The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 867: 0 Huayin's life experience

The time for small talk is always very fast, and the high priest is indeed a very easy-going person, at least in front of Little Ville, Lilith, and Little Weiya.


"Little guy, Conroy told me that your bloodline is very special. It is the only remaining owner of the third primitive elven bloodline. Can you tell me that this is true?" The words of the high priest were very soft, but this question is A big secret related to Little Will, the existence of the tree of life seedling.


Ville shook his head lightly and said: "My bloodline is very special and has very strong compatibility. It is not only the blood of the elves, but I also have the blood of the dragon and the thunder giant that are no less than the blood of the elves. I got it the day after tomorrow."


   The high priest nodded thoughtfully and suddenly asked: "You have absorbed the remains of the tree of life on the little girl Lya, right?"


  Although it seemed to be an inquiry, with a certain degree of certainty, seeing Little Ville's surprise, the high priest softly comforted and said, "You don't need to be so nervous. I have a basis for saying that."


"The mother tree is great and benevolent. She has strong vitality and is not repulsive to kind life." The voice of the great sacrifice carries a hint of remembrance and gentleness: "The elves like me were originally humans. Because the fruit of the mother tree has undergone a wonderful transformation, the first generation elves are born, also known as primitive elves."


"It's just that the original bloodline of the elves is very primitive and has strong plasticity. Many people have found their own strengthening direction before they have different professions, and gradually formed new bloodlines, such as elven druids, elves, wizards, elves, and spirits. The whisperer, the thorn knight, the elven ranger, etc., some bloodlines disappeared later, some bloodlines were carried forward, and the original primitive elven bloodlines gradually disappeared."


"The bloodline of the primitive elves represents the first generation elves, and it is only the part that the first generation elves stick to themselves without mutation and enhancement. In the subsequent disasters and wars, they were the first to be eliminated. Countless ancestors of the elven race paid for the race. Life, the first generation elves are even scarce, and I am the only one who owns the original elves blood." The high priest casts his gaze on Little Ville very softly: "Don’t think it’s really easy to have the original elves blood. You can easily succeed with the wreckage of the mother tree."


"The most important thing is to be recognized by the mother tree and willing to blend with you. This is not something you can do with a little luck. The mother tree has a keen sense of good and evil and knows whether outsiders are utilitarian or not. After the first generation of elves, there are almost no new primal elves bloodlines, and you are the second and the only primal elves that were not born in the elven forest."


Little Ville opened his mouth to explain, but suddenly realized that the high priest's statement was not wrong. The tree of life seedlings had been parasitized by the world consciousness of the snowwood world, but he had mastered the world consciousness. From this perspective, It seems that it is not a big problem to say that he is fusing the tree of life.


   After the body was fused with the world of the blood god, Ville's elven bloodline was almost completed. With the help of the tree of life seedling, it seemed that his current elven bloodline was the original elven bloodline.


"You said before that I was the third existing owner of the original elven bloodline, and the second after the disaster. I don’t know who the other original elven bloodline owns?" Ville suddenly realized that the high priest really wanted What did you say.


   The high priest gave him a deep look, "You have guessed it, haven't you?"


   "The **** of music Baihuayin?" Little Weier asked with some uncertainty.


The high priest cast approving glances, "Yes, it is the child of Baihuayin, but she is different from you. Her blood originated from the current tree of life. With the help of the goddess of the spirit, the blood of the primitive elves was born. It’s just that her bloodline has many limitations."


   "For example?"


   "For example, her strength is improved very quickly in the early stage, and then she will be restricted to the demigod level. For another example, if she wants to survive peacefully, she will definitely not be able to leave the elf forest." The high priest's voice was soft but slow.


   "Wait, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to not be able to leave the fairy forest, right, the music goddess Baihuayin seems to have always been wandering outside, right?"


"This girl Baihuayin leads a carefree life in the Elf Forest. For her, the Elf Forest is home, and it is not a yoke cage. So with the help of a big man, after paying some price, Baihuayin The girl disconnected from the tree of life and left the elf forest, heading towards the vast world she yearned for."


"After leaving the tree of life, her strength completely stopped, growth is already a luxury for her, unless she can become a god, and becoming a **** on her own is completely impossible for her who is disconnected from the tree of life. Because she is incomplete, she embarked on the path of belief in the gods." The high priest cast his gaze on Little Will: "Child, do you know why the little girl Baihuayin has refused to go home for so many years?"


   "The tree of life, the price she pays is that she can never get close to the tree of life?" Xiao Weier boldly gave a guess, but didn't want to say it.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


The high priest could not help applauding and admiring: "Child, you are really sharp, and your brains are turning very fast. That's right, the price paid by the little girl Baihuayin is related to the tree of life. After leaving the elf forest, she can no longer approach the tree of life. The tree, once close to the tree of life, will establish a new connection with the tree of life, and this connection will make her lose control of the origin of the body, and the blood given by the tree of life will gradually be taken back by the tree of life."


   Little Ville and Lilith were taken aback, "But why does she come back? Is it too late to leave the Elf Forest?"


"This process is irreversible. After Baihuayin girl re-established contact with the Tree of Life, her life has entered the countdown, unless she can become a **** as soon as possible!" God’s wishes have been more recognized.


The demigod powerhouse is already regarded as the top master in the Wizard Islands. An existence like Baihuayin can live very well, but she is eager to become a **** when she still has a lot of life. This is not because she is more powerful. She wants to go home, and the price of going home is totally unbearable except for becoming a god.


   Xiao Weier immediately leaned back, put his hands behind his head and said quietly, "Baihuayin is forcing me to work. I wonder how long she can support?"


   "Fifty years." The words of the Great Sacrifice made Little Will suddenly realize, and at the same time, he also understood how the time limit proposed by the task of becoming a **** of music came from.


"But the longer the time, the weaker Baihuayin's body becomes, and the less likely she is to become a god. She can stay at the demigod level for only twenty years, and within half a year, her state will be full. It will start to weaken after half a year."


   "This pig teammate who likes to be dead." Ville couldn't help but complained, "Can we give up this task? The employer maliciously concealed the truth and killed himself. It is not our fault that the task is not completed."


   "Isn't it your plan to let her come to the Elf Forest by herself?" The high priest seemed to know their situation very well, and one sentence stopped Little Vil.


   Seeing the high priest’s smiling expression, Ville thoughtfully asked, “Is there a way for the high priest to make Baihuayin a **** as soon as possible?”


   "That's There are methods, but you need to pay some price." The words of the big sacrifice made Little Weier a black line.


   "It's Baihuayin who became a god. It's all your elves. Will it be me who pays the price for Mao?"


   "Because the adults who can help Baihuayin become a **** and want your promise, they don't want Baihuayin."


   "The goddess of the ocean, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the night, the goddess of the dawn?" Ville suddenly realized what the beast **** had given him, but another doubt deepened. What are these gods doing by themselves?


"The goddess of the sea, the goddess of the earth, and the goddess of the night. The time for the goddess of dawn to become a **** is too short, and there is not much achievement in the way of music. The laws in this area are seldom dabbled and cannot give too much Help." The high priest threw out three boxes casually, each with a crystal-clear bead, and the rhythm of Ruoyuowu spread out.


   contains the inheritance beads of the three main gods' music comprehension, as well as a trace of divine power, and the beast **** has given himself such a treasure before.


   Little Will hesitated for a moment and asked in a deep voice, "What are the requirements under the three crowns?"


   "In the future, after you become a god, do a favor to a few people. This favor is not harmful to you. This becoming a **** is not worthy of belief in a god, but a god-level master."


   "Several Mianxia really look up to me. Give these three inheritance beads to Baihuayin for me. I accept the terms."

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