The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 792: I plan to hire them

The life of Baron Moon Rabbit was very difficult, he found that Baihuayin was somewhat more difficult to deal with than Professor Witzel.

Professor Witzel is a big man, you can fight against him, you can also fight against him, he is not rejected, but as a training for yourself, in other words, Professor Witzel can talk about the way Yes, to some extent.

But Baihuayin is different. She takes the unreasonable advantages of women to the fullest. Her personality is like her songs, ever-changing and colorful, and her talent is really far beyond ordinary people, and her inspiration is constantly bursting out.

Baihuayin has many identities. She derives different stories from different clones and performs different music and dances. However, she likes music more than dance, and is more willing to take the road of music.

The succubus Sarah foolishly thought that her disguise was perfect, and with the help of the identity of the "predecessor" of Baron Moon Rabbit, "infiltrated" the Tianlai Song and Dance Ensemble. Every day, she was jealous with Baihuayin, and the two women "fighted" with great joy.

Baron Moon Rabbit did not dare to defeat the Yaxing of Lord Goddess, but the reminder by his side was unable to wake up the fool succubus. This fool foolishly thought that everything he saw was true, thinking that Baron Moon Rabbit was in front of Baihuayin. It is a disguise, but also from the heart of praise.

It is indeed a **** messenger who has been lurking in the continent of the gods for a hundred years. This kind of acting is absolutely superb. It perfectly displays the deceptive talent of the **** demon to the fullest. This pure newcomer is still too far behind.

In the daytime in front of the two women, and in the evening they have to "secretly meet" and "secretly communicate" with them. Baron Moon Rabbit feels that he is a little bit into the play, although it is not very deep, the most profound feeling is: I am tired of being alive.

Sarah pretends to fight for favor every night and "secretly" discusses the intelligence of mission objectives with Baron Moon Rabbit, what mission has been accomplished by the sister control group, what pirates have been eliminated by the sister control group, and what secrets have the sister control group attacked? Great gains and so on.

Then they complained that the mission target was too strong, and the pirates in their hands did not pose many threats. If they wanted to bring them a test, they could only find ways to pass the news to them through missions and the like. This is already Baron Moon Rabbit. I can do it to the extreme, after all, I can't help myself.

The succubus Sarah just left, and before Baron Moon Rabbit breathed a sigh of relief, Hundred Blossoms sound arrived as scheduled, causing him to sigh, "My Goddess, is it fun to play like this?"

"Very interesting." As the goddess of music, Baihuayin came from an extraordinary background. Because of her outstanding qualifications and noble status, she has never experienced many things. The interaction with the succubus Sarah made her find her long-lost impulse, as if she had found her favorite. Children with toys have a great time playing.

"Pop!" A neat pile of materials fell in front of Baron Moon Rabbit, who swept his eyes, and he would never forget the picture on the homepage.

"Vil Declan, born in the small merchant family of Drake City, the Karst Kingdom of the Gods Continent, his father is a junior knight, his mother is a third-level wizard apprentice, and he is taught by Professor Witzel of the classical school, and then he was awarded the "Book of Wisdom". Entering the sight of the church and wizards, and starting the practice of knights and wizards, it has been out of control since then."

"Raiding the seven-story holy tower, suppressing the **** demons, and commanding the House of All Things in Declan City at the age of fourteen. He also has his hand in breaking the plan of the **** demon to invade Mabster, and he personally directs the church and wizards to kill and harass Drake. There are many demons in the city."

"Then went to the family residence in Marbstershire and sneaked into the gray dwarf camp in order to break the family curse. The entire army of more than 30,000 gray dwarves was destroyed and countless spoils were harvested. Reorganize the church power in Mabster County as the favored ones, and build the masses. The square of God, thwarted the conspiracy of **** demons, strangled hundreds of demon followers, and severely damaged and expelled the messengers of hell.

"This **** messenger is you, right? Tsk tsk, fourteen or five-year-old child, really incredible."

"To build Mabster County into a sacred place for the church, vigorously promote the sacred series of potions and commonly used extraordinary items, suppress the foreign forces in Mabster County, and make Mabster County one of the few prosperous places in the Karst Kingdom."

"From the underground ruins sealed for 8,000 years, we rescued the official wizards and constructed wizards of the traveler's bloodline, and got a number of goblin empire inheritance. At the same time, we built a wizard tower and gathered several second-level wizards around him."

"The post-incarnation black dragon routine used a **** lich. Tsk tsk, not many people know about this news. If I hadn't had some secret channels, I wouldn't have thought that this little guy actually has both the blood of the elves and the blood of the dragon."

"After that, I followed my grandfather Rhine Star Mountain to the Wizard Islands on a battleship that received apprentices from wizards. On the way, Neverland was opened. He led the apprentices to kill all quarters and gained countless rewards. She even brought out a strong blood family. The woman of this blood family is suspected. His lover, this is still because of the passionate seed."

"In addition to the blood woman in Neverland, there is also a clam woman who is suspected to be the lover of the lord of the distant sea, and for this, he gets a lot of rewards for befriending the lord of the distant sea."

"Seven Ring Wizard Islands Academy Island War Patrol team, and the little lover to fight against a sky knight for a moment, regardless of victory or defeat. After exposing a demon believer, participated in a separate public assessment of the alchemist foundry, showing the exquisite alchemy casting , Jewelry making skills, and become an official alchemist."

"After entering the fifth ring Mitis Wizarding Academy for half a year, leading the team to win the triennial college championship, personally defeating the second team trump card of the third ring genius wizard student, caused quite a sensation, and then announced before others did not react. After graduating, he left the academy and entered the six-ring construction wizard tower."

"Formed a mercenary group in the construction wizard tower, undertook a level three mission, came to Sanyun Island, encountered the trial of the blood god, and made a blockbuster in the trial, exposing countless backers behind it. Tsk, two demigods, main gods A high-level master, really..."

Baihuayin didn’t know how to describe it. “After the trial, please invite the God of Food. The demigod Hamlin personally entertained his companions who fought against the invasion of the **** demons. He is another demigod. Little rabbit, and Don't you really be afraid of such a little guy with unlimited potential against it?"

When Baron Moon Rabbit heard this news, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and every time he thought of it, he felt incredible. This is all cheating. Cheating can't improve so fast, right? He has the ability to resist Saint-level masters before he reaches an adult.

"There are some things that can be avoided without being afraid. It was originally not my own will to come here. If I want to live, I must reflect my own value. There are some things that I can only do even if I don't want to." Baron Moon Rabbit The voice was slightly numb.

Baihuayin smiled "hee hee": "This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that in addition to his rapid progress, he can also drive the people around him to improve rapidly."

"Jasmine Kendall, advanced from a senior knight to a sky knight in just a few years."

"Nicole Nick, an ordinary catwoman warrior, is now a senior sky warrior."

"Florett is a junior knight, and now he is also a sky warrior. This span is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and he is of acquired blood."

"Finally, there are Rowe Declan and Lilith Kendall, all underage second-order masters, and they are terrifying."

"What do you want to do?" Baron Moon Rabbit finally couldn't bear to show off directly: "I actually didn't dare to fight against them. Behind him stood the **** demigod Wezel, and now there are the shadows of other masters. , What I can do is to guide him as much as possible. And this is only what Witzel imposes on me."

"I don't want you to have a conflict with him. The luck of this kid is very weird."

"Ah la la, I didn’t expect your little rabbit to be so caring. Don’t worry. I don’t have any plans to fight against the classical school or the mystical school. Are they not mercenaries? I plan to hire them to advise me and plan a success. The way of the gods is just like they helped Hamlin build the gastronomic capital." Baihuayin's voice was a bit erratic, "The favors of semi-god powerhouses must not be rejected by them."

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