The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 853: The battle of the jasmine knight

Zhiwei saw it, and looked at the leopard. The results of the first two levels of the six levels of the Beast God gave the priests of the Beast God Temple and Professor Wezel to have their own judgments on the whole battle.

They can't stop these six little evildoers!

Yes, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is not just Vail, Lilith, and Guai Liluo who are evildoers. Nicole, who defeated the werewolf saint warrior, and Jasmine and Floret, who became paladins at a young age, are all evildoers.

Although only Guai Liluo, Xiaoweier, and Nicole have actually shot at the moment, their advantages are too obvious. Guai Liluo is better than Niu Ben but basically at the same level, but Little Weier almost killed Niu Ben when he shot. It's a bit scary, but Nicole, the catwoman warrior, who can defeat the werewolf warrior doesn't seem so dazzling.

Although the others did not really compete with the Saint-level masters, their performance on the road is not bad. The Saint-level strength is definitely there. The next four may not necessarily be much better than the Bull Run and Wolf Warriors. If they want to Clear the customs, directly join forces to attack, it is estimated that the physical challenge will be completed soon.

Several orc sacrifices looked at each other and began to discuss privately how to deal with this challenge. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, but you can't lose face. This is your own lair. People call the door. Although they are acting according to the rules, they can go through the barrier and see the beast **** before the crown. It is inevitable to lose the face of the orcs.

It's too late to adjust the guarding order. How about giving some treasures?

But when they thought of the magical cannon assembled by the enchanting boy, they immediately dispelled the idea. The thing relied on the magic stone to be able to show off for a long time without interruption, not to mention the Tier 3 orcs who guarded the pass, even if they had a long time. Can't bear it, they don't think the people who assemble the magic cannon will not be able to afford it.

However, they didn’t know that Ville’s magical cannon was not complete. He pieced it together temporarily. If he could fire twenty or thirty shots, he would basically be reimbursed. The reason was not that Ville’s ability was not reached, but that these parts Many do not meet the requirements and belong to the products of the Dark Goblin of Neverland, and their strength levels are still too low.

That thing is not unavailable, but the deterrent effect is far greater than the use value.

Since you can’t do anything, let’s put a little pressure on the younger generations who guard the gates. In fact, failure is not a good thing. The orcs have been slack in the past century, and it is really not a good thing for the bottom orcs to stay away from war. In addition to guarding the abyss and the orcs from the continent of the gods, the orcs native to the Wizard Islands have begun to enjoy themselves.

The purpose of the first two levels is to eliminate the weak and indiscriminate challengers and greatly consume their physical strength. Whether the magic cow herd or the magic wolf sneak attack, it has some lethality for the general third-order masters, but they are very unfortunate. When it came to Guai Li Luo, this intuition super keen and violent Lori almost blasted the magic cattle and magic wolves with her own power.

"Oh, you guys made me wait. I almost fell asleep just now." On the tall tree, a thin figure no more than five feet tall could hide Guai Liluo's intuition from ten feet away, if he hadn't taken the initiative to speak out , It is estimated that no one has noticed him yet.

Walking on the winding forest path, the only way can ensure that they will not get lost, but it is not safe here. Various monsters are emerging in an endless stream. At the same time, they also need to take care of the gatekeepers that may appear at any time, but Now it seems that the gatekeepers don't like sneak attacks so much. They prefer face-to-face battles than sneak attacks, which is very orc.

With a sound of "swish", he jumped out from ten feet away, leaped lightly on the tree and came to the front in a blink of an eye. This orc is more inclined to monkeys than humans. The sharp-mouthed monkey's gills are covered with gray fur, and he is holding a six-foot-long gray non-smooth in his hand. The stick, the stick is a bit taller than him, a little funny.

"Tsk tsk, the little calf and the little wolf cub did not seem to cause you much trouble, yes, yes, you are worthy of me! My name is the Great Ape King, the patriarch of the Grey Ape family, and the third-order holy warrior. This is my partner. The fruit stick weighs three hundred and sixty-five catties. Do you come one by one or together?" The Great Ape King pointed to the long stick in his hand and his face was full of fighting spirit.

This is an almighty opponent who is not weak in speed and strength. Judging from the action he just swung the stick, his skills are definitely not weak. Ville and Lilith looked at each other, but before they could move, Knight Jasmine had already Jumped out: "This opponent doesn't look very strong, leave it to me."

The werewolf warrior is stronger than Niu Ben. This person does not look weak. The stronger the opponent is, the more difficult it is to deal with. Jasmine doesn't want to make a trip by herself. She watched other people slaughter the Quartet and just walked her legs. In any case, I have to play once.

Jasmine knew that she had no certainty of winning. If either Ville or Lilith shot, they could easily win, but what did she mean by this? It was blamed Liluo and Nicole who were both his own men before, and they showed their power one by one, so that Jasmine was not in a hurry, not to mention the forest is their home court.

"My name is Jasmine, Jasmine Kendall, a Paladin of Elf Blood!" Jasmine took the initiative to fight, and Vill, Lilith and others could only give in. Strictly speaking, no one in the sister control group could really subdue her, Lismine. Si's father, Wright Sky Knight, may be possible, but he has his own way and auxiliary way. He did a good job as a king in the Karst Kingdom. It is said that the King of the Karst Kingdom has begun to sell his little widow sister to him.

Regardless of the three or seventy one, Jasmine directly planted a few thorns to create a thorny jungle of his own home court, and then wielded a big sword against the Great Ape King. The Great Ape King did not stop Jasmine in the slightest, but took the initiative to rush into the thorns. The jungle wielded a long stick and slaughtered everywhere.

The thorns and canes were torn apart under the great ape king’s stick. Jasmine’s great sword was a work recently upgraded by Little Weir. It could not leave the slightest trace on the grey stick in the hands of the great ape king. The disadvantage of strength made Jasmine a little bit weak. Embarrassed, can only rely on the home field advantage of the thorny jungle to stalemate.

The great ape king continued to scream, his small body seemed to have infinite power, and his feet slammed cracks on the ground with force. The Jasmine Knight sprinkled seeds and thorns constantly gave birth to limit the greatness. The action of the Ape King.

"Interesting, interesting, not enough! Not enough!" The Great Ape King kept shouting, and the more he fought, the more energetic he became. The Jasmine Knight was embarrassed under his stick, but he abruptly supported him. As the fighting time got longer and longer, Jasmine Gradually adapting to the violent attack of the Great Ape I slowly became calm, but I just wanted to counterattack but couldn't help it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The great ape king suddenly jumped up, and the long stick in his hand slammed on the ground. The dust was flying, the branches and leaves were flying everywhere, and the ground was shattered by more than three feet. All the thorns within a radius of more than ten meters from the center of Wang Wei were shattered.

In the dust, the Jasmine Knight flew out, and the whole person rolled and fell ten feet away in embarrassment. The Great Ape King did not pursue him. He smashed a small hole on the ground with a long stick in his hand, with a bright smile on his face." So cool, so cool, next one!"

"Have you been happy to beat me? Next? Haha, I am a knight. A knight without a mount can't display his full strength. Next, I will try my best. I hope you can continue to call cool!" Knight Jasmine spit out With a mouthful of **** phlegm, he directly released his demon pet, and the four-legged flying dragon raised up to the sky and let out a roar, as if celebrating his freedom.

"A Tier 3 monster, a four-legged flying dragon?!" The Great Ape King's eyes flashed with excitement, "Although it is not a giant dragon, this kind of dragon with strong blood is not bad. Fighting against this powerful monster is enough. Come on. ,war!"

Half an hour later, the Jasmine Knight clapped his hands contentedly to put away the four-legged flying dragon, and walked to Ville, Lilith and others, "I won, and the strength of the orc sage warrior is the same, although it is not bad. But I can't stop me going all out! Florett, when will you show your strength for us to take a look?"

Florett's mouth twitched slightly. Not far away, the Great Ape King was lying on the ground with a ragged nose and a bruised face. The stick fell on the ground and he didn't bother to pick it up. He was entwined with canes and tried to spit out two words: "Enough!"

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