The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 941: Pay and settle accounts

When Ivant and Xiaoweiya reached a preliminary agreement and returned to the mountainside, the cleaned up battlefield turned into a barbecue stall. A young girl had a brand new gemstone necklace hanging on her chest, with a wing in her left hand and a calf in her right hand. His mouth is full of oil.

Brand and Ville’s craftsmanship is half a catastrophe. One of them is an old cook who has been in control of the kitchen for hundreds of years, and the other is talented. In addition, the eye of appraisal helps to detect shortcomings and improve them. At the same time, they also have Magical power controls talents, and it can be a rising star that many ordinary chefs can't do.

When the fragrance rose and a figure rushed over and grabbed the barbecue, Ville knew that he had been fooled again. This guy Brand was definitely premeditated. If not, then this person’s. The resilience is really scary.

"Daughter, how is the craftsmanship of this cook?" Brand handed the juice to his baby girl and introduced Little Will to Yami.

"It's delicious." Yamei's mouth was stuffed with roasted meat, and her words were a bit vague. "It's only a little worse than me."

"Haha" Daughter, don't you blush when you say this? Brand smiled and pointed to Little Weir and asked, "Don't you have any familiar feelings?"

Yamei is naturally familiar. Although Little Weil was only a teenager when he left, his appearance has hardly changed since he entered the stage. Coupled with the influence of the dragon's blood, he is still a teenager, both a young elf, and It's a young dragon.

"Who are you?" Yamei asked with a dull look, and then continued her meal, even deliberately moving away from Weier, as if afraid that Weier would steal her food, regardless of the previous Who owns these barbecues?

Say hello to acquaintances? Haha, wait until I'm full, Yamei doesn't have any psychological burden on robbing acquaintances, and just pretends to be a fool.

"The room and the gold coins in the House of All Things in Drake City, the Continent of the Gods, Karst Kingdom, have been confiscated." Xiaowei said lightly, and Yamei there immediately jumped to her feet: "No! No one can grab my gold coins!"

"Well, who are you? Do we know each other?" Ville gave her a pretentious look.

"Hey, isn't this the scholar's boss in the House of All Things? It's been a long time since I have seen you, and I really miss it. Isn't it time for my salary for these years to be settled?" Every month is paid.

Weier smiled slightly. It seemed that Yamei was still very concerned about herself. Before she left, she was not the boss of the House of All Things, but only a scholar. Did she become the boss of the House of All Things after she left. As for the salary?

Forget it, even if you have been absent from work a day for more than ten years, how much salary you can get, since you have to settle the accounts, then let's do the calculations.

"Your salary in the House of All Things is ten gold coins a month, one hundred and twenty gold coins a year, and one thousand two hundred gold coins in ten years. You have not received your salary for 14 years and seven months, so I will give you a whole Calculated in fifteen years, that would be 1,800 gold coins." Weier calculated the salary for Yamei over there, and the half-dragon girl's eyes flashed straight.

"Since it is rounding, why not 20 years? No, it should be 100 years." Yami fully embodies the IQ of a qualified dragon.

"Oh, the algorithm is different, are you sure you really want to calculate it based on a hundred years as an integer?" Little Weier smiled faintly, and Yamei nodded repeatedly.

Little Ville shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then there is no gold coin."

"Hey, how could it be gone? That is the salary for a hundred years, that is, eh, how much is it?" Yamei feels that there are indeed many in a hundred years, ten in a month, twenty in two months, and three. 30 months, 4 months

Seeing Yami holding food in her mouth and starting to accumulate for a month and a month with her fingers, Ville felt tired, "Don't forget it, no matter how much your salary is in a hundred years, and the time is zero, the salary will naturally be nothing. According to the principle of rounding, the ones that are less than four should be discarded. If you have worked for less than 40 years, you will be counted as zero. No matter how much your salary is, you won’t get anything in the end."

"What if it is calculated in ten years?" Yami asked cautiously.

"You left the house of everything for fourteen years and seven months, less than fifteen years. According to the calculation of ten years, the part less than five must be discarded, that is, ten years." Xiaoweier began to explain the esoteric mathematical algorithm to her, rounding up. The whole method makes Yami nod her head continuously, and the grilled wings are very happy when she goes up and down in her mouth.

Next to Xiao Weiya couldn't help but get a black line, this silly girl is her love rival?

I am actually afraid that this mental retardation will take away my brother?

And this kind of mental retardation is more real, isn't my IQ just like that?

No, I didn't know her at all before. How old was I when I met her?

Wait, I was five years old and almost six years old at that time. This year I was only 18 and a half and less than 19 years old. Why is it 14 years and 7 months?

This number is really amazing. Brother, you lied without blushing in order to calculate this half-dragon girl, but this half-dragon girl didn't even react at all?

No, my brother deliberately said that the time is long, which is beneficial to this half-dragon girl. Is she really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

On the other side, Black Dragon Brand and Silver Dragon Ivante saw that Little Weir was using arithmetic to play their baby girl there. They didn't care at all. After the bloodline awakened, even if it was only half awakened, their daughters could actually be regarded as dragons. With a long life, time doesn't mean much to her. Her daughters are really arithmetic, but they are still very sensitive to time, such as calculating her adulthood based on eighteen years.

The biggest reason why she didn't notice that the time was wrong this time was that she had a good night's sleep after awakening. During this time, too much time passed, and her own feeling of time became disordered.

Calculated by rounding one hundred years, the salary is zero. Calculated by rounding ten years, the salary is one thousand and two hundred. According to the annual rounding calculation, the salary is one thousand eight hundred gold coins. Even people who are not good at arithmetic know the size of the number. So Yami said very directly, let's follow the original, and that is, you are really a good person.

Little Ville rolled his eyes. The good person in Yami's mind is actually linked to two other words: fool, kaizi.

To change it to another description is: people are stupid and easy to deceive, and in Yami's opinion, they take the initiative to give more benefits without cheating at all.

"Give me the money." Yamei's barbecue and grilled wings were dried three times and five times, and the speed was more than ten times faster than before. This method is simply cheating, it is too unscientific, no, it is not a wizard~www. Nor is she, she is not a wizard, um, it should be said that this is a dragon.

"Don't worry, apart from salary, there are other accounts to be calculated together." With a bright smile on Xiaoweier's face, he pointed to the necklace on her neck: "Don't talk about the fruit you just ate, then It’s an alchemy work I created casually. It’s meaty fruit, and the materials used are not too precious. The thirty or fifty magic stones are not too much. This bloodline gem is very precious. Take it out. Going to the auction, the reserve price will also be 8,000 magic stones, and the final transaction price will be more than 100,000."

"Huh, did you make that fruit?" Yamei was taken aback, and stretched out her hand to cover the bloodline gem on her chest. This gem is very comfortable to wear on her own, and the most important thing is that it is shiny and dazzling.

Little Weir nodded and said, "The main purpose of my visit to Warcraft Forest this time is to hunt the Warcraft, especially the Wulong Monster. It would be very troublesome to go head-to-head, so I came up with this method to lure the Wulong Monster to take the initiative. , This bloodline gem contains the dragon bloodline, which is a rare good thing. You must know that for this hunt, I have invested a lot in the crown of the shadow dragon demigod Troy. Is this account also counted on you? On?"

The jewel necklace that Yamei was holding on her chest suddenly disappeared. It was obviously that she had been put into the Space Witchcraft. Then she whistled and turned her face away, as if I didn't know you, Xiao Weiya almost laughed.

Brand shook his head again and again, girl, your reaction is not a giant dragon at all, you should go up and grab his neck and shake it vigorously, and said viciously: "Roasted meat flavored fruits, take all out, beautiful dragon's lair gems, hand over them all." , Otherwise, dead dead!

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