The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 893: Won a big win, concede the bet

"Until the last moment, who knows the outcome." Elena's appearance is very casual, she can't see any tension at all, but her gentle stroke of her hair reveals that she is not without fluctuations at the moment.

The person who knows you best may not be your friend, but may also be your enemy. Isaiah knows Elena very deeply. Elena is not calm at the moment, which just means that their performance at the moment is normal.

In fact, at this level, Isaiah was very surprised. The little loli was taken away by the elf druid, and the sound of rumbling in the distance was endless, which is enough to show that their battle has been going on, and there is no difference between the victory and the defeat for the time being. , You must know that the strongest one under your team is the elf druid. In addition to his own strength, he also has a Tier 3 dark demon leopard. Even if he wants to win, such a combination requires a lot of hands and feet.

The girl named Lilith was only slightly at a disadvantage with one enemy and two, and her offensive and defensive skills were very effective. If it weren't for the speed and strength of the Clefttooth Tiger, she might not be able to suppress her. The spear seemed to be alive in her hands. , Isaiah did not dare to say that he could take advantage of close combat.

And Little Ville, who defeated the Elf Hunter in a sneak attack, should not be underestimated. Although it was a big failure to take the initiative to meet Davidson, it also caused a reversal of occupation and was in a difficult situation, but he has been able to support for so long under the siege of two Elf mages. It's not easy.

Isaiah was very fortunate that he appeared when they were exhausted. If they stood in front of them early in the morning and faced the three enchanted evildoers in their heyday, what would be the result?

Isaiah himself is a little unsure, is it really worth offending such a demon?

Just as Isaiah began to doubt his decision, Ville’s battlefield began to change. Amid the loud noise of the "rumbling", a huge rock giant rose to the ground and hugged Ville in the middle. Rolled towards the two elven wizards in a "rumbling" ball.

"Earth Witchcraft?!" Isaiah was shocked. Isn't this kid a shadow wizard? What is the situation with this earth witchcraft?

Elena sneered coldly, "Keep your dog's eyes wide open and see clearly, this is earth magic, not earth witchcraft. Ville is the goddess of the fairy goddess, the earth goddess, the sea goddess, the night goddess, the dawn goddess, and the beast gods. Or, are some of the magical skills worth all the fuss about? If the magical skills are not restored, do you think they can maintain their current state after a day of fighting?"

"By the way, I would like to remind you that although their current state is not very good, if you want to use protracted battles to bring them down, it is unrealistic. Their resilience and durability are stronger than those of your idiots. , The final victory in the protracted battle must be Little Vil and the others." Elena's words surprised Isaiah slightly.


"These three little guys are all evildoers. It would be a good thing if you can give them a little bitterness. Anyway, the final result will not change." Elena's eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint arc appeared in the corner of her mouth: "Look. It looks like the little guys are getting a little impatient and want to win the battle sooner."

On the battlefield, the rock giant was blocked by layers of trees and vines, and the witchcraft attacks aroused the dust in the sky. The rock giants were clustered and rooted and supported on the earth. However, the rock giant was finally broken. The rock Fragmented, fragments of rubble flying all over the sky.

"The two stupid elf mages lost." Elena's words made Isaiah feel a little unbelievable. It was obviously that the little guy's magic was broken, and his two subordinates did not consume half of their magic power. How could it be inexplicable Lose?

Suddenly a black shadow came out from behind the two elven wizards, with both hands gently stretched out and landed on their defensive enchantment. The enchantment was instantly wiped out, and the shadow fist hit the two elven wizards with both fists. , Isaiah saw the shadow of the orc holy warrior in this boxing technique.

The two elven wizards fell to the ground and were tied together with a chain by the figure. The treants summoned by "Break Fist!" were broken into pieces.

Ville stretched out, dragged the chains and dragged two noble elven saint sorcerers all the way to the elf hunter. He kept the three unlucky ones together, and he took out one by himself. Zhang sat down on the recliner.

Slowly enjoy the drink in one hand and the fruit in the other hand, regardless of the roar of the other two wars.

Lilith used two holy masters to hone her skills. She didn’t use any witchcraft at all. Only half of the paladin’s strength was enough to protect herself. At the same time, she was still in the mood to pay attention to the movement of Weier and Guai Liluo, Weier. The movement here disappeared, and she was immediately aware of it. I read

"Stop playing, the game is over here!" Lilith swept away the elf ranger and the saber-toothed tiger with a gun in one hand. A ball of light suddenly appeared in the other hand and exploded quickly, not to mention the two nearby enemies. , Even Isaiah and Elena who had been staring at them were also recruited. Only Lya, who had seen her methods a long time ago, closed her eyes and escaped.

Lilith did not take the opportunity to sneak attacks. Naturally, the Elf Ranger and Davidson would not be so easily successful. They each took a defensive approach to protect themselves, while Lilith took the opportunity to release the deformed puppet, "Deformed puppet, dragon horse mode!"

A knight knight, a knight without a mount is incomplete. Sitting on the deformed puppet, Lilith's speed and power have been greatly improved, and her spear skills can be used to the greatest extent. She rushed to the elf ranger in the first place. Beside, the spear in his hand pierced like lightning.

The spirit of the unity of man and horse is locked, and the long sword in the hand of the elf ranger is also quickly pierced. As for dodge? He didn't think about it, but he couldn't avoid it.

Eighteen shots were shot in an instant, one shot was stronger than one, and the power of each shot could actually be superimposed on the next shot. The long sword in the hand of the elf ranger flew out, and then the whole person was swept away by Lilith with a single shot. Sky.

The deformed puppet dragon horse rushed out a hundred meters and then traversed an arc to stop steadily. The elf ranger fell to the ground, feeling severe pain in his heart and lungs after breathing for a while, and the mixed muscles and bones seemed to fall apart and were unable to exert force.

Davidson's face changed suddenly, and the girl who was driving the iron dragon horse pointed at her spear.

run! The earth is too dangerous. I want to return to Mars. Davidson directly drove the Splittooth Tiger into the air, trying to avoid the girl's shock raid from the air, but in a blink of an eye, the steel dragon and horseback had wings and rushed up in the air.

"You're cheating!" Davidson screamed and fell, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the Slittooth Tiger lay beside him and groaned and did not dare to get up.

Yes, it’s not that you can’t get up. The Cleft-tooth Tiger’s injuries are not serious. Lilith mainly targets Davidson. But looking at the fighting spirit Lilith, the Cleft-tooth Tiger knows that a good tiger doesn’t suffer from immediate losses. Go to death? Isn't it more comfortable to lie down than to stand up and be beaten?

Lilith’s battle ended, and the roar in the distance gradually stopped. Elena had a smile on her face, but Isaiah’s expression was gloomy. He was not sure whether his first general had won the little Lolita. If you lose, everything will stop. If you win, it seems unlikely that you can beat these two young girls together. They can all do one-on-two. If you change to two-on-one, you will have to do it yourself. kneel.

Soon, a small figure came over, carrying two sledgehammers in one hand, and the tail of the Dark Leopard in the other. A figure trapped in a ball under her feet was kicked away by her.

Xiao Wei and Lilith couldn't help but have a black line. Xiao Luo, the battle is over. When the opponent has no strength to fight back, the sledgehammer can actually be put away. Although I taught her not to relax her vigilance, the weapon should always be in hand. But can you really use weapons to fight like this? With two sledgehammers in one hand, each of which is seven or eight hundred catties, can you use it?

Alina stretched out and pretended not to care, and said: "It looks like we won this battle. Your subordinates are really not very strong. You don't even have the ability to force their cards. It's really disappointing. Isaiah, sometimes the level doesn’t explain the problem. Compared with those orc holy warriors, the moon elf holy masters are still far behind in combat power and experience."

"I heard that they passed the six levels of the Beast God two years ago?" Isaiah asked suddenly.

Elena nodded and said: "Yes, the three of them are the strongest among them, and the remaining three will not be any weaker than yours. Can you do one enemy and two? It’s easy to say. It’s very likely that it should be possible to deal with such a waste Tier 3 moon Because the Jasmine Knight is almost the bottom of everyone, and she happens to have a four-legged dragon, and four It shouldn’t be difficult for the Zu Feilong to join forces with one enemy and two. After all, the opponents are not too strong. Isaiah, as an old opponent, I advise you, don’t provoke Little Ville, they are not something you can provoke. What you see now is only them. With a little bit of strength, they can also be invincible under the demigod in the temple."

Isaiah’s face was green, and he nodded fiercely for a moment and said, “I wish to accept the bet. Leia gave it to you. Three days later, the title deed of the beast will be sent to you. The "Guide to becoming a God" should be given to you. Your expenses, I won’t lose a magic stone."

In the end, he still couldn’t give up the "Guide to becoming a **** of Vill Star Mountain." His ambitions were great, and it was impossible to support his ambitions only by the moon elves. The power of the Wizard Islands was also very important, but the outside demigods couldn’t. Regardless of himself, it is indeed safe to hide on the Elf Island, but his ambition does not allow him to do so.

As for bowing to Little Will, as a proud moon elf, he could not do it. He would rather abandon the chess piece of Leia than bow his head. He is a noble pure blood elf noble, how can he bow to the acquired bloodline awakened person, even if he is The legendary owner of the original elven bloodline.

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