The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 971: Beast tide and outstanding encirclement

Desert wolves, desert monitor lizards, desert poisonous scorpions, desert snakes, desert mice, there are countless densely packed beasts, and the most terrifying is the desert ant colony, covering the sky like blood-colored quicksand, allowing other beasts to avoid Sanshe and them. Keep a certain distance.

   In the forbidden desert, the overwhelming monsters in front form a thick line of isolation. How can this stand out?

Gino felt that both his heads were trembling slightly, and there was an urge to kneel down and bury his head in the sand. He now seriously doubted what Carter said about crossing deserts, Gobi deserts, hills, climbing high mountains, and finally reaching the boundless sea. , The argument to get salt from there.

   Is it possible for you to be able to break out of the siege by a little big warrior?

   What a joke, don't say you are a little big warrior with this degree of encirclement, even if a hundred big warriors come, they won't be enough to eat.

   "Now, Lilith, is this considered cheating?" Ville looked at the group of monsters in front of him, and the veins jumped on his forehead.

   Lilith couldn't help but patted her forehead, "You trouble yourself and solve it yourself."

Looking at the countless beasts in front of him, Ville suddenly asked, "How much of it is worth using? Well, I'm talking about value after death. It is impossible to capture and bring it back alive. , After all, this ghost place is forbidden to be transported. Fortunately, plants can be sent out, but animals have no role at all."

   Jino's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears. In front of such a dense group of beasts that stretched for thirty or fifty miles, you were still thinking about hunting those beasts?

Lilith shook her head and said: "It's not necessary. Except for the second-order Yalong behind, the other is the highest level of the first-order peak, and it is the kind of beast that can also strict environmental requirements. The Wizard Islands have very few desert terrain. It's not very valuable to take it back."

   "How about killing the jerky and selling it to the loser in the next level?" Ville looked at the densely packed beasts ahead, as if seeing countless jerky, Gino was completely speechless, are you a bit too calm? This is countless beasts. If you want to eat your beasts, the first thing you think of is not to escape, but how to gain more.

  Is it too old to keep up with the thinking of these young people?

"Do you think how many people have the courage to continue to the fourth level after passing the test of the third level?" Lilith said with a curled lips: "The bloodline of Yalong and the half-dragon determines their achievements. Tier 3 like you and me Masters have always been very few and very few, even the number of second-tier is not many, who can stand out from the third level, will worry about taking a bite?"

What you said makes sense, that is, the losers in the first three levels will be tired every day for a bite. No, it seems that the losers in the third level have been able to be self-sufficient and have a very moisturizing life. The stupid loser of the first two levels will live so miserably.

It makes sense for Xiao Weier to think about it. As his strength improves, he is at a higher level, his surrounding environment becomes better, and the strength of the people around him becomes stronger, and ordinary materials become less valuable. When I was in the Continent of the Gods, not to mention entering the ranks of beast meat, even the lowest level of beast meat is very valuable.

   I really miss the delicacies processed by Roshan, the raw materials provided by police dogs.

"You said, should we spend a little effort to destroy them all and give the self-righteous blue dragon a little warning, or should we directly kill the group of beasts and swagger past, or the gods lurking in the past without knowing it?" Little Weier really didn’t take them too seriously. It’s okay to work hard, but you can’t just let me do it alone. You are so smart, and you are responsible for family matters and small things, and I make decisions for big things. Let's talk about such small things at present.

   Lilith naturally knows that Vail is not only asking about customs clearance, but also about the attitude towards the five-color dragon and the metal dragon in the future, as well as their positioning on the Dragon Island. This matter really cannot be sloppy.

"Neither can offend people too much, nor make people look down upon them, just kill the monster group directly, but don't cause too much harm." Lilith gave a compromise solution, but still added: "Take out appropriately. A little bit of strength, lest they think that we are really scared or the strength is not good."

   "Understand, everything listens to my daughter-in-law." Little Ville's words exchanged Lilith's big eyes, and Gino got goose bumps all over her body.

Little Ville sat down on the desert boat and didn't take it back. His eyes flashed, watching the "Boom~Boom~Boom~" rushing group of monsters, and a mocking smile appeared on his face: "Does a large number really work? Absolutely. In front of his strength, sometimes the number is really nothing."

He got up, jumped down, pressed his hands in the desert, and Little Will let out a roar. As he made a lifting motion, the desert trembled violently like a carpet that was lifted and trembling, and the layers of sand dunes looked like waves. Rushing forward, the stormy waves made up of yellow sand greeted the group of warcrafts as high as hundreds of feet.

   Jino's eyes widened and couldn't believe what he saw. Is this something ordinary wizards can do?

   No, it is difficult for a third-level wizard to perform such a powerful witchcraft in a hurry.

   Wait, isn't it rumored that the Wizard of Saint Vale is not a shadow wizard? What kind of horrible situation was the earth witchcraft just now?

   Seeing Gino’s suspicious gaze, Ville scratched his chin and casually made up an excuse: "Just as I picked up the shadow of the desert, by the way, just overturn the desert."

   Gino couldn't help but get a black line. Your explanation is really, too nonsense.

   And if you understand your expression just now, just tell me that you are lying.

   But this is not important anyway, anyway, the world of evildoers doesn't understand it, as long as you know that this thigh is really thick and thick.

The overwhelming sand waves swept through everything, and the desert wolves, which ranked the fastest in the front, suffered a catastrophe. Even the beasts have strong jumping ability and high physical fitness. At the same time, they can cast some simple magic. The powerful witchcraft that can be called a natural disaster can only be defeated or even slaughtered.

Countless desert magic wolves spit out wind blades to madly attack the sand waves of sand dunes, and continue to jump and rush, and even play desert surfing, but they are still mostly killed by this wave of sand waves. The sand waves weaken as the distance increases, but they continue to It spread to more than a dozen miles away and caused countless casualties.

"This is the end of the demonstration, and then it's a breakout. You can't be sneaky, and you have to consider as little damage as possible, then it's you!" Little Weier yelled, waved his hand, and a steel puppet. Appearing in all directions, surrounding the desert boats, these steel puppets are all in class, and they are huge and hideous.

   "Puppets in the front row, flamethrowing!"

   "Left and right puppets, frost is all over the sky!"

   "The puppet at the rear, shoot the gun and shield!"

Xiaowei remotely commanded nearly a hundred steel puppets at the same time, including two Tier 2 puppets, running rampant in the group of beasts, blood flowing in the place where they passed, flame, frost, thunder and lightning are all used, plus whether he is right? A fighting spirit slashed into the ranks of the warcraft leader, and directly cut a blood path in the tide of warcraft.

And Xiaoweier was very wise to choose the position of the gaps between the groups of monsters. The groups of monsters belong to different races. In order to avoid conflicts, they will keep a little gap between each other. Xiaowei directly breaks through the gap, and the monsters on both sides naturally adopt flanking methods. The result is The warcraft melee, they also fought themselves.

   The desert boat hung directly behind the steel golems, dragged forward by them, and under the supply of a large amount of magic stones, even if there are monsters to chase and block, the speed can't slow down. Anyway, the steel golems are hard enough and they just squeeze over.

With the supply of three thousand magic stones, Weier easily rushed out of the siege, ran out of the last hundred miles out of the desert area, and the steel puppets came to the three thousand-zhang mountain with countless flesh and blood. The countless beasts could only retreat. They couldn't. Leaving the desert, this is the rule, and the blue dragon receiver cannot break the rule.

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