The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 358: You ask yourself, do you want to win?

   No, no, still no!

  Ville Decland's family, except for Floret Declan and the wizard of Star Mountain who accompanied him on the expedition, his mother, sister, adopted cat, and half-elves are all missing!

The two figures shuttled through Lord Declan’s mansion. Every room was carefully checked. Except for being sprinkled with holy water and two or three arrows stuck in the body, nothing was gained. The entire mansion except for the soldiers and guards on the periphery. There is no one else.

   Where is there no search?

   Wait, it seems that the most obvious hospitality hall has not been searched yet, two figures quietly appeared in the living room, and a tall figure was seen behind the screen.

   "Brother, get out of here with me." Rayles slowly turned around, looking at the two people in front of him, Mos Roth and his brother Strand with some complicated eyes.

"Rails, you, why are you here?" Strand couldn't help but feel a little flustered, suddenly thought of something, his face was complicated: "Rails, the master has embraced me for the first time, and I am now an extraordinary person. Extraordinary with strong vitality. Just wait for the task to be completed, and the master will lift the curse for me. I don't need you anymore, you can go back."

  Rails took a deep look at Strand and snorted coldly, "Do you dare to look at my eyes again?"

  Strand dared not look into his eyes every time he lied. This habit can only be found in front of his family. In front of outsiders, he can completely brag without blushing, lying without blinking.

   However, Strand’s two simple sentences revealed a lot. He is now an extraordinary man. The powerful vitality he possessed after being embraced for the first time can temporarily suppress the curse, and as long as he completes the task, the curse can be lifted.

  He appeared here, and it was very likely that his mission was to deal with Lord Will Declan’s family, "Go back with me, the **** demon has no credibility at all. I will find a way to help you lift the curse."

   "Rails, you came here by stealth, right? Your group is not around now, don't you really think that you can defeat our two high-level fighters alone?"

Moss Lott couldn't help but sneered: "Will you think of a way to remove the curse? It's a ridiculous laugh. Who else can be better at curses than **** demons? Although the Lord is only a first-order blood baron, he can Get in touch with things that only second-level wizards who are proficient in curses can do. And where do you go to find such a helper?"

   "You don't have to worry about this, I naturally have my way." Now Raels can only pin his hopes on Vail, and things have changed a little bit, and my brother has become a **** creature.

   Wait, blood races, it seems that there are blood races in the Continent of Gods, right? They don't seem to be **** creatures. Is there anything wrong in this?

"I can't take care of you and Strand, but is Will Declan's family hidden by you? The task arranged by the Lord can't be lost. You can hand them over." Moss Roth A blood-red machete in his hand came out of its sheath and pointed directly at Raels.

  Rayles glanced at him coldly, "Pulling the seedlings encourages the waste that spawns, who gave you the courage to draw the knife at me? You don't really think that a little power from thin air can fight me?"

   "Is it possible to beat you? Only if you have fought it will you know." Moss Roth has already had a good combat effectiveness under the training of the blood baron, not to mention the extraordinary weapons in his hand also gave him a lot of courage.

"Let him leave." Strand crossed his arm to stop Mos Roth, "Vill Declan will not hand over his relatives and safety to strangers. Rayles can't get his trust. He is right. I don't know anything about it."

  Rails knows Strand, why doesn't Strand know Rails.

"Rails, you have no friendship with Lord Will Declan. Strictly speaking, we are still his enemies. Whether active or passive, intentionally or unintentionally, we and him can only be regarded as enemies rather than friends. Raels, you used to think that I was traveling for thousands of miles, I am very grateful, but now, I don’t need you anymore, please don’t intervene in my affairs anymore, now you are in the way." Strand’s words made Ray The corners of Gilles' mouth twitched slightly.

"You, come with me." Raels looked at Moss Roth, and decided that it would be better to have a private conversation with his brother. After that, he ran out of the reception hall, but Strand stood there. at every turn.

   Forgive me, dear brother, whether I can be saved or not, the name of the blood of the **** devil is a kind of harm to you, I will live well, so please live well! Before Strand was just a mess of mud, it was impossible to support the wall. Now Strand has blood blood, and can barely get away in the continent of the gods. Just avoid the running dogs of those churches. .

   gave me a chance to come back again. I will seize this opportunity and strive to become a strong man. If I succeed in defeating the blood baron, I will come back to protect you with powerful strength and resources.

  My dear brother, before that, please try to suppress the family relationship, so that we can all live well.

   "Don't catch up?" Moss Lott glanced at Strand.

The latter shook his head slightly: "It is not necessary. There is a big difference between people with blood and no blood. Senior knights are basically his limit. Even if he can break through the limit and advance to the great knight, that So what? We have a long life. If we work hard, we may be promoted to the first rank in a hundred years. And he is no longer the same as us. Follow the Lord's forgiveness, get the Lord's forgiveness, and increase the bloodline strength. Pivotal."

"Let's go. Will Declan is just a lucky young man, but the scholar boss in the House of All Things is a cunning apprentice wizard. He will not leave us with too obvious weaknesses to use, although I don't know he is How did it happen, but one thing can be confirmed that our mission failed." After Mos Roth finished, he still swept the reception hall unwillingly, and then turned and left.

   Strand sighed silently, his eyes suddenly fell to the ground, where a shadow was clearly visible: "My stupid brother, you should know that it is good for everyone to be separated now. I am no longer who I was before."

"Don't think about opposing Lord Will Declan. He is the current son of luck in Drake City. Unless your strength can surpass a city of luck, no matter what you do, you will not succeed. You will only suffer from it. ."

"Edor Kendall had always maintained a good relationship with him before, or relied on his children to have a good relationship with Lord Wil Declan, which was once very successful. Later, when his children went on the expedition, he himself offended Lord Wil Declan to death. It caused heavy losses to the Kendal family in Drake City and was forced to step down."

Rael's voice was very erratic: "Yiduo Kendall tried to reach out to the Kendall family of Drake City several tried to return, but failed again and again. You are his third time. Try it, and I will be your follow-up."

Strand was expressionless, "Is there any meaning to this now? What if that ambition and ingenuity succeeds? In the end, it is still inevitable that a lot of betrayal and frustrated results. My stupid brother, look farther, I I will linger in the Continent of the Gods for a period of time. When I have enough strength, I will try to go to hell. While working hard to improve my strength, I will create a foundation in hell. Spread the blood of our family in hell!"

"Are you spreading the blood of our family in hell?" Rael's voice was a bit cold: "I will once again beg Lord Will Declan to spare you after defeating the **** devil. Life."

   "Have you never believed that I could beat him?" Strand's tone was slightly uncomfortable.

   "Ask yourself, do you want to win?" Rael's words silenced Strand. Winning by himself means **** demon wins. This is definitely not what I want to see.

"Rails, go back. Only when I truly understand the strength of the strong can I know how naive I was before. In the previous battle, there were only six fallen infernal demons and alien leaders. Drake City is not a city in the ordinary sense. It is sandwiched between Drake City and Hell Devil. Even if it is accidentally injured, you will be destroyed. Sister, I'm still waiting for you!" Strand is half a threat, usually family affection. Lure.

   Raels snorted indifferently: "I have my own plan. You should take care of yourself first."

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