The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 781: Fierce Demon Army

The blood evil had just been wiped out, and the eight saint-level masters including Dean Kelun immediately came to the Constructed Wizard Tower and repelled the pressing army of **** demons. This wave of battle can be said to be a battle between the two sides. child.

The evil karma demon launched a long-hidden army of **** evildoers, and then used 800 years of hard work as abandoned sons to delay time, and blocked the eight holy masters for more than half an hour, and took the opportunity to force a demon. The army sent over, and quickly gained a foothold.

The jungle of thorns is extremely harmful to ordinary flesh and blood, but it has almost no lethality against lava demons, gargoyles, and blazes. They are easily wiped out, and they take the opportunity to establish a line of defense.

It is no longer realistic to combine the two sides of the inside and the outside to make sacrifices. Little Weier and others are obviously guarding against death. They are determined not to have the opportunity to portray the magic circle. At the same time, they are not allowed to have the opportunity to let them bloodlet. As long as you dare to release, I will do it here. The blood sucking vine was dispatched to devour it.

You kill yourself in **** and sacrifice, I can't control, but I want to use the flesh and blood of our world to open the channel, and go dream!

Eight saint-level masters worked in pairs, surrounded by the Hell Demon Legion below in four directions, east, west, south, and north. Julian brought enough magic equipment and magic stones. The terrain of the arena that was temporarily formed by Vail allowed them to occupy all the advantages. The **** demon could only passively be beaten to the death to defend the defense line from being broken, but it was incapable of counterattack.

Eight saint-level masters stand in front, and the remaining people can ensure their own safety by standing behind them, and then they will be a long-range attack without money. Sprinkle down to fight the **** demons. Kill one and earn one. You can get tired if you are tired. Returning to the rear to rest, Ville planted blood sucking vines in the blood pond, and the fruits that came out were eaten casually. Lilith even made a bottle of master-level potion by herself.

It can only be used on-site, and it is not encouraged to take it away, unless you really have amazing results.

Well, there are always people around the eight saint-level masters who help deliver potions. All of Julian’s constructed wizard hand potions will not be less than five bottles. Once they fall below this number, someone will immediately send a new one to ensure that The combat effectiveness of these members of the main station will not be reduced.

Lilith arranged scheduling in the rear, and even started rounds of battles. The reinforcements of the Continent of Gods retreated to the second line. While purifying the devil, they selected complete devil heads such as hells and put them into the bag, ready to be used as battle prizes. Go to church in exchange for benefits.

Among them, the Temple Knight of Wall was shameless. He robbed a dozen or so inferior **** demons by himself. He also took away a Tier 2 one. He didn’t want to think about it. He was a great knight, and he could gain in one battle. Are there so many heads?

It's too fake.

Look at Frina, even if she chooses the target, she should be as beautiful as possible, while the Lord Corleone is more straightforward, and the terrifying long is in line with his tough guy's aesthetics. He even made two basically complete corpses. Take it back and make specimens and display them in the Ares Boxing Gym. This is all my own record.

After more than a year of "cultivation", City Lord Corleone has become the former City Lord of Corleone. His younger brother has gone through many trials and finally sat on the seat of City Lord Mabster with tears in his eyes, only to find this seat. It was a little different from what I had imagined. There was a lot of busy government affairs, and a group of **** who didn't work but just stab at them staring at the side.

In his eyes, the former elder brother, who was originally very unbearable, was often screwed out to compare with him, and then the new elder had to go to Baron Declan to lead the complaint and ask for advice and study. Seeing his stupid brother was all right, he teased the beauties. Sacrifice, or with a group of sturdy men shouting and fighting, the laughter never stopped.

Instead of making his stupid brother decadent in his retirement life, he was energetic and strengthened, and he was successfully promoted to the Sky Knights, making the new city lord feel that he was educated again.

In the past, I could barely get out of three moves in the hands of my brother, but now one shot can guarantee that I will not hurt myself. What's more, this **** can knock himself to the ground with his bare hands, and proudly introduce himself to the new. Sister-in-law: The beautiful fox person of the God of War church sacrifices, she dare not stare at the super beautiful woman.

The Lord Corleone was quite mixed up in the Baron Declan, while putting on the noble class that could represent Mabstershire, on the other hand, he was able to swagger around as the representative of the church. However, this **** occasionally can still use Vail. The friend of Earl Declan represents the baronial, and it can be said that this **** is the most influential in the entire Baron Declan.

Nobby Corleone is a very shrewd man. He has made up his mind to split his family. He wants to establish a new Corleone family, rooted in the church family of the God of War church, or the boxer family. Taking down Flyna, the entire Baron Declan led the Church of God of War is not in the final say, and it will be more perfect to give birth to a few more cubs in the future.

As for the ancestral Mabstershire aristocratic status, he has been taken over by his stupid brother. He is fine and can hit him. However, this **** has never had children, which makes Nobby Corleone very angry. He has no children. After being calculated, what's your situation?

Isn't it a woman who doesn't like it?

The Church of the God of Craftsman, the Bishop of Bamburu in White, was so embarrassed to take care of it. Ville directly sent someone to help him. This caused the Bishop of Bambru in White to keep smiling, and the offensive firepower increased by 30%.

Bishop Edreith of the Moon Goddess Church is also a reserved person, but he will not refuse the good things to improve his record. The heads of the demons of the **** of the entering class have also taken away seven or eight choices. This is what he deserves. Yes, if you are not convinced, you can ask Master Weier to confirm, he will definitely prove his merits.

The greatest advantage of someone behind is that the merits will not be deducted. Bishop Edreith has a deep understanding of this, and for her backer is a matter of underage teenagers, she does not give more consideration at all, genius is able to Is age measured?

Bishop Dorothy was even more direct. She already looked down on things like devil heads, and directly asked Ville to give her rewards such as the Dark Night Civet. She was in the continent of the gods, and her strength could be improved, but her position was because of The scale of the temple is just like that, instead of asking for some useless credit, it is better to exchange for some practical benefits.

Only very quickly, Xiaoweier discovered a little abnormality. Obviously there was no change in the passage, but the strength of the **** demons who entered the kingdom of God was gradually increasing. When two third-order **** demons fell on the ground, the demon army gradually stabilized. Lived in battle.

"Don't pay attention to the other weak demons, set fire to kill the Tier 3 demons!" Ville hurriedly reminded, Dean Curran, Pollock Saint Wizard, and Saint Richie immediately rushed over, and Saint Serena was the only one. The powerful group of Holy Light Witchcraft was cast down to make the blood "weak" Tier 1 and Tier 2 **** demons retreat one after another.

"You are going!" Segores knew that he was not a personal combat type, so he could only drove the people around him. The barbarian holy warrior let out a roar, and one jumped to the front, the huge axe danced horizontally, and forced the front of him. The third-order **** demon staggered back.

A taunting arc appeared at the corners of the two third-order **** demons, and Ville narrowed his eyes and shouted: "Everyone back away, they will blew themselves!"

Ville’s reminder was very timely, and Julian’s reaction was even more rapid. Two magic cannons fired two Tier 3 demons into the demon army in three bursts. There were two loud noises, two heads and three The **** demons of the order were transformed into flesh and blood, and the demon army also suffered heavy losses.

Not waiting for Little Will and the others to relax, a strong coercion followed, just at this moment a demigod Tier 4 **** demon squeezed into the blood **** kingdom, and there were four or five behind him. A third-order **** demon, the situation was suddenly reversed, and an army of **** demon swarmed.

The devil's offensive has become more fierce.

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