is proficient in dwarf casting." Star Mountain The wizard had just fortuned the dwarf for a while, and found that he was good for his grandson, so this scene happened.

Regarding the abilities of the Wizard of Star Mountain, everyone present except the ignorant Mi and Weiya, everyone else knows well, well, maybe Nicole is not very clear, and Luo may not know much, but others do not. Believe it, at least one thing is OK, this dwarf is not an enemy!

   "Dwarf friends from afar, we are camping, would you like to have something to eat together? You can go to the Queen of Roses with us later."

Ville introduced others: "Lilith Kendall, the heir of Countess Rose, first-level wizard apprentice. Léa, second-level wizard apprentice, moon elf blood-awakened half-elf. Yuna Peck, second-level wizard Apprentice, proficient in pharmacy."

   Wizards and apprentices are more easily recognized. Others, Xiao Weier, also briefly introduced. This kind of friend-like way of getting along made Gru very happy, and each gift was given out.

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