The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 947: Mojiesi's selection problem

Warcraft, especially Yalong Warcraft, are very powerful. No one of the Saint-level masters in the Sunshine Land can successfully conquer the familiar, and it seems that it is unlikely that anyone can succeed in a short period of time, unless it is powerful. The equipment of this kind, and the quantity of such equipment is very small, and the lethality is extremely strong, if it really hurts the Warcraft, it will not be worth the loss.

Both Isaiah and Elena put forward the intention to buy Tier 3 monsters at a high price, and Mojiesi directly played them to the Trojan demigod. They did not become second dealers. The quality of these monsters was very high and everyone liked it. , Why do you want to export what you can digest internally?

Mojiesi was very proud to tell them that the goods produced in the Sunshine Land should be given priority to internal personnel before selling them externally. These holy beasts are of high quality, so they do not plan to export them. When will there be surplus The quality of the inferior holy monsters will be considered again.

Mojiesi’s attitude made Isaiah and Elena very envious. In fact, the pure-blood elves and nobles had this attitude towards bloodline awakeners a long time ago, but later, as the bloodline awakened people became stronger and stronger, and Gradually catching up with them, this kind of pride and advantage gradually diminished. Although the pure blood elf nobles are still arrogant, they are more empty, and there are not many things that can really look down on the bloodline awakened.

And they are one of the few things to be proud of, and they are worthless in front of the Sunshine Land.


There are the third-order invincible elf druids, the third-order invincible elf mage (the illusion given by Lilith), the third-order invincible dragon druids (Ville’s current external identity), and they are also primitive elf bloodlines. Almost all of this inheritance is included.


Haha, in front of three invincible saint-level masters of the same level, it is indeed ridiculous to say that the strength is indeed a bit ridiculous, but they can single out the demigods and insist on the powerful existence of hundreds of moves.


Who dares to say that the Sunshine Land is not a big power now? What's the lack of population, a group of people with high-end combat power, who dares to win the whole Elf Island except the temple?


The wealth revealed in the commercial street of Half-elf House even the sun elves, moon elves, and star elves were tempted, and more than 20 holy masters joined hands to grab such wealth. Such wealth is only the tip of the iceberg. It is said that the greatest wealth is still In the blind spot, it's just that outsiders can't get involved at all, even Isaiah is no exception.


Goddess Weiya is the only demigod on the Elf Island besides the temple, and Ville single-handedly promoted Baihua Yin to become a god, and his reputation spread throughout the Wizard Islands. How many demigods cried and called to visit him, and blame Liluo for the three things. Lolita is even more frightened by the reputation of the holy masters above 90% of the Elf Island, and Lilith's alchemy potion is a good thing that all Elf women can't ask for.

In order to develop the territory and make her task more complete, Lilith has tried her best. Besides Jumbo Pavilion, the most profitable part of the half-elf home commercial street is the pharmacy, which contains hundreds of kinds of beauty, make-up, beauty, etc. Moisturizing, freckle, fragrance, etc. medicines are definitely the treasures most eagerly awaited by all elf women.

Even the demigod-level Xiao Weiya really liked the Grandmaster-level potions made by Lilith, although these things were so boring in the eyes of the real powerhouse.

What is the use of a clear-headed drop of alchemical perfume that can keep the fragrance all day long?

Enhance the efficiency of meditation and improve work efficiency, and even many alchemists and alchemists are eager for it.

The grand master-level moisturizer can actually make the skin of the Elf tribe elderly ten years younger. This is not simply refreshing and moisturizing the skin, but cleaning up dirt and repairing the skin. It is a master-level potion for healing.

Now all the cosmetics used by Elena and Mojiesi are Lilith's masterpieces, but Mojiesi now has a little difficulty and needs to consult Elena.

"It's not accidental that Ville was able to obtain these sub-dragon beasts. His dragon bloodline was known to many dragon clan members and gave him a chance to go against the dragon." Mojiesi's words made Isaiah and Elena. Looking at each other.

The true leader of the Sunshinelands leaves the Elf Island? This is big news.

"Ville's world is so big that the Elf Island can't enclose him at all, but he is not going to leave the Elf Island, he just wants to open up a new territory in the new station of Longdao." Mojiesi said very grandly: "The problem now is that Dragon Island is stronger and more sinister than Elf Island, and Little Will has only one entourage. In the next few years, he will spend almost all of his time on Dragon Island. It is a bit difficult to choose a person by his side during this time. elected."

"Who can choose?" Elena is actually reluctant to leave this granddaughter, although as long as the granddaughter is still on her own and Sunshine Land, she is as stable as Mount Tai, but her granddaughter is not too cute and powerful in other respects. Help, this is not as good as grandson.

It’s just that the grandson is too capable of tossing. If you give him a few more years, it is estimated that all the tribes of the entire Elf Island will kneel, except for the temple. From this point of view, she also supports her grandson to leave the Elf Island temporarily. It is better to toss others than to toss others. Be strong.

"The current candidates are Lilith, Xiao Luo, Nicole, Xiao Ye, and Liya." Mojiesi counted her fingers, and then analyzed them one by one.

"From the point of view of ability, Lilith is the one who helped Little Weier the most. There is no doubt about her comprehensiveness, but Weier is also an all-rounder. The two can really cooperate better together, but without them, the Sunshine There are no grandmaster-level alchemists or alchemists in the land, and there is a waste of resources."

"Xiao Luo and Nicole are both combat talents, and they have helped Xiao Weier the same, but Nicole is relatively better. For one thing, she is not an elf and can't sit in the sunny place openly, staying outside or stuck in a blind spot. The land is also a bit wasted. UU reads and she is recognized as a concubine of Little Weil and a master of Saint-level. In the past few years, she may be able to give birth to a little Weil."

"Xiao Ye is also Mrs. Dark Night. She is the little lover of Weil who stayed outside. The Tier 3 blood family has huge potential. There is no big problem in achieving Blood God in the future. Her combat power is still higher than that of Nicole, and she may not lose to Lilith and Xiao. Luo. She is smarter and more capable than Xiao Luo and Nicole, and is very low-key. She has always stayed behind the six-ring construction wizard tower. If it were her, she would be more helpful to Xiao Weier than Xiao Luo and Nicole, and she has also nurtured. The abilities of Will's descendants."

"It's Léa in the end. She is Ville's flat wife, but she is the one who has given him the least help, and she is not Tier 3 yet, and her strength is in an explosive period. She can't be pregnant with offspring, otherwise it will affect her improvement. . But if it’s Weier who wants to develop power in Dragon Island, she still has some help, and Léa’s managerial talent is still good, second only to Weier and Lilith."

Mojiesi looked at her mother slightly distressed and said: "These children are actually very good, and they are qualified to be Will's good helpers, but I want to do my best, to achieve the rational use of resources, but also It's a bit of a headache to make Little Will develop smoother on Dragon Island."

With a move in Isaiah's heart, a thought came to his mind, and finally turned into two words: opportunity!

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