The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 896: People are responsible for what they do

Lilith makes full use of her resources. There is a refuge island in the sea clan. This music god’s own place on earth has now become the communication center between the sea clan and the wizard island. The teleportation array can communicate with the three seven-ring wizard towers. , There are two six-ring wizard towers and one five-ring wizard tower. At the same time, it has established teleportation links with the three mermaid territories of the storm and all the territories of the Thunder Naga royal family, which greatly promoted their resource development.

The elven island is a closed world, and things like teleportation arrays take effect within the elven island and the surrounding area for thousands of miles. The 3,000 miles outside the elven island also defaults to the territory of the elves, and it is required to prohibit the construction of teleportation arrays from time to time. There is a squadron of elves patrolling around.

This can indeed guarantee the safety of the elves to a certain extent, and at the same time limit the development of the elves.

Lilith won’t have this trouble. The seventh-floor holy tower has the imprint of the fairy goddess. You can freely come and go through here. Connie met Wright before, and Lilith asked Nicole, Corleone, and others to improve the strength of the magic spirit. Afterwards, I asked the six-ring construction wizard tower to help build a mobile wizard tower to help Elena get to the Rhine Star Mountain privately. The seven-story holy tower is also indispensable.

Connected to the Continent of the Gods through the Great Sister Gil, and continuously input the resources of the Continent of the Gods to the Elf Island, and only the lowest-end Elf accessories are paid, many of which are handmade products of those ungraded half-elves, whether they are extraordinary items or not. , Produced by Elf Island, is a good high-end product in the Continent of the Gods, and the exchanged resources are more than enough for those who are not advanced half-elves and acquired blood.

By linking the six-ring construction of the wizard tower by the lady of the night, it is more to arrange work for the construction of the wizard tower, purchase puppets and other tools from them, and pay for the wizard potions and magic accessories created by the elf alchemists of the ranks. Things are very popular on the outside, but because of channel problems, there are relatively few outflows.

With the help of Fimmel to do business with Sea Clan, Far Sea Territory is already quite prosperous. The Far Sea Lords are naturally very grateful to Little Will and others. They are very happy to maintain long-term cooperation with them, and even want to establish a wizard area in Far Sea City. It was finally dismissed by Ville.

It’s not enough. It’s good for everyone to keep the current state. The help that the elves can give to the sea is limited. After all, the place of the elven island is so big. In addition to people and witchcraft and magic, only the tree of life is the most precious. The region is vast and boundless, and the resources are quite abundant.

After the goddess of music became a god, Alesia took the initiative to apply to become a missionary of the goddess of music, staying on the refuge island, doing business in this place, and making a lot of money, but this girl would pretend to be stupid, if not An occasional opportunity was caught by other royal family members. She was doing a big deal, and it is estimated that she would be able to monopolize the resource communication channel between Thunder Naga and the Wizard Islands for a long time.

The particularity and development of the refuge island attracted many people. In the end, there were even churches of the God of Craftsman and the God of Commerce. The Wizarding Association and the Mercenary Association even occupied a place before them, which greatly promoted the wizards. Communication between the archipelago and the sea people.

The main belief in the sanctuary created by the music goddess Baihuayin is the music goddess. This is a sacred place for music and a paradise for art. In order to expand its influence, Baihuayin also invited the **** of dance (demi-god) and the **** of fine arts (half-god). God) stayed at the refuge island, allowing them to preach and expand their beliefs here, and promised that if they accumulate enough, they can support them to become gods.

Baihuayin is very busy. Although she did not rely much on the power of faith when she became a god, she still owes a lot of cause and effect. Poisonous faith is not an empty talk. Her kingdom of God is still very weak and requires a lot of divine power to improve and strengthen. , She has very little Holy Spirit, and her strength is severely insufficient. Faith is the source of the transformation of divine power, but this requires a lot of energy for Baihuayin. At least for decades, she will not be able to make a clone and go around fooling around.

There were two or three more stores quietly in the Music Goddess Sanctuary. The shopkeepers were all half-elves. Their low-key work and silence brought many necessities to the Elf Island Sunshine Land, silently expanding this new territory.

The Sunshine Land is just a new elven territory. Although it has five holy masters, Ville, Lilith, Guilillo, Jasmine Knight, and Wright Knight, plus two four-legged flying dragons, it still cannot change its essence.

Davidson was the first to take the initiative to bow his head to be soft, and then he opened a shop, and then he found that his tamed familiars were quickly bought away, but he sent more untamed monsters, and he almost didn’t need them. Going out, staying at home and being an animal trainer can earn more than before, and the few grievances in my heart also disappear with a large number of benefits.

The Bright Land provides shelter for the half-elves, which undoubtedly touches the interests of the acquired bloodlines and the pure-blood elves. The pure-blood elves look down on the half-elves and even reject the half-elves, but they cannot completely prevent the appearance of the half-elves. They don’t want them. A good time, this will cause more unscrupulous blood bleeds from the bottom pure blood elves.

The acquired bloodlines regard the half-elf as the best medium to increase the bloodline concentration of their offspring. They welcome the half-elf at the same time as the half-elf. The half-elf is very malleable and the uncertainty is very large. It can be very high or possibly very Low, it may even rise after a few generations.

Whether pure blood elves or ordinary blood awakeners, their attitude towards half elves is very weird, but without exception, they are not very good. The appearance of the half elves made many half elves see the light, and at the same time Liya's lack of strength also Let them stand still, even if she played the title of Weier's fiancée.

It is difficult for people to make life-long changes when they are not forced to be helpless, but when one person sets an example, others will follow one after another, but the first person to eat crabs faces a huge risk.

What risk?

The risk of being hunted down and persecuted.

The first half-elf that Léa accepted was a ten-year-old girl. She brought her dying mother, who was in a coma, and when a pure-blooded elf came to the house of half-elves, she was thin and small. Two flesh, tattered clothes, bare feet and eyes barely have much aura, only the fear of you and a trace of desire for life.

The poor man must have something to hate. The pure-blood elf's experience is different from Léa, but he sneaked out of the elf island by himself, then was caught by the slave group, and then sold to a small family with that half. Elf girl.

The elves still attach great importance to their people, or that the elves hate the slave hunting group very much. The identity of the pure blood elves was quickly discovered. The small family and the auction house were all swept away, while the pure blood elves and half-elves were killed. Bring back to the Elf Island.

Her experience did not end because of this. The loss of blood and the unfortunate experience made her mentally shocked, and her strength stopped. The family regarded her as a shame and drove her and the half-elf girl out to the outskirts of the Elf Island. Relying on helping people work hard to survive.

Her existence is an indelible shame to the pure-blood family. Although they are not aristocrats, they have always valued their pure-blood blood. Instead of comforting and caring for their children, they want to let her fend for themselves. Even died naturally.

I don’t know if it was accidental or inevitable. I don’t know if it was accident or man-made. This poor pure-blood elf woman fell ill. When the half-elf girl was sad and desperate, she heard the name of the half-elf house, and struggled with her thin shoulders. Brought my mother to this strange place.

Leia saved them without saying a word, and then faced the suppression of the pure-blood family. That pure-blood family is not a big one. The strongest is only a second-level wizard, but after all, it is a pure-blood family. He hit the door, and overwhelmed Léa's half-elves.

At this time, Lilith stepped forward and detained them all on the charge of invading the territory. She did not hesitate to seal her strength and fell on a square on the edge of the territory.

The black hand behind the scenes followed, with great fanfare. They came with a full stomach of truth, but they met Lilith who didn’t plan to reason with them. If you don’t enter the territory, we won’t meet you, as long as you enter without permission. The territory immediately suffered a powerful blow from Guai Liluo.

Two holy masters and more than twenty advanced elves were hung and beaten.

This sling is not an adjective, but it is actually hanged, and after the fight, it is also hanged to show the public. The reason is very good: malicious invasion of the half-elf home.

At this time, many pure-blood elven families could not sit still, and they sought out Isaiah and Elena, wanting to ask them for an explanation, but Lya had already left the moon elves tribe, and Isaiah had no binding force on her. , And Elena directly threw out the evidence that the two elven masters used the half-elf girl and her mother to calculate the half-elf home.

Elena told them very directly, don’t provoke the Sunshine Land without more than ten Saint-level combat power, otherwise you must be prepared to go and never return. Those two Saint-level masters are the best examples. They will not die. , But the face will definitely be lost. Hanged here for ten and a half days, and then the two families need to pay a huge price to redeem them, otherwise they will wait to sit in prison.

As for offending the entire group of pure blood elves, they don’t care at all. They can do whatever they want if they have the This answer can’t satisfy those pure blood elves. The pure blood elves, who still regard themselves as elves aristocrats, come to the half-elves again. Home, wanting to bring those pure blood elves back, Ville, Lilith, Guai Li Luo, Jasmine Knight and two four-legged flying dragons all appeared on the stage, and they were all swept away, without giving them the slightest chance to speak.

According to Lilith, when you broke into the half-elf home territory without permission, it constituted an illegal invasion, and we have the right to arrest you.

This time the four Tier 3 elven masters who came here were all blown up by Guai Liluo and sent to the cross. The number of holy masters who were hung up reached six.

In order to let Guai Liluo complete the task of hitting the sky, Ville and Lilith resolutely captured everyone below Tier 3, and then surrounded four Tier 3 masters, forcing them to fight Guai Liluo alone, the winner You can leave, the loser waits for the ruin.

People are responsible for what they do! Since you dare to intrude into someone else’s territory with unruly intentions, you must be prepared to be hanged and be punished.

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