The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 840: The sought-after sister control group

There are no fools who can dominate the side. Although the Lei Yuan tribe’s small movements are secret, once Ville, Lilith and the Tianlai Song and Dance Ensemble are invited to the tribe, they immediately become different, and they start to work with great fanfare.

The mission of Baihuayin went smoothly. The Lei Yuan tribe sent two holy elders to assist the whole process. The strength of support was far beyond the reach of the distant sea territories. The difference in strength between the two parties was too great, and Weier and Lilith continued to stay. The main city "does not do business properly."

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. No one of the same level of kings is a fool. The four Thunder Naga tribes of Lanyu, Kuroshio, Purple Coral, and Sapphire directly sent an inspection team to the Leiyuan tribe, and the Lanyu tribe was even more dispatched. He has his own king and little princess Alesia.

As for the question of why it is Alesia, the King of Lanyu gave the answer. His precious daughter and sister control group are familiar with each other. The friendship between them cannot be ignored. As long as Alesia is a leader, he will definitely be able to help the Lanyu tribe. Bring more benefits.

The five tribes gathered together. Because of the presence of Alesia, many things could not be concealed. The Leiyuan tribe originally wanted to use the snake beads harvested by Alesia as a threat to let them stand on their side. As a result, the King of Lanyu The matter was directly made public.

Although there was some vague speculation before, when the king of Lanyu said the number of two hundred second-order snake beads, it still made the other tribes feel scared. Then Xiaowei took out all the basilisk horns and made a few The family tribe is divided, of course it cannot be free.

The King of Lanyu took advantage of the situation and asked the Leiyuan tribe to share their information. The King of Leiyuan knew that there was Alesia. Sooner or later, these things would be exposed. Instead of doing this, it was better to take the initiative to confess, so the five tribes quarreled. A group was prepared to divide up three hundred places. Lei Yuan tribe could not eat alone, let alone half, one-third of the places were a little too much, but there were five tribes present.

The King of Lanyu emphasized the good friendship between Alesia and the sister control group. Friendship is priceless, but isn’t it right to help friends? Therefore, the Lanyu tribe should take more.

The Kuroshio Tribe and the Purple Coral Tribe are even more unhappy. Before, the little princess of your daughter Alesia got a large number of snake beads with the help of the gods of the sister control group, and there are still a large number of second-order snake beads, this time The gains have caught up with them ten times, and they want to use the so-called "friendship" to get more benefits. This is totally unbearable.

After some disputes, the King of Lanyu was "forced" to sell ten snake beads per tribe at a high price, only to get a large share, but this made Leiyuan tribe very upset, something that had already been discussed. He was actually destroyed by his own people abruptly.

So the King of Lei Yuan came up with a new idea. In fact, it is not necessary to divide the quota of Lei Yuan tribe's own people. Before the Vail God's favor said that there is still a quota for Storm Mermaid, because the deep sea territory is limited. The beliefs carried are limited, so there is no time to disperse them, and only some tribes controlled by mermaids will be found to promote the beliefs.

Anyway, everyone is a sea clan. Since the Mermaid of the Storm doesn't care about it, it's better to let us, like Thunder Nagas, who care about it, divide up these places, although it's not a lot but it's just a piece of meat.

With this idea in mind, the Kuroshio, Purple Coral, and Sapphire tribes also worked together, holding the map and starting to make gestures, from the distribution of beliefs to suitable races, etc., the rigid self-assertion added more than two hundred tribes to Baihuayin. .

The five high-level tribes came together, and Baihuayin was stunned by what they said, and directly used the big summoning technique to summon Little Ville, Lilith, Philomena, Bishop Holly, and Diana Holy Wizard to help him resist. The bombardment of these Thunder Naga.

The top five Naga King tribes obviously came prepared, and the information given and the selected target met the requirements, so that Philomena, Bishop Holly, Holy Wizard Diana and even Baihuayin could not refute, only Ville , Lilith expressed her disapproval.

"The goals you selected are all very good, and they are fully in line with the requirements for promoting the belief in the **** of music. It is really helpful for the Baihuayin demigod to become the **** of music. As you said, these so-called quotas are completely drawn up by us. Yes, it is not unchangeable. However, you ignore one thing." Little Will looked at them deeply and spit out two words: "Time!"

"The planning time for the road of Baihuayin to God is only 50 years, or even less than 50 years. The sea tribe, the orcs, the elves, the dwarves, and the human races are all the objects we need to focus on, and from outside the Wizard Islands We have begun to advance layer by layer. The Seventh Ring Wizard Islands, the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands, the Fifth Ring Wizard Islands and the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands are all targets that we need to overcome layer by layer."

After talking about this, Ville looked around for a week and calmly said: "It can be said that our road to becoming a **** has just begun. At present, the dwarves can basically declare that the harvest is very small. In addition to the three kings, we will continue to develop. The scattered small races, hundreds of tribes, are not joking. Without the support of so many races and numbers, becoming a **** is just empty talk."

"The overall number of believers is important, but the proficiency of the race cannot be ignored. Only by condensing enough racial luck can the godhead become more stable. I have no opinion on the thunder naga clan occupying the vassal of the storm mermaid clan, but it has greatly increased. Quota is impossible, we don't have so much time."

Everyone was stunned. After a while, the King of Lei Yuan suddenly asked: "What the **** is going on with this so-called time? Is there any obstacle to becoming a **** beyond this time?"

"Of course not. Fifty years is the time stipulated after Baihuayin issued the exclusive mercenary mission. After this time, the exclusive mission may be declared a failure, and then our sister control group will also withdraw." Xiaoweier's words made everyone black. Line, co-authoring is in your mind, this is actually just a task.

The ultimate goal of Baihua Yin to become a god, I am waiting for the development and growth of the Thunder Naga tribe. It is not as important for you to complete the task?

Wait, task? ! Is it possible to set aside Baihuayin's promotion of faith and directly invite the sister control group to help develop the tribe?

Although these quotas are on the surface to promote the belief in the **** of music, they actually value the development plans they have made for these tribes, but the implementation of these nonsense is carried out with the help of Baihuayin’s hands, in order to let those The tribe is grateful to the vernacular voice and believes in the **** of music more devoutly.

The king of Lanyu turned his brains quickly and directly invited them and gave many promises, asking them to help make a tribal development plan for them, and repeatedly claimed that it would not affect the progress of the God of Music into a God plan, and even help. They do a lot of work.

In a blink of an eye, Baihuayin, the **** of music, became a supporting role, and the senior officials of the five tribes surrounded Xiaowei and Lilith one after another.

"Sorry, at present, our main energy will be devoted to the road to the **** of music, and we can only focus on it when it is related to this task. This time-consuming and labor-intensive task will not be accepted on a large scale at present. Of course. , If the task of becoming the **** of music is completed, we will have no problem when we are truly free."

Baihuayin and Philomena looked at each other, and they suddenly felt that the mercenary group they found seemed a bit too much for them. UU Reading Baihuayin even wondered if he was a god. The tasks are all trivial things they play at hand. Their real purpose is to travel inside and outside the Wizard Islands and exercise their abilities.

Saint Diana and Bishop Holly also saw some signs. It seems that what really needs attention is not Baihuayin, the future **** of music, but this little sister-controlled group.

Many members of the sister control group are the favored ones, and they should become members of the holy kingdom. Bishop Holly is considering the possibility of drawing the sister control group to the holy kingdom as a whole.

The main combat members of the sister control group except the cat female warrior and the temporary supernumerary shadow clan girl, the others are the elven blood awakeners, do you want to take the initiative to pull them into the elven forest and become a member of the elven clan? Dianna didn't think about the mercenary association at all, and her roots were still in the elven forest of the elves.

Weier, Lilith, Xiao Luo, Jasmine, these are all talents, especially Xiao Wei and Lilith, they are simply evildoers, it is a pity that they continue to wander outside, the elves can give them more and better At least the elves inheritance is very perfect.

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