The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 963: Money comes quickly without capital

With the concentration of Lilith's blood, if it weren't for appearing at the same time as Xiao Weier, she should accept the most difficult assessment, but with the existence of Xiao Wei that exceeded the specifications, Lilith could only be second.

It took her three months to still not be able to incubate the dragon egg. The dragon egg was absorbing the power that freed from the flame mountain of eight hundred miles. After all, it was not the flame dragon dragon egg. It reached saturation within three months and did not absorb these powers. Lilith took it and left.

Clearance time?

One day is enough. At other times, I’m guarding the dragon eggs, or collecting some things that I can’t see. Because it’s too boring in the middle, so the harvest is not small. Unlike Ville’s handing over all the harvest to Julian, Lilith gives herself The harvest was directly handed over to Xiao Weiya and Liya.

The different handling methods of the two perfectly interpret what it means to be a male master and a female master internally. The man hands things directly to outsiders to deal with, while the women hands things to their own people.

Except for the transaction between Ville and Julian, Lilith just cast a look like that, and didn’t say much. After all, the transactions between her own man and the Sixth Ring Construction Wizard Tower were basically through Zhu. What Li'an has accomplished has allowed Julian to gain great wealth in the six-ring construction wizard tower, and at the same time it has been recognized by countless people and has increasing authority.

Ville thinks this is a win-win situation, and Lilith thinks that if the meat is rotten in the pot, it is her own.

The meal was finally finished. Lilith, Ville, and Gino took a good night's sleep and restored their state to the state of the province. This was when they swaggered into the second level.

Similar squares and similar stone monuments, except that the dragon lying in the middle of the square has become white: the frosty white dragon.

There is no secret between these attractors, and everyone else can see each other’s situation. The encounter of the fire-red old dragon made the Frost White Dragon understand a truth, and it is very capable of one. Those who don't need him, don't think about pitting him, this is very likely to be counterproductive, just simply ignore it.

The name of the second level is called Thousand Miles Icefield, which is two hundred miles longer than the first level, and has two more passages. The difficulty has increased a bit, but it is not too much. The main reason is that the attributes have changed too much. One is extreme fire. , One is extreme ice and snow.

Frost White Dragon didn't bother to pay attention to the three of them, opened the door for them, and continued to lie down. As for the responsibilities and obligations of the attractor, and the blackmailer, there is nothing at all. People don't need their own. Guidance, secondly, it didn't have the confidence to take food from these three guys.

Just forget the fool of the Dragon Spirit family. The other two are proficient in dragon language and dragon texts, especially that young man. His greedy appearance of plundering the Flame Mountain in eight hundred miles really frightened him, no matter what you have. How powerful and greedy, as long as I ignore you, what can you do with me?

As for the resources for the second level?

That's not mine at all. I mean a small recruiter who changes every few hundred years. All the resources on the road to the dragon are arranged by Lord Dragon God. If they are taken away, they will be taken away. The wealth of Lord Dragon God has nothing to do with us wage earners.

Not asking for merit, but asking for no demerits, just like this, Ville and Lilith looked at the frost dragon who ignored them, and entered the second level.

"Hit, robbery!" There was snow white in front of the eyes, and Ville, Lilith, and Gino had just reacted, and there was a rush of footsteps in their ears. Accompanied by the weak robbery, there were a dozen white figures holding knives and guns not far away. Rushed over.

The cold and breath enveloped the whole body, and the physical quality of the first-order Elf Druid of Gino couldn't help but shudder. A dozen people surrounded them and looked at their clothes and their eyes were shining.

Ville and Lilith looked at each other and smiled. Among a dozen people, there are only four or five at the first level. The others are non-advanced goods, but can the non-advanced people break into the first level?

Almost instantly, Ville and Lilith came to the conclusion that the guys who couldn't even speak clearly were truly indigenous.

What is a true indigenous?

Born here, he has never left the second level of the road to the dragon in his entire life. There are only unfortunate little guys in the sky, and most of them are like this.

The first three security zones on the road to the dragon are forbidden to harm each other, but it does not mean that there are no loopholes. A dozen people surrounded them and blocked their way. In theory, Ville and Lilith could not use absolute force. Drive them away because this is a forbidden matter.

However, this so-called prohibition of fighting refers to fighting spirit, witchcraft, fist and foot weapons, etc., normal bumps are not included in this list. After all, it is normal to walk on the road and bump into each other. You can't keep everyone from contacting each other, right? If this is also forbidden, most of these dozen people will not be born.

And there is one more thing that is not forbidden, that is mental coercion!

Little Ville's face sank slightly, and Long Wei burst out on his body. Gino might have weakened his legs and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Lilith passed by with a magical technique to make him survive, without embarrassing on the spot, but surrounded by their ten. Several people collapsed to the ground one after another, except for the presence of four or five steps, the others fainted without saying a word.

"Tie them up and hang them up to show the public." Little Ville gestured slightly, and Gino Billy Dorag ran out to work.

Is there any way to do this? I am the weakest among the people who break through the barrier. Lilith is still the wife of Xiaoweier. She can't let her do this kind of shameful hard work, right? What's more, he still wants to ask others, Gino actually wants to prove that he can actually fight against him and it is not pure waste.

The range of Xiaowei’s Longwei is extremely wide. Most people in a radius of more than a dozen miles have felt it, especially these passers and entourages have the blood of dragons, and their natural resistance to Longwei is low. When they feel Longwei One after another ran in the direction where they were.

There were more losers in the second stage of the road to the dragon than in the first stage. Looking at the dozen or so children who were hanged, their faces were green. They knew that these bear children would not have life. Danger, at least not directly killed.

Instead, they worried that the three gloomy newcomers sitting on the chairs would not dare to offend the aboriginals without absolute strength. Since they dare to do this, they have the certainty that they will win. From the perspective of Longwei just now, their own group People really have nothing they can do.

A middle-aged man with a height of nine feet and wearing a snow-white leather jacket with a scar on his face took the initiative to stand up, and put his posture very low when he came up, apologized for these ignorant guys and then solemnly stated that he would give them. Some education.

Little Ville waved his hand impatiently and said, "Don't come with so many imaginary ones, give them some affordable ones, redeem them, or I will faint them and bring them into the Thousand Miles Icefield, you choose one."

The expressions of all the aborigines changed drastically at the same time. This kid’s methods are really ruthless. You must know that fighting is restricted to safe areas. If they are brought into the ice field when they are sleeping, don’t want them to do it yourself. The beasts and harsh environment of the ice field are enough. They drink from a pot.

"They are not malicious, and they are just a group of children." Although the middle-aged man has some prestige, he can't make the decision entirely.

Little Will snorted and said with a sneer: "We can judge whether there is any malicious intent, and I can see if it is a child. This young master's patience is effective. I will give you a quarter of an hour to consider. After a quarter of an hour, if you can't give me a satisfactory Reply, then go to the icefield to find them yourself."

"Of course, you can try to rescue them. I won't stop it, but you may not be able to bear the consequences of this young master being angry." Little Ville sat there grimly, the breeze and the cold, most of the people They both tightened their leather jackets, only he and Lilith seemed unconscious.

Master, real master!

Most of the people present are old hunters who often go hunting in the Thousand Miles Icefield. They know the cold wind here very well. This is simply not something that ordinary people can bear, and this ordinary person refers to the average advanced master.

Soon, Ville made a deal with them, in exchange for a dozen bear children for a large number of icefield specialties.

Little Will casually bombed a flame stone into the hand of the middle-aged man, UU Reading www. said faintly: "I am not an unreasonable person. Before I entered, I planned to do business with you in exchange for resources on the ice sheet. I originally planned to use the flame stones and flame crystals obtained in the previous level. I think you must be very Need. Whoever thinks that these resources are not used, there will be prey on the initiative to come to my door, let me save a fortune, I can’t say, I also want to thank these little guys for their idiots and mentally retarded, which saved me a lot of money."

Ville, Lilith, and Ginoyang left for a long time, knowing from the way those thirty or fifty people gritted their teeth just now, that a dozen little guys will definitely end up badly.

Gino asked in a whisper: "Did you really plan to trade with them before? Use flame stones and flame crystals?"

Little Ville glanced at him and nodded gently: "Demand determines the price. In this place where the sky is full of ice and snow, the flame stone and the flame crystal are very valuable. Ten times the profit is less, and twenty times it is possible to get it. Next, you know that I am greedy for money, how could I not do this kind of profitable business, after all, it takes time to do it myself."

Lilith gave him a white look: "If the resources are rich and can be mined in large quantities, I guess you will not let it go, and you just did it with the idea of ​​making a little bit of money in their hands?"

Little Ville shrugged and didn't mean to refute the slightest. "The family has a big business. You have to raise dead ends, sun collars, rose collars, and half-elf homes. There is no extra money. You don't think the money is very expensive. Fast?"

Jino heard that there was a black line. There was no one in the dead end. The Sunshine Collar was privately owned by your family. The resident population was only two palms. The Rose Collar was basically self-sufficient, and the half-elf home could be regarded as the whole elves. The island is the most profitable territory, still need you to raise it?

This kid really has a strong dragon blood, so greedy is so natural.

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