The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 813: 3 paths to becoming a god

"If I were the reincarnation of a god, I should have recovered my memory after I came into contact with other divine powers. Do you think a reincarnated **** will practice fighting spirit and witchcraft as honestly as I did?" Little Ville asked back.

"Why not?" Baihuayin said with a smile: "The three ways of God, the way of blood, and the way of wizards are not superior to each other. As a reincarnated god, why can't you follow the way of wizards? The road may be simpler and easier, but to challenge higher levels of strength, it is not impossible to choose the wizarding way."

What you said is so reasonable, I was actually speechless, and Little Weier's gaze at Baihuayin had a strange feeling.

"I am not a reincarnation god, or I think I am not a **** reincarnation. I have not awakened the so-called memory of past lives. Everything about me is exposed to the world clearly and clearly. All of my Professor Wezel should be very good. Clearly." Little Weier's words are not wrong. As his guide, leading him to become a higher-level apostle of the apostle, Little Weier suspects that he owns the Snowwood World may not be able to hide from him.

Lilith, the **** master demon, knew the existence of the Snowwood World, so even if Professor Wezel knew it, he was not surprised. The mystery of the apostle space and the power of the wisdom gods have never seen the limit.

Baihuayin waved his hand indifferently and said: "I didn't mean to investigate your details too much. I always have only one purpose, to become a god! I hope you can help me, even if your original intention is only to verify the theory and become a **** for your sister in the future. Whether you are ready, I still hope you can take on this task."

Ville and Lilith looked at each other, and finally shook their heads and said: "Before taking the task, I need to confirm some things. After all, the current mission completion rate of the sister control group is 100%. I don't want anyone to break this perfection. recording."

Jeremy couldn't help but a black line. It seems that there has never been a high-level mercenary group in the world that has a mission completion rate of more than 90%. But your fifth-level mercenary group has a 100% mission completion rate, and actually imagined it. I won't fail in the future, what an arrogant **** kid.

What made Jeremy even more unacceptable was that when this kid received the exclusive task, he actually wanted to complete it 100%. It is necessary to know that the recorded exclusive task has a completion rate of less than 10%, which is quite difficult.

"The more you are like this, the more confident I will be in you. Just ask if you have any questions. Even my height measurements are not impossible to tell you. But the age of a woman is absolutely confidential. It is impossible to tell you this. "Baihuayin blinked, and Xiaowei's whole body trembled.

This woman is a scourge. Even Julian's eyes are a bit straight. Mario even lowered her head and dared not look at her. The goddess is not to be profaned, even if it is a demigod, he can't dare to fight it. .

"There is more than one way to become a god. Generally speaking, there are three kinds. Do you only want to become a god?" Xiao Weier's words are very direct.

Jeremy’s ears stood up, a memory crystal quietly I started to record information in my hand, Baihuayin's face you have a faint smile: "You know the gods very well, let’s talk about the methods first. ?"

"The first, the road of ancient gods, can also be called the road of wizards' cultivation. I feel that the rules of the world and the mighty powers are gathered in one body. What you achieve is a fifth-order god-level wizard. The way of music you walk belongs to the way of sound. To the limit, you can become a Tier 6 master **** master, that is, the height of the wizard lord."

"Do you think this road can be taken?" As a demigod, Yinrui Baihua didn't know this road, and couldn't help but roll his eyes. "This road is too difficult. It has been achieved for thousands of years. There are only a handful of people who have achieved success. They are now the pillars of the wizarding world and the wizarding archipelago. How long do you think it will take me to advance to the **** level through the Avenue of Sound? Fifty years? Five hundred years? Or five thousand years? Maybe? You will never succeed in your life."

"That presumptuously asked, is your race a human race or an elven race? What is your final life expectancy?" Ville was very curious. His life reached the level of a demigod. Instead, the image of the race has shrunk in terms of lifespan, but there are still some differences. .

Baihuayin took a deep look at him: "This is a secret, I have been able to obtain it for a long time, but it took thousands of years to realize that the great sound of sound has become a god, and I can't wait any longer."

"The second way is to believe in the gods." Ville briefly described the beliefs in the gods he knew: "The demigods have already stepped into the power of rules, but the degree of rules they understand is not so simple, and the simple chain of laws cannot be condensed. Form a complete Godhead. And the power of belief of sentient beings can speed up this process, on the one hand, because many business ideas contain a trace of their insights, although it may be small, they can’t hold up the large number, and the accumulation of less can bring you more. A lot of help."

"On the other hand, the power of faith is very wonderful, it can forcibly fill in the lack of laws in the condensed godhead, like a universal patch, although it is not the most suitable original version, but it can barely be used. The power of faith is strong enough to promote godhood, It will make your godhead impure. It’s not yours. After all, it’s not yours. If you have a loan, you will pay it back. This is why the gods need the kingdom of God to accommodate the Holy Spirit and constantly respond to believers. Before repaying this debt, the gods often have a long There is a period of debt, during this period there is almost no accumulation of supernatural power."

"The consequence of being exhausted and not repaying the account is that the godhead is muddy, and the spirit of the gods becomes irritable and irritable, and even his beliefs are poisoned." Ville's description made Jeremy shiver all over. This road seems to be really difficult to walk. , Is this a **** or a slave?

Baihuayin took a deep look at Little Weir and glanced over Jeremy. He suddenly understood what this little guy meant, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "What about the last one?"

"With the help of external force to become a god, this method is a little harsh, the conditions are not so easy to achieve, and the price of the achievement of the gods is also very high." Little Weier directly said the simplest method: "The semi-god strong and the The biggest difference of the Saint-level masters is that they have condensed the chain of laws and have the power to manipulate the laws. To condense the Godhead by yourself needs to constantly comprehend and perfect the chain of filling laws, which takes a long time, but if there is a complete Godhead, it will be different. God can use his own chain of laws to analyze and devour the godhead and become a **** directly."

"What do you think the godhead is? A godhead is a godhead, a Do you plan to kill a **** and grab a godhead for me?" The fruit cake smashed the little **** who was talking about it: "The life level of the gods is one level higher than that of the demigods. Even the new gods cannot be dealt with by the demigods."

"No, hunting new gods and refining the new gods is the way to death. The new gods' gods are full of no refining power of belief, and there are too many causal debts in it. If it is not very suitable for you You can’t completely control the new godhead, and you cannot respond to the prayers of believers in time. The end result is that the faith is poisoned and even the faith collapses and the god’s position falls!"

"If you go this way, the one who can hunt must be the relatively pure godhead of the old gods." Xiaoweier's words finally angered Baihuayin, and a piece of cake "pia" was slapped on his face.

"What you said is very reasonable. This task is left to you. Help me find the pure godhead of an old god. It is best to fit my way of music, so that I don't have to work hard to develop the way of comprehending the voice of believers. Time can accelerate infinitely." Baihuayin patted Xiaoweier on the shoulder, ignoring the pastry on his face and said with a smile: "No matter which method is used, as long as I become a **** in 50 years, I will try my best to cooperate with you. of."

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