The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 424: The Tragic Journey of Ancadis

The black dragon Ankadis Brand Dorag is very annoyed. This spiritual sea is so huge that with its current state of the Tier 4 dragon, it can’t turn around quickly. Layers of mist blocked his vision, making It couldn't see things around it clearly, and could only turn around, hoping to meet the **** Yalong.

and many more? Yalong should have his own lair, but why didn’t he find any place that fits Yalong’s habits after turning a dozen times?

Don't talk about Yalong's lair. Except for the sea of ​​fog and starlight, he didn't see anything else. This is obviously abnormal.

Is it true that you have always been in the corner of the spirit sea, or wandering around the outside?

Limit, break the limit, the speed of the black dragon suddenly increased. It seemed to hit a barrier, and then quickly bred energy in its mouth. A breath of the dragon sprayed out, feeling a different kind of breath coming, and Ankadis rushed like lightning. past.

A mysterious and cold breath rushed towards him, and the black dragon Ankadis looked up and saw a bright starry sky. The starry sky was so deep, like a bottomless abyss hiding an unknown beast, making Ankadis stiff.

The instinct of the beast is very keen, and the dragon belongs to the beast among the beasts. Ankadis has a big alarm bell in his heart, dying! To die! To die! It seems that he accidentally rushed into the forbidden zone where a great existence remained in this spiritual sea.

Suddenly a crystal-like jade finger appeared out of thin air and landed on it with a flick. The black dragon Ankadis screamed and flew upside down. He retreated from the passageway opened by himself, and rolled out several times. Kilometers, only then spewed a mouthful of old blood.

"The gods are actually the power of the gods. According to the information of this world, it should be the breath of the goddess of the night." The black dragon Ankadis had a lingering heart, and his heartbeat kept accelerating, feeling that he seemed to have chosen the wrong candidate, this Yalong body There is a secret left by the goddess of the night.

Wait, the goddess of the night didn't kill herself? Does this mean that what she cares about is actually this body, and it doesn't matter who the owner is. If she becomes the owner of this body, then she is also the patron of the goddess of the night?

After several consecutive dragon healing techniques, Ankadis was seriously injured and turned into a light injury. After all, this is the Spirit Sea, and he is only in the state of soul. Although it was originally a severely injured state, he retreated from Tier 5 to Tier 4, and now she is again by the goddess of the night. All of a sudden, I hit the third order, but on the surface the state was restored.

This time, you must not be rushing, you must hide in places where you see the stars are particularly brilliant, and other abnormal places may be the hiding place of the **** Yalong.

The black dragon Ankadis set foot on the journey again, and then subconsciously lowered the flying height, and flew quickly to the distance. The Tier 3 dragon was still flying very fast, and suddenly a touch of blue came into view, just because it was fast. Flew past in a blink of an eye.

"Found it, **** Yalong, this time I must kill you!" Ankadis drew a beautiful arc in the air, "Dragon Whisper Magic: Breath of the evil dragon!"

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the azure barrier broke through a big gap, the black dragon Ankadis flew into a blue world with a beautiful sideways flight, and then it saw the vast expanse of blue waves and dotted islands. , And a beauty standing on a huge conch.

"The sea, the sea goddess?!" The black dragon Ankadis had a beeping feeling, why is the sea goddess here?

If the goddess of the night just gave it a brain collapse, and let it see only a finger and the sky full of stars, then the goddess of the ocean is in front of its eyes, and the beauty is heartbreaking. It's just that Ankadis feels palpitations now, it seems that he broke the wall of the sea goddess's nest, and he said he wanted to kill her?

"Go!" The ocean goddess seems to be working hard to perfect this ocean world, her eyes burst out with a powerful momentum, the sea seemed to notice the goddess' anger, the sea water automatically formed a huge palm, and the black dragon was slapped out with a slap.

The black dragon with broken bones and broken bones and bruises found that his realm was downgraded again, from third to second. Although the realm was still there, his strength was shrinking gradually. After healed, his body was slowly shrinking. It knew What I have lost, if this continues, I don’t need that Yalong to do anything, and he will automatically perish, and then the huge soul and inheritance in the soul will all be cheaper than the **** Yalong.

After Ankadis recovered his body, his mind was still a bit unable to turn. The Goddess of Night and the Goddess of the Sea are one of the few powerhouses in this world. The standard sixth-order powerhouse, he was only a newcomer to the fifth stage before his death. , Not to mention the strength of being trained into a bone dragon after death.

"I really want to go home, Mom, I really regret not listening to you. After death, I will return to the embrace of the dark dragon, and then I will have the present retribution." Ankadis was in a trance, flapping his forehead wings and flying around unconsciously. Suddenly a thick mist in front of it attracted its attention.

"No, you can't do death. You must see clearly before acting. I don't have that many levels to degenerate." Ankadis whispered, flying high and looking down, and then it saw one. A small castle with crossbows, magic crystal cannons, and mechanism puppets on the walls.

Not Yalong's Lair! Is it the den of the God of Craftsman?

The black dragon Ankadis shuddered, and ran away without turning his head. What happened to this **** Yalong? Why are there so many weird things on my body? What did I do? The great dark dragon wants to torture me like this.

The target I want to seize is the Irontooth Ridgeback. Even the mutated Irontooth Ridgeback should live in a cave in the lofty mountains. It actually has such a large spiritual sea, even if it is unconscious thoughts, two Three hundred years will create a place similar to his habitat.

Green forest? Is this place possible?

Wait, I can't draw conclusions in vain. I don't have many opportunities. If I miss a hit and I'm downgraded again, it's really bad, so I'll look for it again.

found it! Lofty mountains, mountains and rivers, this mountain is so similar to the back of the Irontooth Ridgeback, "Find you, **** Yalong, obediently become my food! Dragon Whisper Magic: Orb of Corrosion!"

The powerful Dragon Whisper consumes a lot of mana, and you can’t get it in the away game. If you can save it, you can save it. A huge black ball slammed down and seemed to hit a barrier. The barrier trembled. A big hole was corroded, allowing Ankadis to see the world below more clearly.

Thickness, atmosphere, warmth and vitality, that Yalong is really lucky. Ankadis, full of grievances and grievances, just entered it, and he couldn't help stiffening. This feeling was a terrifying sense of crisis. A mountain closest to it stood up tremblingly and turned into a mountain giant, gave him a cold look, his huge fist slammed out, and Ankadis screamed and flew out. From the mountain giant, it heard it. One name: Goddess of the Earth!

why? !

There are so many happy people in the world, why can't you count me as one? Ankadis was in tears, and it found that its strength had dropped again, the first-order black dragon Ankadis! I have this strength when I leave my infancy, okay, when the young dragon has second-order strength, why is it so miserable after death.

The goddess of the night, the goddess of the sea, the **** of artisans, the unknown green gods, and even the goddess of the earth now appear, what is the situation with this **** Yalong?

Wait, the goddess of the night, the goddess of the sea, and the goddess of the earth are all personally verified and they are all very old and powerful goddesses. The **** of craftsman seems to be a new male god, and that little one The castle doesn’t look like the dwelling place of the gods.

I was deceived! In other words, I was frightened. When I saw the bed crossbow, the magic crystal cannon, and the steel puppet, I subconsciously considered the **** of craftsmanship. In fact, that may be the real living environment of the Yalong. It is actually a raised Yalong. It imagined The things that come out are the places you are most familiar with.

As for the green place, the black dragon Ankadis has a vague guess, who else has the theme of life and green among the goddesses? Who else besides the fairy goddess?

"Damn Yalong, die!" The black dragon Ankadis finally felt a special breath within a kilometer of the castle, the breath of the spirit sea master, and finally, after experiencing all the hardships, Ankadis Si found the right person.

Then, "Boom~Boom~Boom~" After the magic crystal cannon fired in a row, Ankadis fell to the ground severely, and there was not much intact place on his body. The magic crystal cannon is a very high-end existence in the goblin civilization, although The magic crystal artillery that Ville manifested was only one-tenth of the power because of the lack of information, but it was not something that the first-order black dragon could contend.

The magic crystal cannon was invented to fight against the gods and **** demons!

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