The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 824: Indulgent paradise

There is a large area outside of the Seven Rings Wizard Islands known as the land of nowhere. Indulgent Paradise is one of the most famous illegal places. It is also the place controlled by the sea king siren banshee, a collection of chaos and Order in one place.

Indulgent Paradise is a paradise for the impossible. Many masters who are not tolerated by the Wizard Islands have joined them. Here is another set of rules, the law of the jungle and the law of profit. Killing is not a sin, as long as you can Can afford the consequences of homicide.

Those who can mix in the Indulgent Paradise, in addition to the strengths, are those who have backing, the least helpers also have a hand or two of hole cards, which can scare others, otherwise it is really difficult to mix, this place is heaven and hell.

Abu is a newsboy under the banner of Black Dove in Indulgent Paradise. At the age of sixteen, he has the status of a mid-level fighter, a first-level wizard apprentice, a junior thief, and a junior intelligence agent. He is also a black tour guide and occasionally provides some shops with " High-quality" customer source.

Today's intelligence is very hot. Before dawn, Abu carried a large backpack weighing tens of kilograms and carried a large pile of black pigeon morning papers to start his day's work.

"Five days ago, the drunk ghost ship appeared in the **** waters and encountered the Tianlai song and dance troupe, and the **** lich provoked the goddess Baihuayin. The support of the sacred kingdom took the initiative to attack, the drunk ghost ship was silent, the **** lich was seriously injured and fled, and his army of skeletons and zombies destruction."

"Three days ago, the Ghost Whisperer Pirate Group attacked the Tianlai Song and Dance Ensemble in the **** waters, and the head of the Ghost Whisperer Abbas took the initiative to provoke the goddess Baihuayin. The Mercenary Association Diana St. Wizard faced him alone and defeated the Ghost Whisperer Abbas. The wizard, the ghost whisper pirate group's entire army was destroyed, and Abbas only avoided him and escaped into the sea without a trace."

"Yesterday, the paladin Adams led the Tianfei Plundering Group to attack the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe, and the entire army of five hundred flying knights was wiped out. The paladin Adams was killed by the sister-controlled squad Yaron Knight Jasmine Kendall, and the deputy commander Lilith Kendall joined forces to kill. , Became the first saint-level master to sacrifice."

"According to the accurate information obtained by the front intelligence personnel, the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe will arrive at the Indulgent Paradise Island at noon today, and will carry out a seven-day patrol in the Indulgent Paradise. If you want to get more latest and fastest news, please be sure to buy the black Dove Morning."

"Today's Black Pigeon Morning News sells for five purple gold coins. There is more secret information in it, the secret news of a demigod powerhouse."

The Black Pigeon Morning News is the main product of the Black Pigeon Intelligence Agency of Indulgent Paradise. The pricing varies according to the value of the intelligence. Usually a dozen or twenty gold coins are considered good. When the value is high, there are three or five purple gold coins. I even sold the price of two magic stones directly once, but it was rare after all, but this time the price of five purple gold coins shows that the contents inside are indeed worthy of attention.

Intelligence is very important. Accurate information cannot be ignored. If you want to live and get better in the Indulgent Paradise, you must know some things. The Black Pigeon Information Agency is an intelligence provider. There are many people in an Indulgent Paradise. The existence of dependence needs to be protected.

The potbellied old Ed is a businessman who runs an inconspicuous opera house. Every day he rides a solid carriage made of steel to and from the dilapidated opera house and the manor. The opera house occupies an area of ​​ten acres but is very remote. The show is performed all year round. There are less than ten kinds, and they are all obsolete things. The name of the opera house aptly reflects its characteristics: the classic opera house.

Praising the classics and praising the beauty of the world. This is the purpose of the classic opera house. The repertoires they choose are only those so-called Dalu classics. The song and dance troupe performed here has never been top-notch.

The second-rate is the best, the third-rate is commonplace, and the influential goods can often appear on the stage. The classic musicals performed in the classic opera house are most likely to destroy the classics, but they can't stand the cheap tickets and the attendance rate. Occasionally, it can still reach 10%.

Habitually bargained with the newsboy for a few minutes, and finally still had to take out five hot purple gold coins to buy a black dove morning paper, the palm-sized newspaper opened at hand, the floating light projection appeared out of thin air, and each headline was reflected in it. eye.

Old Ed took a glance, and sure enough, most of the content is related to the upcoming visit of the God of Music. Among them, it records the legendary experience on the road like the Tianlai Song and Dance Troupe in serial form. It can be called a blockbuster film. Zhang gorgeous pictures are even more addictive.

"Is Adams dead? The idiot's strength seems to be very good. He has helped the Siren Banshee to do a lot of shameful deeds. I didn't expect to hang up so easily. This sister control group seems not simple. Gan , Sister Control Group actually requires ten magic stones for general intelligence, and 1,000 magic stones for confidential information, why don't the black pigeons grab it?!" Old Ed saw the quote between the lines and almost slapped the morning paper to pieces.

The big slap was raised and lowered, and then raised and lowered again. The expressionless coachman's waist did not move. The whip in his hand slammed, and two air currents spouted from the nose of the bull-shaped monster pulling the cart. Keep going.

The horse-drawn carriage, with the words "Classic Opera" clearly and clearly written on the body, and four large flags inserted in the four corners, each listing the most "classic" programs they can handle. There is no lack of advertising in the city every day. Old Ed did it very well to advertise himself.

I wandered comfortably on Indulgence Avenue twice every morning and evening. In this densely populated place, not everyone can drive forward, but Old Ed is one of the qualified people.

In the middle of the street, a troubadour holding a harp looked around blankly, his washed and overly pale clothes neat but slightly old, a dagger at his waist, a large backpack, and a trace of filth in his boots, his head probed. Looking around seemed a bit out of place.

This is an outsider!

The **** of music Baihuayin is the idol of all troubadours. Her every move is enough to affect the eyes and hearts of countless troubadours. When Baihuayin announced that the next performance location was the paradise of the indulgences, this famous illegal place was Ushered in more and more troubadours and music lovers.

"Bang!" The middle-aged troubadour felt a strong force coming from behind, and the whole person was staggered and almost fell down. A fourteen-five-year-old child hurriedly staggered past the troubadour's. Hit him head-on and hugged him in time.

"There are many people in the Indulgence Paradise. Please don't look around when you walk." The boy is an orc with stripes on his face and a pair of furry ears shaking slightly.

The bard hurriedly thanked him, the young man nodded slightly, Shi Shiran walked away, and silently counted as he walked: one, two, three...

The troubadour patted his chest, and suddenly found that his purse was missing. He turned his gaze to the direction where the boy had left, and suddenly rushed out with his feet. There is no weaker in the profession of troubadour. The weak cannot be a troubadour. Traveling alone is dangerous.

After passing through three blocks, the troubadour did not find his own money bag, but found two corpses lying in a pool of blood, one was the young man who had just given him a hand, and the other was a tall bull orc. That is, the person who hit himself from behind.

"Praise the goddess, the lawless place is too dangerous. May the brilliance of the goddess can influence and save these rotten souls." The troubadour gestured a new prayer movement made by a music goddess.

"Praise the goddess, this is a paradise for the impossible, and may the brilliance of the goddess sublimate your soul!" A gloomy voice sounded from behind, and the faint **** breath made the troubadour stiff.

"Devil's running dog?" The troubadour took two steps forward and then quickly turned around. He saw the tall figure with a hideous face at the entrance of the hutong, and his face could not help showing a touch of astonishment. The blood-red clothes were indeed dyed red with blood. Yes, the corners of the mouth are split 180 degrees, and the sharp canine teeth are daunting.

"The answer is wrong, I am a believer of the hunting goddess. In this free world, free hunters and prey are enshrined to the great hunting goddess." A voice came from the top of the head, also a blood-red figure, It's just that the body's aura has become stronger.

"The hunting territory in this world is my lord's paradise, and that **** false **** trying to encroach on my lord's kingdom is absolutely unforgivable!" On the other side of the roof sat a blood-red girl , Playing with this Eviscerate Scimitar in his hand, the blood red in his hand is still fresh.

"You will be my sixth sacrifice to the goddess today. The goddess is very satisfied with sacrifices like yours. Thanks to that false god, it is impossible for me to wait for the paradise to show so many bards for us to hunt. "

"Don't talk nonsense, those who violate our paradise will be killed without mercy!"

The troubadour finds very helplessly that more than a dozen blood-red figures have surrounded him, "Blood hunting followers of the evil god! It is indeed a rotten and impossible place, and you blasphemers will eventually be destroyed by the gods." Brilliant purification!"

There was an endless roar. Not far away, a horse-drawn carriage pulled by a demon cow "tap and kicks" and passed the tremor. More than a dozen **** hunting cultists saw the ox-cart and quickly took advantage of the battle. A few ups and downs with their spoils disappeared.

Old Ed in the ox cart didn't even look outside. He tapped his fingers on the desktop, "Is the **** of music Baihuayin coming at noon today? I wonder if I can make more money by inviting her to my opera house? Tsk tsk, hunting bard, **** hunting cultist? Interesting, more and more interesting. But this is the real paradise of indulgences, isn’t it?"

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