The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 843: Visit the Monster Academy

Seven Ring Wizard Islands Academy Island Monster Academy welcomes several distinguished guests today. Very few people know their identities, but they can let Dean Klein bring the deputy dean and several senior academies to welcome them. It's certainly not simple.

"Child, I have always believed that you will succeed, but I didn't expect you to rise so quickly. You have already thrown away this old man from me, and you can't see your back." In the dean's room, Dean Klein took out himself. The best coffee, juice and other extraordinary drinks, these things he usually don't want to use, several deputy directors stared at it for a long time without grabbing them, but today they all brought them out for unlimited supply, which surprised them very much.

"If you can make Dean stingy so generous, you have little brother Weir." A deputy dean looked at Little Weir, who only heard his name and was highly praised by Dean Klein, but he called Monster Academy. Young man who made a mess.

A group of **** demon followers appeared among the monsters in the Monster Academy. Although they left the Academy with various excuses, they still did not escape the investigation and review of the Seven Ring Wizard Tower. Those who suddenly increased in strength were suspected. In addition, the timing of the temporary escape is very sensitive, so it is natural to catch one shot at a time.

The cause of this incident lies with Little Ville and Lilith, but neither Dean Klein nor the deputy deans can blame them, and they even have to be grateful to them. If it weren’t for them to stab this matter out, I’m afraid to use it. The Monster Academy will become the Demon Academy in a few years. This kind of penetration is really terrifying.

After that, the six-ring structure wizard tower sold sacred artifacts that could detect the devil qi of **** and demon. The Monster Academy reluctantly bought a set even though it hurts. Everyone in the academy has to undergo a test every six months, and they really caught it. The two lurking demon believers made them have to start thinking about the psychological quality of the students.

This incident completely dissipated their grievances towards Little Ville and Lilith. Snooker deserved the crime of self-willing depravity. Whether it was the identity of the blood awakening of the two young people in front of them or the identity of the favored ones, they deserved their respect, and according to K. According to Dean Ryan's information, the two people in front of him had graduated from the Fifth Ring Mitis Wizarding Academy a few years ago.

What are the prerequisites for graduation from Wuhuan Wizarding Academy?

Official wizard!

In other words, the strength of the two young people in front of them is not weaker than them, and may even be stronger. After all, the two of them have been able to join forces against the city lord of the Academy a few years ago. They are standard sky knights. Years passed, their knight strength could not have been improved.

And beside them, there is a beautiful woman with a veil. The temperament charm of her body can make them feel irresistible even through the veil and robe.

After some greetings, Dean Klein began to talk about the changes in the Monster Academy over the years. The information that Little Ville gave him was well used by him. The number of senior warriors and knights in the Monster Academy increased a lot, and these people formed a team. It’s pretty good to mix in the Academy Island. There is more exchanges with the outside world, and the rejection is gradually decreasing.

Sometimes a lot of conflicts are caused by not understanding each other and lack of communication. The monsters in the Monster Academy will show everyone their abilities, but they will also show their feelings. Their essence is also human, but they have awakened their blood. Some more special abilities!

Dean Klein has reached the limit of his strength. The second-level wizard has given him quite a status in the Seven Ring Wizard Islands. The strength of the Monster Academy is his confidence. In addition, the good relationship with the high level of the Academy City gives him news. Quite well-informed, of course, there is no lack of information about Xiaoweier.

"Brother Ver is an undefeated master who can contend against Tier 3 **** demons, and he commanded an army in the Blood God Proving Ground to fight the Hell demons invasion and won a great victory. In the legend, the demonic invasion actually appeared as the leader of the demons. I don’t know if it is. Isn't it true?" Dean Klein looked at Weier and Lilith curiously. These two young people who were optimistic about him had surpassed him at this moment, regardless of strength or achievement.

"There was indeed a demon leader who was finally suppressed by a hidden master god-level master." Weier briefly described the process of the blood **** trial and the final result, except for Lamod and others who went to **** and himself. Waiting for the final gain, there is not much to hide other things.

Dean Klein and the others were full of enthusiasm. All of them are bloodline awakened. They are still very excited about the bloodline-enhancing treasures in the Blood God Trial Ground, not to mention that they are the treasures of Saint-level bloodline that are not moving. Said the temptation is too great.

"In order to inherit the kingdom of God, he will not hesitate to take refuge in the **** demon. Obviously he has a strong bloodline and a long lifespan. It is a pity for that blood family." Hearing the end of Marquis Neil, Dean Klein couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"I don't care about what belongs to me, and what I don't get is always restless."

Ville shook his head and said: "People always yearn for better things, but never consider whether these things are really suitable for them and belong to them, and once they form obsessions, they can easily go astray. Marquis Neil's background and richness The concentration of blood has created his character and possessiveness, and losing to Mary in the blood **** competition made him feel uncomfortable. He became obsessed with the blood **** position and kingdom of the blood god. Multiply."

"He's just a spoiled child." Little Ville's words made the deans and vice deans of the Monster Academy a black line, and the veteran blood clan who was thousands of years old was half god, and he could be just a child in your eyes. Still a spoiled child.

Winner and loser, as a winner, this little guy is indeed qualified to judge the loser Marquis Neil, even if he was once very powerful, he has the power of a demigod, and he has two Tier 3 four-legged flying dragon mounts, but the loser Everything will be lost.

After returning to the past, Ville stated the purpose of his trip: "The goddess of music needs missionaries, and blood awakened persons with musical talents are the most suitable. We have applied to the Mercenary Association for this type of information, and we have also found it so far. Some suitable blood awakeners who have fallen outside."

"However, it will take some time for these wild blood awakened people to be cultivated. This time there are two purposes. One is to see if there are people who have been trained and available in the Monster Academy, and the other is to hope that the Monster Academy can To receive some of the young musically talented Bloodline Awakeners and provide them with special training so that they can serve as missionaries to the goddess of music in the future. There is no place in the Seven Rings Wizarding Islands that is more suitable for them than the Monster Academy."

Ville’s compliments made the deans and deputy deans very happy. Dean Klein laughed and said: "It is our honor to be able to serve under the crown of the goddess. I will provide you with the information of all the college students later. We will also cultivate the people brought by the Weir brothers."

"Thank you, Dean Klein, but the goddess will not let you help in vain. There are ten bloodline gems here. They are the treasures I got from the Blood God Trial Ground. They are of great help to the bloodline awakened. If you want to leave The way of bloodline can give birth to ten first-order bloodline wizards or great warriors and knights.” Weier directly took out an exquisite wooden box, and after opening it, ten crystal clear blood-red spars appeared in Klein. In front of the dean.

"This, this gift is too expensive!" Don't underestimate the sub-master of the ranks. In the Seventh Ring Wizard Islands, the sub-masters of the ranks are already rare talents. After all, this is only the Seventh Ring Wizard Islands, not the sixth ring, let alone. Compared with the Five Rings Wizard Islands, it can't even be compared to a place of lawlessness.

"Bloodline gems are adaptable. If the bloodline is not suitable, it is best not to use them. Blood pulse bursts are prone to occur. The types of bloodline gems are explained in detail." There are many such good things in Littleville's hands. The final battle of the blood **** trial field The benefits of draining the blood pool built by the Marquis of Neil have not been digested. This kind of first-class gemstones cannot be said to be as many as thousands. There is no problem now, even if it is a second-tier gem. There are also many bloodline gems.

The bloodline gem is definitely the most urgently needed treasure for the Monster Academy, but Ville cannot easily give it to them. Just as he said, the one that is easy to obtain will not be cherished, and the one that is not obtained will make people restless. He needs monsters. The college is full of vitality and actively works hard for him.

Bloodline gems are carrots hanging in front of their noses, urging them to keep moving forward.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it before. This is the goddess of music Baihuayin, a strong demigod." Little Weier seemed to think of something. The short answer almost scared the deans and deputy deans of the Monster Academy. Collapsed to the ground, they actually ignored her for a long time in front of this demigod-level powerhouse.

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