The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 873: Ville's initial mission

The battle with Lilith ended with the victory of Ville, and Lilith kept her hands.

Xiao Weiya gritted her teeth on the sidelines, frantically complaining in her heart: Are you fighting? The flirting is pretty much the same. The speed and strength look good, but they don't have the usual five-point power at all. The flamboyant moves are not practical at all. What else is there except good-looking?

The most overwhelming thing is, what do you do when you wink your eyebrows when you fight?

Is this demonstrating to me?

Sure enough, the identity of my sister has no future. Did I make a wrong choice?

For a whole day, Xiao Weiya did not leave Xiao Weier for half a step. Mojiesi felt helpless when she saw her daughter being so obsessed with her son. Early this morning, Liya was called by her irresponsible father, and Elena even more. I haven't been here for several days.

Mojiesi took Lilith to refine the medicine. This second-level wizard who was very keen on medicine, after discovering that Lilith was already at the master level in this respect, would harass her almost every day. As for why he didn't find her son.

Haha, I taught the basics of my son's alchemy potion. Now you let me ask my son for advice?

I really can't afford to lose this face, and I can't wipe this face away. In comparison, Lilith will be much better. She is much better than the son who has always wanted to give up on alchemy and pharmacy, and is more patient with herself.

There are many alchemy medicines in arrears, the longest being five or six years. It was okay before, and I don’t know what happened. Recently, the number of debt collectors suddenly increased, which made her feel embarrassed to go to some gatherings.

Lilith can only help her future mother-in-law to refine some alchemy potions as much as possible. She originally had the strength of an alchemy potion master, but now she has a free primary appraisal eye, and the success rate and efficiency are even worse. A small promotion has given Mojie Ribbon a lot of help.

Well, it should be said that Lilith is doing her best to help Mojiesi to pay off her debts, taking the time to give pointers to her alchemy medicine operations, and let this future mother-in-law play as little as possible in the refining process. Lilith has never discovered her future before. The mother-in-law would actually be so "free to escape", and did not explode the alchemy laboratory in three ways. It was because the level of the potion she refined was not enough and was suppressed by the powerful strength of her own second-level wizard.

As night fell, Léa really did not come home at night today, which surprised Mojiesi and Xiao Weiya very much. Since Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo came here, Lya has never gone home at night. , After all, she always stared at Ville's bedroom looking for opportunities to sneak in, and at the same time she wanted to let Lilith steal food.

After meeting again, the agreement between Léa and Lilith not to allow stealing was over. This was announced by Léa herself, because she was going to steal it first.

Lya stared at Lilith, and Xiao Wei Ya usually entangled Xiao Wei. In addition to Lilith, she also stared at Wei Li Luo, which made Wei Ya a black line.

You have to know that the current Wei Li Luo is still a little Lolita, she can't compare with them, dear sister, brother, am I really such a pervert in your heart?

Tonight’s moonlight is sparse, and the villa in Ville’s Apostle’s Space has been decorated simply. It’s strange that Liluo was eating the fruit after dinner provided by Ville, her mouth never stopped, while Lilith was thin. Tasting the spiritual tea in front of him.

The apostle elf Xiaowei happily fluttered in the air with a pair of translucent wings, while flying, pouring Lilith tea, and replenishing Guai Liluo with the consumed fruit.

Seeing Xiao Wei who was nine points similar to Xiao Wei Ya when she was a child, the corner of Lilith's mouth twitched slightly: "Heh, sister control."

Xiaowei knew that he was wrong. He didn’t think about it too much on a whim. He just used the image of Xiaoweiya. Now it’s too late to regret it. The main reason is that Xiaowei likes this image so much that she doesn’t even want to grow up. The reason is Will fall out of favor when he grows up, making Will feel helpless.

Fortunately, fortunately, Lilith is talking about sister control instead of lo*ic*n.

"Ahem" Ville coughed twice to try to attract the attention of Lilith and Guai Liluo, "Apostle Space and Wisdom Gods are both high-level secrets that cannot be circulated at will, and the level is still above the seven-story holy tower."

"You are still apprentice apostles now. Lilith's guide is Mr. Troy, and Xiao Luo's guide is me. There are some things I need to tell you carefully, although I didn't know these things before." Xiaoweier said. I couldn't help but sighed here. Why would my guide be Professor Witzel? The difficulty of his initial task assessment is simply pitting. How did Professor Witzel get it right?

"What is the initial mission?" Lilith suddenly became interested. She was really satisfied with the apostle space and the elves. Unlike Ville, who had nothing when she became an apostle, Lilith is now a Tier 3 Paladin and a Tier 3 wizard. Not to mention the accumulation of such things, it was so scary, all of them were sacrificed directly and then exchanged for a small castle.

Different levels of apostles, different levels of support, and different benefits will not be notified in advance, but Lilith and Guai Liluo grasped this point. The apprenticeship stage was full of rewards, unlike Little Ville, the apprenticeship stage was because What is collected is just too little, basically it is wasted. Worry-free Chinese Network

Lilith exchanged a small castle, blame Liluo directly exchanged for a big small amusement park, compared with Xiaoweier only expanded a little bit of space, passively rewarded a bedroom, a small living room, a storage room , I don’t know how many miles are missing, and this...

It's all Professor Witzel's fault.

"The **** of wisdom does not have time to stare at us all the time. The newcomer becomes an apostle. The guide needs to release an initial mission and prepare props. Supervise the whole process. The **** of wisdom will play a supporting role and confirm whether the apostle is qualified. If not, he will be disqualified. "Ville's words made Lilith thoughtful.

"Is the task of transforming Angeline's character given to me by Mr. Troy before?" Lilith asked.

Little Ville shook his head slightly: "The initial mission is the first mission after obtaining the Apostle Space, a large mission. This mission can be a hidden mission, or it can be announced openly. Let me talk about my initial mission first."

"My initial task is to participate in the Drake City cleanup plan throughout." Little Ville's face was full of grief: "As an ordinary student without any extraordinary power, according to the script, I need to act as an event guide to a large number of wizards from the outside world, and then Act as a clue, let the wizards get some props from me, and then you need to act as a decryptor, decipher the secrets hidden in the props for them, and support them in completing the task of purging the dark power of Drake City."

"As for the places that need to be cleared, the weakest enemy is also the entry level, the strongest is the third level, and I was just an ordinary teenager."

Lilith has a very rich expression on her face. As Ville’s fiancee, the eldest daughter of the Kendal family in Drake City, she knows a lot about what happened at the beginning, such as foreign wizards, local churches, nobles, **** demons, demons, and being sealed and suppressed. God, poor little Ville’s initial mission was to participate in the whole process? And it also played a very important role.

"Professor Witzel prepared the seven-story holy tower for you? He knew that you could be recognized by the seven-story holy tower?" Lilith felt a little weird.

Little Ville rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think it is possible? The professor just wants to get the **** earl, and then join the local wizards, churches, and the city lord's mansion to expel him. I was able to get the seven-story holy tower by accident."

Little Will began Sisi to explain the whole story of his initial mission. The story starts with a silver box.

Professor Witzel used the guidance technique to confuse himself and returned home with a weird box. Then he directed and acted in a scene in which an evil wizard was captured by the church and then picked himself out of the city of Drake that was about to detonate.

Then the incident occurred at Little Verdon, and when it was about to be exposed, the wisdom **** accepted himself as an apostle, sacrificed a silver-white box, and obtained the first prop: "Playboy 50th Anniversary Collector's Edition."

There are many clues hidden in this good thing that is obviously impossible to appear in Little Weier's hands, but the pastor who was in charge of searching Weier's house was too pious and old-fashioned, and failed to take it away and discover the secrets in it in time.

The clues are in front of us and are not available. The church adopted the most stupid method of waiting for the bunny. It followed and guarded Ville throughout the whole process. In the end, it still got a lot of useful information, and followed the clues left by Professor Wetzel, like a puppet. Follow the path he arranged.

And because his father was a knight and his mother was an apprentice to a wizard, Ville began to step into the ranks of the extraordinary with the help of the apostle elves.

Lilith knows most of the rest, but all she knows is only the surface.

"The soul singer and the blood count mingled together and kidnapped you. Is this also Professor Witzel's arrangement?"

"There is nothing wrong with this, but it is said that the arrangement is not appropriate, at most it is a guide, let Segores know that I am proficient in various languages. I was able to clear the seven-story holy tower, and the approval of those gods was mostly an accident. One reason is: the time is up."

What time is it?

It's time for Lamod to get out of trouble Little Ville is just the key to his journey of getting out of trouble. As a exploited person, the seven-story holy tower is the prize.

"What? Teacher Moody is a devil! And he is also a legendary **** devil. After being defeated by you, he was put to the death and then cast into the wisdom of the gods and became the messengers of the gods? No wonder, that is the case." Lilith before. I finally figured out a lot of things that I couldn't figure out. The teacher knew Xiao Weier so well, and it was not without reason that Xiao Weier raised the teacher everywhere.

"Your devil teacher is not a good person at all. You can't trust him too credulously. If he speaks ill of me in front of you, you can listen to me instead." For the grievances between himself and Moody, Ville is very vengeful, no It's not okay to hold grudges, because that **** **** holds grudges more than himself, and almost wiped out his elf.

Lilith glanced sideways at him. This **** and her teacher are really good enough, but I was able to meet the teacher and say that it was really thanks to Xiao Weier. The original intention of the teacher should be to let himself suppress Weier, and the result is true after getting along for a long time. Became his own teacher.

"This is my initial mission, a script for a primary school student who has no power to bind a chicken to survive among so many wizards, alien races, demons, and **** demons."

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