The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 938: What is the abyss?

"How much do you know about the abyss?" For the two Tier 3 masters, it is really not necessary to clean the battlefield too fast, and the "communication" between Ivante and Xiao Wei Ya is still going on. Xiao Wei Ya, who has suppressed his strength, seems not to Ending the "communication" in no hurry, quite a bit of a testimony to her. After reading it, Brand directly released a table and five chairs, and began to test Xiaoweier.

Your little girl is a demigod, you can test my wife, I’m the son of your brother’s teacher, and I’m his brother, you can also test your brother, but in order to avoid irritating that little girl, you can find a pain for yourself. Brand decided to take a literary exam.

Ville is no longer an intermediate fighter for ten years, a first-level wizard apprentice, and there is no need to maintain humility to the strong in front of Brand. There is no level difference between himself and Brand. If you go all out, whoever wins will win. It’s hard to say, Little Will never really think that he can be invincible below the demigod. This sentence is okay to say on the Elf Island, but in the Dragon Clan...

   sat down on a comfortable chair, a subtle breath filled his whole body, causing Little Will's body to become slightly hot, and the corner of his eyes twitched slightly: "Dragon's blood tree?"

  Bland said indifferently: "It's not so luxurious, it's just Ambergris."

  What is dragon blood tree? What is Ambergris?

Dragon blood wood, as its name implies, is a tree contaminated with dragon blood. The upper limit of such wood is very high, and the lower limit is also very high. It can be a top-level magic plant, or it may just enter and exit the ranks of extraordinary items. After all, no dragon will deliberately Use your own blood to cultivate this stuff, usually when you accidentally spill it and get contaminated by trees during the battle, you slowly become talented.

But Ambergris is different. Ambergris must be a high-level magic plant, because it is not something that ordinary low-level magic plants can withstand. It is directly corroded into fly ash, and it is not so easy to shed, like There are not many foodies like Yamei among the dragons, and even the foodies rarely throw saliva everywhere.

   Most ambergris are formed in dragon lairs.

  Dragons have the habit of slept late. Sleep occupies at least half of their lives for dragons, or even longer, and being promoted in sleep is a well-known feature of the dragon family, which is enviable and enviable.

The dragon sleeping is not ignorant. It also responds to external stimuli, but is relatively slow. However, the sleeping posture of the dragon is often not particularly elegant. It is normal for the dragon to grind and fart and drool occasionally. In addition to a lot of gold coins, gems, magic stones, and high-end trees in the bedroom, the activity contained in the high-level magic plants can better promote the sleep and evolution of the dragons, and the dragons formed by their saliva flow on these magic plants. Salivation wood.

Ville can clearly feel that the ambergris under his **** carries a trace of black dragon breath, the breath of a demigod black dragon, it is this faintly flowing breath that stimulates his blood pulse to agitate and become more active. Get up, "Ms. Wetzel's?"

"Daddy hasn't slept for a long time. He is definitely an alternative among the dragons. If you want his Ambergris, you must at least wait for him to be promoted to the **** level." Brand didn't know what was going on with his father, but only vaguely guessed his father. There is a special secret method, he is using this secret method to attack the **** level.

The promotion of dragons consumes a lot of money, and if you want to digest these gains, the best way is to sleep, spend time to reduce the impact and adapt to the bloodline. Brand does not think that his father will be an exception. He, a half-dragon, is promoted to Tier 3. He would have to sleep for three to five months. The demigod estimated that it would not be possible to wake up within three to five years, not to mention the god-level, even if his father was strange, he couldn't really be a dragon.

  The tables, chairs and benches are made of ambergris, but the wine glasses are made of high-grade dracaena. Brand poured a glass of dragon-brewed spirits for Little Will and asked again: "How much do you know about the abyss?"

Little Ville took a deep sniff, and the rich aroma of wine entered the body through his mouth and nose, and there was a feeling of inquiring about the heat. I am afraid that ordinary people can't bear this wine. "If I say, I don't know anything about the abyss, you Believe it?"

   Brand shook his head lightly and said with certainty: "I don't believe it."

   "Because I am a student of Teacher Witzel?" Little Will looked at the glass and wine in his hand, this thing always felt a little dangerous.

Brand took a sip, with a look of enjoyment on his face, before responding a moment later: "Because you are Will Declan, a super genius who achieved a holy level before the age of thirty, and this is not your limit. In order to pursue a higher order, a broader sky, and to achieve a demigod towards a new dimension, you will inevitably understand the abyss."


   "That is the only hope for a demigod." Ville and Brand said at the same time.

   Seeing Ville’s synchronization, Brand couldn’t help laughing out loud, “Yes, that’s the only hope for a demigod. No one can make an exception.”

   "My sister Wei Ya is already a demigod." Ville retorted, and subconsciously retorted.

   "Is your sister an ordinary person? She is him." Brand took a deep look at Little Will, who was silent for a moment.

Brand then changed the topic, or pulled the topic back: "You know that the name Abyss may have been obtained from my father, but the information about the abyss is absolutely impossible for my **** dad to take the initiative to tell you. It’s his habit to play mystery, do some weird and messy so-called tests, and make many twists and turns to achieve your goal."

"No, Mr. Witzel is not pretending to be a posture, but to let us understand that knowledge is valuable. To obtain knowledge, we must put in due effort, and we must pay to gain. At the same time, it is also to let us Respect this knowledge more.” Ville retorted subconsciously, and these principles were also taught to him by Professor Witzel more than ten years ago.

   "Hehe" Brand squinted at him, can he not understand his father's evil taste? This poor child, despite his high aptitude, strong abilities, and super luck, was still fooled by his father.

"Ms. Witzel is a knowledgeable and powerful person, and at the same time an elder who loves the younger generation very much. As his son, you should know that he is not the kind of person who is stingy with his knowledge." Little Weier thought, Professor Witzel’s figure is stalwart and tall, although because the more he contacts and the more he understands, the higher his strength improves. Professor Witzel’s tall and stalwart voice has shrunk a little, plus the high priest, Baihuayin, Troy and others "slandered" him a little bit, but he was definitely not broken.

"Harem man", "color dragon", "dragon clan alien" and the like are not a problem at all. These are the different aspects of Mr. Weizel. There are some extraordinary actions among extraordinary ~ Teacher Witzel is like that.

Brand lightly nodded his head without denying, "If you are already at the top of Tier 3 and are over thirty, Dad will definitely tell you the truth after a while, but now you are not yet able to enter the abyss. You still have a few years to prepare. Because of his daddy's proclivities, he will never take the initiative to reveal details, and will only allow you to pursue the truth hard.

Known father Mo Ruozi, this half-dragon has a deep understanding of Teacher Wezel. This is indeed in line with the personality of Teacher Wezel. What is suitable for you is that I will teach you, not the knowledge you learned at this stage. I won’t teach it easily, but I will leave you with a way to pursue this knowledge. It’s like the messy language I learned before, which is definitely accessible to advanced academies, but I can reach it in intermediate students. The level of professors in advanced colleges.

After some debate, with the relationship of Professor Wetzel, the two people got closer. "The first time I heard the name Abyss comes from a **** demon, I told Kevin of the Mitis Wizarding Academy the relevant information. The holy wizard then didn't pay attention to it anymore. After being promoted to the holy wizard (actually to the four-star apostle), he learned about the abyss from Teacher Witzel. The only way to achieve a demigod is the abyss."

"Perhaps it was a bit early for me. Teacher Witzel did not tell me more information. I learned some information from different channels. Anyone who has been to the abyss would subconsciously avoid it. I still learned from some documents. I saw sporadic records in diaries and books."

   "The abyss is the battlefield of demons, and the wizarding islands are the front line against the demons of hell."

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