The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 527: Don't care if your wife rebelled?

A middle-aged man in the woods wearing sleeveless animal skin clothes and leather boots on his feet, a grim-looking middle-aged man walked out with a bow and arrow step by step. Bloodstains on his arms obviously did not appear naturally, "Stay away from that girl!"

The middle-aged man's voice was a bit hoarse, his face was full of evil spirits, his body was murderous, but there was a stream of blood slowly flowing down his forehead.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hunt down the leader?" Caesar made a secret gesture, and several friends quietly surrounded him.

"Stay away from that girl!" The middle-aged man draws a bow and shoots arrows, and the law of continuous arrows is not false. The first arrow breaks Caesar's defensive cover, and the second and third arrows simultaneously set the two wizard apprentices over, but he chooses The angle is very interesting. It can be controlled very delicately. It can be injured but not killed. It is not even a serious injury. At most, it has a black nose and a swollen face.

Only the fourth arrow is not that simple. It came straight to the little girl with a hint of cold light. The blue-haired girl's left hand came out from behind, and the cold light flashed with a soft sound of "Clang!", and the arrow changed its direction and soared into the sky. To go, the girl waved a grudge cut, and was scattered by the middle-aged man opposite with the longbow in his hand.

"Big man, you shouldn't have come." The blue-haired girl suddenly pointed at Caesar who had just gotten up and said, "Here, so many people are protecting me, you can't kill me."

"I must come, and you must die too!" The middle-aged man walked forward step by step, his powerful aura burst out instantly, Caesar shivered all over, this feeling? What can't be wrong, it is definitely the feeling of an advanced powerhouse. I had felt it in Earl Vail, and my referrer was defeated after he suddenly burst out of this feeling.

Suddenly, Caesar grabbed the blue-haired girl, making the girl stunned for a moment, instinctively wanting to fight back, but then Caesar’s words made a trace of joy appear on her face, "Hurry up to the defensive group, he is an advanced level. The strong, we can't fight him head-on."

Caesar suddenly pushed the blue-haired girl forward, and rushed in the direction of Little Will and the others, but he quickly picked up the long sword, his eyes fixed on the slow walk, and his momentum continued. The elevated middle-aged man, this man was burly in shape and was covered with scars, and even blood was dripping in some places, and the evil spirit all over his body was a bit creepy.

"Are you coming or me?" Ville suddenly looked at Lilith next to him. The latter stabbed a spear like a lightning, and the blue-haired girl became stiff, and the short knife in her hand slashed out of her body and turned quickly, "Ding!" Lilith's spear didn't move at all, but the blue-haired girl took advantage of the momentum and turned half of her body and took two steps back. Finally, she was not killed by Lilith with a single move.

"What are you doing? Actually dare to do something to me as the attractor, do you want to mix here!" The blue-haired girl jumped into a rage, but Lilith ignored the spear again, and the same move made the blue-haired girl incapable The feeling of resistance can only retreat again.

"Ding~ding~ding~" Lilith stabbed seven consecutive shots, and the blue-haired girl withdrew fourteen steps. At the same time, she also left the defensive circle of Ville and others and Caesar's circle of protection.

Lilith's spear shook and stabbed as a sweep. The blue-haired girl was swept out by her abruptly. She flew upside down for more than a dozen meters, staggering back a few steps, and then she could stand still, but her face was amazed: "Okay." Amazing little girl, are you a senior knight?"

"Haha, is this amazing rookie here? Little girl, do you know the consequences of hitting the leader?" The blue-haired girl looked at Lilith coldly. If her eyes can kill, Lilith is afraid It's already riddled with holes.

"What is a leader?" Lilith closed her gun to the side, standing proudly and asked lightly on the spot.

"The leader is not something!" The frustrated blue-haired girl yelled, but after the roar, she felt that there was something wrong with this sentence. Why should everyone ask the same question, what is a leader?

The corners of Lilith's mouth turned up slightly, her face was still cold, she did not let herself laugh as much as possible, and nodded gently to respond to her: "So the leader is not something? Then, what are you?"

"I'm not something, wait, there seems to be something wrong with this sentence." The blue-haired girl scratched her head, always feeling something was wrong, and Caesar and others already felt that they were about to be unable to hold it back. This blue-haired girl must have an IQ. problem.

The blue-haired girl said angrily: "The leader is, yes, anyway, I am the leader, you all listen to me, do you understand now?"

Lilith gently shook her head: "Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I am the leader."

"What is a leader?"

"The leader is not something."

"What are you?"

"I am not a thing, I am a leader."

Lilith suddenly felt that if this continued, her fighting spirit might be wiped out, and she waved her hand helplessly: "Go away, I won't kill you, don't provoke us in the future."

The blue-haired girl shook her head and said firmly: "No, I am the leader. You must listen to me."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I am the leader."

Lilith suddenly asked: "Why listen to the leader?"

The blue-haired girl was stunned. It seemed that no one had told me about this problem. The middle-aged man who walked slowly to ten meters behind the blue-haired girl suddenly said: "In order to give you a better experience, In order to protect your safety, in order to give you a safe shelter, the purpose of the guide is to take you to guard the small town and get there safely."

The blue-haired girl nodded repeatedly, "That's it." But then she reacted, and she moved out five or six meters away, keeping a distance from the middle-aged man, with the short knife lying across her chest and lowering the center of gravity slightly, looking at him cautiously.

The middle-aged man gave the blue-haired girl a cold glance, cast his eyes on Lilith, and nodded approvingly: "Very good spearmanship, little girl, are you the strongest in this group?" Although it seems like Asked, but with a hint of affirmation.

Lilith thought for a while, then nodded, but this action made Kennedy, Daniel, Derek, Monisa, Launet, and Miranda all look at Little Weir at the same time. The meaning is very obvious, boss. , Your daughter-in-law rebelled, don't care?

Seeing the joking expressions of several people, Ville didn't know what they were thinking. He shrugged and lifted the bow and arrows, hands drooping, but his eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man. The latter's eyes were like electric projections. It landed on Ville's face, and immediately saw the magic rune longbow in Ville's hands.

"Not The newcomers in this session are very good, and there are actually two masters." The smile on the middle-aged man's face was reduced slightly, and he solemnly introduced himself: "The captain of the guardian town of Dream Island Hans, welcome to the dream island, I am your guide."

The middle-aged man’s words caused an uproar among all wizard apprentices. Caesar was even more confused. He unconsciously took people back a few steps away from the middle-aged man and the blue-haired girl. He always felt that things were weird and there might be something wrong. Things happen.

"You are the leader, what is she?" Lilith pointed to the blue-haired girl who was cautiously guarded not far away.

The middle-aged man slanted a glance at the blue-haired girl and said faintly: "I am the leader of the human race, but the mortal race came here to be taken by our guardian town. She is a foreign race taker and wants to take you to Deep Blue. Cave."

That's why everyone nodded at the same time, "Dream Island, do you have a lot of powers like you?"

"Guardian town, deep blue cave, death canyon, and then Castlevania!" When talking about Castlevania, the middle-aged man couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

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