The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 809: Jasmine seems to be a little swollen

The sixth ring constructs the mansion of the wizard Tadklan, look at the Lady of the Night on the left, the third-order blood family, and look at Nicole on the right, the third-order holy warrior.

Opposite Little Ville, a third-order holy knight, a second-class wizard, the little loli in her arms is a third-order holy elf druid, and the lady who is wiping her mouth is her own baby niece, a third-order holy Knight, second-level wizard.

"Dang Cang~" The knife and fork fell on the empty plate, and the Jasmine Sky Knight lay back and couldn't help but let out a unrestrained shout, "Why? I’m not convinced by the bottom of the crane at the end of the year!"

Wannian crane tail? Are you talking about me? Florett, who was enjoying the dinner elegantly, his face stiffened slightly, and a trace of unnaturalness and resentment could not be seen on his face.

Jasmine, if you have grievances, can you just not pull me up casually, I have worked very hard, okay, but these little guys are too enchanting, and how can the adventure be met with such honor? You can be regarded as seven hundred angels in seven days , A hundred times acceleration and ten times the cultivation efficiency, they are equivalent to more than ten years of cultivation time.

It takes more than ten years to advance once and once in seven days. The difference is really big, and I have gained so many good things. Unfortunately, I can only use those active magic powers that can improve physical fitness and restore damage after practicing. water.

And this thing actually has a shelf life, about three to five months, even so, it makes Floret very satisfied, but you guy who has enjoyed it for two years is still complaining here?

Florett is still very happy about the promotion of his son, daughter-in-law, adopted daughter, and son’s underground lover to the Saint-level master. In any case, they are all his own. They are more at ease when they are stronger, and they have a body. After the higher-level bloodline, Floret also felt that his strength had improved even faster. Tier 3, I will also have to reach it someday.

"It's good to have the strength of the Sky Knight at your age, and even one of the Sky Knights is considered a master." Ville's comfort is insincere, although he is really telling the truth. It is an indisputable fact that her strength is at the bottom.

Jasmine glanced at him faintly, and sighed helplessly: "You have changed. You are no longer the incompetent boy who needed my protection everywhere."

Jasmine seems to have returned many years ago, "When I first saw you, you were just a knight apprentice. Even if you played a lot of tricks, you still weren’t Lilith’s opponent. Every day, you still need to be protected by me in order to live happily, for you. Mojiesi almost gave her life to me."

"At that time, you were a trainee knight, and I was a senior knight."

"When I was promoted to the great knight, you were also an intermediate knight. Well, although you were promoted to a high knight soon, you were really only an intermediate knight at that time."

"I was a great knight when you were promoted to a high-level knight."

"I was a great knight when you were promoted to the great knight."

"When you were promoted to the first level wizard, the sky knight, I was still a great knight."

"I worked so hard to be promoted to the Sky Knights. I thought I had caught up with you, but in less than half a year, you are already Paladins."

Jasmine's words made Floret's mouth twitch slightly. Every time he recalled his son's growth, he felt that he was not as good as a dog when he was young, and his growth did not slow down after his son's fortune, except for a little less adventure. , But Shengzai has been very stable.

In the light of his son and daughter, Florett has always felt this way, and the truth is true.

I was just a junior knight who was lucky enough to marry a wizard apprentice, with a dark wound on his body and lagging behind in the practice. As a result, when his son started to practice, he first gave himself a complete version of the family fighting qigong method, and then passed it to himself Yi Jin Duan. The bone technique made up for the old wounds and improved his aptitude, and in the end he somehow turned himself into an acquired blood.

He was promoted to the Intermediate Knights as if he was reborn, and then went to Mabstershire to gain military exploits, and got rid of his identity as a small businessman and became a glorious city defense officer. Then, the daughter had a sacred awakening and directly turned herself into With the great knight, if you want to talk about opening up, this is Chi Guoguo's blatant opening up.

He became a great knight without paying almost anything?

Then a sudden bad news, my brother died, and then he became a baron of real power inexplicably, before he became the baron lord, his precious son, adopted daughter and his underground lover had already killed all the enemies. And brought back a large number of spoils.

The territory doesn't need to develop on his own, the son takes care of it all by himself, and he has done it vividly and prosperously.

Town owners, churches, nobles, merchants, mercenaries, hunters, and their sons directly attracted most of the people in Mabstershire. The Baron of Declan has directly become the most lively, wealthy and powerful territory in Mabstershire. In addition to practicing, it is occasionally receiving guests. Chi Guoguo's lying down wins.

I have never participated in a dangerous action once, and every time it is good, I will not lose my own. Others are gnawing the old, but Floret is gnawing the weak.

When the strength of his great knight was stable and his progress was slow, his son brought a second-tier comrade and a top-level exercise technique, once again allowing himself to enter the fast lane of strength improvement.

But this is what he got from desperately working **** Menghui Island, beheading many infernal demons, and he lay down again to win.

After all, his blood is acquired, and the upper limit is not very high. After the strength is increased for a period of time, the potential exhaustion speed will naturally inevitably drop.

Then, his precious son resisted the invasion of the **** demons, pulled himself over to make up the number, and played almost nothing, but in the end he got a Tier 4 bloodline, raised his upper limit of potential to the level of a demigod, and could even go further. The strength is also logically promoted to the second stage, and even the second-tier high-end.

When he lay down to win again, Floret felt that he was definitely the most able to lie down and win in the entire Continent of Gods. In the end, he could only explain one thing: there is a son of a wicked evildoer, and he is indeed very glamorous.

"After several months of familiarity, I have basically stabilized my strength, and I will be able to rise to the peak of Tier 2 within a year or two. I will be able to advance to Tier 3 within five years. I will meet your mother at that time. At least it won't be too embarrassing." Florett's words made the corners of Jasmine's mouth twitch slightly. What does this **** mean?

"Bang!" Jasmine Sky Knight slapped his hands on the table, yelling loudly, "I don't care, I want to advance to the third rank, and I want to become a holy master!"

"My dear niece Lilith, can't you bear to see that your lovely aunt is unable to be with her beloved because of insufficient strength, and will end up in pain for a lifetime?"

Lilith patted her forehead helplessly. It's hard for me to be with the one you love. That's my future mother-in-law.

"Weir, it has been almost two years since we left the Continent of the Gods. I want to take my father over. The Continent of the Gods is too barren. His father's qualifications are still very good. The Wizard Islands will bring him more room for development. "Lilith turned her gaze at Little Ville.

"No, your hard-headed dad is not funny at all. He will definitely take care of you when he comes. I think it's better to forget it. After all, he is the hand of the king now, and he has a good life. Substantial." Jasmine objected for the first time. If Wright came here, wouldn't he be under control? That **** brother seems to be quite strong, and it is said that he also has the strength of a sky knight, and he may not be able to beat him.

I can despise Florett, play a rogue in front of Ville and Lilith, and put on the face of an elder, but Wright is definitely his nemesis, and he has never beaten him since he was a ~ Except for the fact that Lilith was forcibly promised to Ville and won a game, he has always been a loser.

And Jasmine is very suspicious that Wright has ever wanted to stop the matter between Will and Lilith? I'm afraid he himself wants to allow Lilith to go out sooner, lest it is more likely to repeat his mistakes.

Seeing the honest Jasmine, Ville and Lilith breathed a long sigh of relief at the same time. It seemed that it was too smooth for a long time. Jasmine seemed to be a little swollen. This is not a good thing. Do you want to take on some more difficult tasks? Hone her?

Saint-level masters are not so easy to achieve. The effort they can make to become Saint-level masters is definitely not as simple as it seems. Jasmine's mentality has a problem, and the previous Lady Rose will definitely not be so naive.

Seeing that Jasmine was suppressed, Florett spoke at this time and changed the subject: "Someone has released an exclusive mission to us through Julian."

"Exclusive mission? Who is so lavish?" Little Weier was taken aback for a while, feeling a trace of pressure at the same time.

"Baihuayin, the **** of music, a demigod powerhouse with a reputation above Hamlin."

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