The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 818: Goddess descends from heaven, the temple is built

The assembly of Corsi Island is as beautiful as ever, the blue sky, white clouds, green trees and clear sky, the gentle breeze blowing in, the bird whispering and the fragrance of flowers, the flower fairies have emerged from their small nests and started a new day of fulfilling and busy life.

For such cute little guys, Corsi Island is their home, warm and beautiful, but also full of dangers. There are always some robbers who want to grab the fruits of their labor and even hunt them cruelly.

The breeze brings the sound of the waves, but I don’t know why. The sound of the waves today is particularly pleasing to the ear. Not far away is a bare hill that is a forbidden area within a radius of more than a dozen miles. It is full of death and warm rocks from time to time. The flames that emerged were inaccessible.

Suddenly a beautiful figure flew from a distance accompanied by beautiful singing. She had no wings and was dressed in neon clothes. She had a harp in her arms. The elegant music played from the harp, which made people feel the beauty of life. The morning sun seemed even more beautiful. Softened.

The beautiful figure flew over the bare hill bag, with slender jade fingers slightly, the hill bag trembled violently, and cracked a crack from it, the ground shook and the mountains continued to roar, and a skeleton covered in flames jumped out.

The flame skull is like a wolf, and a pair of faint eyes exudes an icy light. Although the whole body is full of flames, it gives people a cold and biting feeling. It makes a silent roar to the sky, and the sound is silent but visible, and the grass and trees ravage the wind and roar.

"The living belongs to the victor, the dead to the dead, the world to the world, and the **** to hell." The beautiful figure's face was full of compassion, and a spider web was thrown away. The flame skull did not even have room for dodge to be suppressed by her.

"I said, the evil is a disaster, and a strong man should catch it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sky flickered, and a tall man wearing a golden armor and a sword appeared out of thin air, and said: "Follow the goddess of music!" He fell on the ground, his big hands hit the flame skull, and he was hit by the flames. The demon spider web was restricted and was actually suppressed by the fourth-order demigod. The second-order skeleton monster almost cried, was beaten up and put away, but its fierce appearance and the scene of being beaten up were originally displayed on the island of Corsi. In the eyes of countless flower fairies and green elves.

Powerful and sturdy!

"The devil has been conquered, give an order to the goddess diao!" The golden armored man saluted respectfully, and disappeared under the nodding of the beautiful goddess in the sky.

The beautiful goddess saw the small mountain bag that had become messy because of the flame skull, and there was a touch of compassion on her face: "After the destruction, there should be construction, and this place should not be a bad place."

The goddess shed a colorful light, and the light condensed in a tall man, holding a gem wand wearing a priest's robe, respectfully saluting like a goddess in the sky, and then muttering a word, a ray of light quickly shot out and fell on the hill bag.

The cracked place of the small mountain bag slowly healed, and this is not over yet. As more and more light condenses, the small mountain bag is actually slowly rising up, and the earth is trembling slightly, as if a giant is slowly standing out of the mud When I got up, I just stood up to make the earth roar. The birds flew together but didn't go far away, lingering around the goddess in the air, making a crisp and melodious cry.

The originally three-to-five-meter hill was forcibly pulled up to a hundred and fifty meters high, and the shape became more delicate and straight, and the tall man bowed and disappeared.

The goddess in the sky saw the smoke and dust in the sky, and her sweet voice sounded again: "The rain falls from the sky to wash away thousands of years of smoke and dust."

The goddess’ mouth came into constitution, and the pattering rain dripped within ten miles of the hill, and the smoke and dust brought by the mountain was washed, but the smell of firework brought by the flame skeleton could not be subdued in an instant.

"The land of the devil should be suppressed by idols, and the creatures here should be sincerely enshrined." The voice of the music goddess is soft and beautiful. A palm-sized stone statue descends from the sky on the top of the mountain with a roar, and it grows rapidly in a blink of an eye and turns into a giant three feet tall. , It is the image of the goddess herself, which can be seen very clearly from a distance, and the colorful light lingers on it is beautiful.

"The sanctuary of the goddess of music should not be regarded as a bad land, where the birds and flowers are shaded by green trees." The goddess opened her mouth and ran and broke her leg below.

Green rays descended from the sky. On the ground, more than twenty tiered elves, under the leadership of Ville, Lilith, Guililuo, and Diana, continued to give birth to seeds, forcibly turning this hill into a green ocean, so amazing. The traces made those flower fairies and green fairies look dumbfounded, kneeling to the ground unconsciously, looking for the voice in their hearts to pray to the goddess in the sky.

The strong need respect, especially the super strong who are beyond their imagination.

"Those who believe in me should be good, and those who are good should be sheltered. There should be a temple of the goddess of music!" The goddess of music appeared to be more stalwart and calm in countless prayers, and the sweetness of the voice increased by 30%, holy and compassionate. Seeing, but couldn't help but want to listen to her voice.

The sound of "Boom Rumble~", a ferocious iron wood quickly appeared, and in a certain way wrapped the front of the mountain in a circle to form a wall, and a three-foot-long opening was split in front of the wall to serve as a gateway. There are steps on both sides, and there are more crenellation passages on the wall. This kind of project is completed in a moment, although it is slightly rough but quite amazing.

"Boom!" The ground in front of the wall cracked, and the iron wood flew out with its teeth and claws and quickly condensed into a primitive temple.

The goddess of music that originally stood on the top of the mountain actually flew by itself and landed directly on an altar in front of the temple. The power of faith flew into the god, giving its life-like face a little more spirituality.

"I said, my believers should be sheltered. This place is a holy place for faith. No foreign enemies can invade. Devout believers can enter. If disaster happens, I will praise my name." The voice of the music goddess is erratic and mysterious. It means that countless flower elves and green elves seem to feel a strong attraction. Under the guidance of music, they abandon their work and fly towards the goddess of music.

The melodious music sounded, and paragraphs of eulogy appeared in their minds, causing them to recite unconsciously.

The world is beautiful, and the beautiful world needs to be praised. Music is a medium that conveys happiness and makes more people happy. If you feel happy, you can sing.

Music is a tool to eliminate pain. If you feel sad, sing aloud. Music is a bridge to convey feelings. If you can't tell, then bravely sing is everywhere!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A continuous voice sounded, and small wooden pavilions appeared around the temple, and the goddess's benevolent voice sounded again: "My believers should be wise and have a better life."

"Diligent, brave, kind, bright, enjoy life and music!" A stone monument descended from the sky and stood in front of the temple, on which the precepts and instructions of the goddess of music were written densely.

"Praise the beautiful god!" The flower fairies, green elves, and even the slow-walking green tree men bowed under the skirt of the goddess pomegranate.

"When the weather is good and the rain is good here, the disaster will not happen." The voice of the music goddess became more and more misty, and the figure began to rise slowly, and disappeared after a while, leaving only the refreshing fragrance and a holy mountain, a temple, and a Idol.

Those who believe in the goddess of music can enter. The simple flower fairies, green elves, and tree men successfully climbed the holy mountain, but the grasshopper robbers who came quietly were turned away.

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