The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts

Chapter 47: Snow on January 15th (Part 1)

    The most exciting thing about the third year of Hogwarts is being able to play in Hogsmeade in an open and honest way! Joie and Angelina made a long list of things to buy back in Friday night.

    Juey also asked Meowmeow to send a letter to Fumira, asking her to go to Hogsmeade with her.

    "But I'm not sure if she will agree." Zhu Yi said to Angelina, who was looking forward to it, "I said you would be there too, now see if she doesn't want to see you Yes, haha!"

    Angelina pointed to the messy bottles and jars on Zhu Yi's table and smiled: "I must know the young lady who can teach you to use these! I have to ask her how I shaved your legs off, hahahaha!"

    "Hahaha!" Zhu Yi thought it was funny when he thought about how cowardly he was when he just lost his leg hair.

    At this moment, Meow fluttered her wings and crashed in through the window, shook the snowflakes on her body, spat the letter on Zhu Yi's bed with a "pop", and flew away without looking back . It's so cold that it doesn't want to send another letter at all.

    "Hey, you're so rude!" Zhu Yi shouted at the little shadow outside the window, who had already flown away.

    Angelina fell on the bed with a smile and said, "What kind of owner really keeps what kind of owl! Hahahaha!"

    Juey made a face at Angelina, opened the letter on the bed, and there was only one sentence "honoured".

    "She agreed!" Jue jumped on Angelina's bed excitedly, squeezed into her bed, and said, "What shall I wear tomorrow? What about that red coat? Sample?"

    Angelina rolled her eyes and said, "You're not going on a date with a boy, so what do you wear?"

    "But if I wear sloppy clothes, she might take me to take my hair off again! My leg hair just grew out!" Zhu Yi exaggeratedly said, putting her head on Angeli Na's shoulders were trembling.

    Angelina was happy, she said eagerly: "That's right! I also want to try to get rid of the leg hair, do you think there will be a permanent hair remover? It looks better in a skirt!"

    "But you will be cold in winter." Zhu Yi poured a basin of cold water on her and went back to her bed. She should not sleep with a girl who likes hair removal, hum!

    "Hey, are you asleep?" Angelina asked softly after a long time,

    "No, what's the matter?" Zhu Yi replied in a daze.

    "Did you tell Fred tomorrow that you would go shopping with me and Fumira?" Angelina kindly reminded her, "Maybe he and George will think you want to hang out with them both. together?"

    "Why should I tell Fred, he's not my dad... huh-" Zhu Yi rolled over, and after muttering, he started snoring.

    Oh, poor Fred, I can only help you so far. Angelina thought about it, yawned, and fell asleep.

    Go to Hogsmeade and have to queue for security check! Zhu Yi really wants to complain about this part. She stared at Filch, who was carefully examining her with the probe, and desperately wanted to shave off the rest of the hair on the back of his head! But she held back, because she knew Filch would love to see her not going to Hogsmeade.

    When her patience was about to run out, Filch was disappointed to announce that she did not bring any dangerous items and let her go out of school. Zhu Yi bared his teeth and smiled at him, and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

     Filch's examination of the other students was obviously not that serious. Angelina and Fumira came out soon, and the three girls gathered together and walked towards Hogsmeade.

    Juey scolded Filch who treated her differently all the way: "Have you seen him and his cat? He was targeting me, I dare say if I have an illegal leaf on me, and he will stop me like a mad dog!"

    "Yes, yes, that's right." Angelina answered her absent-mindedly, then turned her head and excitedly said to Fumira, "Fumira, the beauty shop you just mentioned. Are there really permanent hair removal creams?"

      will like it a little bit.


    "Oh, I do!" Angelina retorted, then pulled her aside and said, "Don't bother me asking the goddess questions! You scumbag!"

    "Ha! I'm a sloppy ghost? Obviously you didn't let me wear that red coat!" Zhu Yi jumped in place.

    Fumira looked at Zhu Yi and couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed. Every time, Zhu Yi made her half-dead with anger, but this time it was relieved, haha!

    "You can go out with Fred on Valentine's Day and wear that red one, he must like it!" Angelina said loudly when she saw the twins running behind Zhu Yi.

    "He likes orange and doesn't like red!" Zhu Yi retorted subconsciously, and then reacted to the trap in Angelina's words, "Bah, why should I wear that on Valentine's Day? No! Why should I wear it to Fred!"

    "What to wear to me?" Fred finally caught up and asked breathlessly.

    "Ah!" Zhu Yi was so frightened that he almost pierced the eardrums of the people around him, "Why do you suddenly appear to be scary!"

    "You guys ran out without even having breakfast. George and I almost ran out of breath to catch up with you!" Fred said, covering his ears. It seems that shopping can really make girls abandon everything!

    "Why do you have to catch up with us? We're going to different places!" Zhu Yi asked back with a frown. She didn't arrange the two of them in her plan today, okay? Is she crazy to take two boys to the clothes store and beauty store? !

    "Um..." Fred was stuck at the moment she asked, and he had nothing to say. But how could she run away with others without saying hello? He still knew her whereabouts from Li! He simply can't accept her leaving his sight for more than one night now!

    Fred's expression was a little disappointed, and Zhu Yi felt a little embarrassed when she saw it, and she began to reflect on whether she was really going too far.

    "Alternatively, you can go to the Joko Joke Shop first, and then let's meet at the Three Broomsticks for drinks?" Jue cast a questioning look at Angelina and Fumira , and after getting a nod from the two of them, she made a suggestion that she thought was not bad.

    Fred's eyes lit up immediately and said, "Are we two?"

    "Of course not, it's all of us, I have enough pocket money today!" Zhu Yi answered with wide eyes in surprise. How could he think it was just the two of them? Is she such a stingy person? She can still afford everyone's drinks!

    George and Angelina began to laugh sullenly, and Fumira also turned her eyes away and hid the corners of her mouth.

    Fred knew that he couldn't have more demands today, and being part of her plan was probably his greatest reward.

    Juey didn't know how long Fred would be teased by George, nor how much snow was buried in the snowdrift by Fred, she only knew that Angelina was now Officially announced as a fan of Fumira.

    "Gosh, this softener is amazing! You know my hair feels like it's been blown every time I wash it, I need this so much!" There are many good products in the magic beauty shop introduced by Fumira.

    "What is this?" Zhu Yi asked while lying on the counter, looking at a small crystal bottle in the shape of a beautiful lily. The light pink liquid in this bottle looks like it's glowing with a halo, so pretty!

    "This is magic perfume, my dear." The proprietress explained gently. She took out the bottle and put a drop of perfume on her hand, then gently wiped it behind Zhu Yi's ear, "It's going to keep you fragrant all day long, and it's going to blow your boyfriend away," he said with a smile.

    Juey likes this scent, it's a bit like the lily scent sprinkled with water, it's light and sweet.

    She immediately spent all the money to buy this bottle of perfume, completely forgetting what she said just now about inviting everyone to drink.

    Fumira and Angelina also bought a lot of good things. They left the store satisfied with the exquisite tote bags given by the boss.

    They went to Fengya wizard clothing store again, Fumira bought a scarf, Angelina bought a pair of socks that looked funny. With empty pockets, Zhu Yi stared greedily at a wizard hat with a little white cat lying on his face, and left with hatred.

    Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu best reason why do I go to Ryan's place to ask for more money, his pocket money will never run out!

    The three girls sat on three brooms for ten minutes and the twins hadn't appeared yet. Zhu Yi and Angelina were listening to the customers in the store chatting gossip. Fumira was bored, she wasn't interested at all in things that sounded like nonsense, which is what Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs like to spend their time on!

    "I'll go out first." Fumira couldn't sit still when she heard the big red-nosed wizard begin to talk about the sea turtle she saw at sea. She and Zhu Yi said hello and left the Three Brooms.

    Zhu Yi listened with relish to what the wizard and the giant turtle had to say and found that Fumira has not come back.

    "She won't be lost, I'll look for it!" Zhu Yi was a little worried, because Fumira said that the three brooms had never been here, this eldest lady might not be true Can't touch the door.

    "Okay, go ahead, I'll stay to watch and take a seat." Angelina didn't want to lose the idol she finally made an appointment with.

    Ju Yi pushed the door open, and the wind blew snow all over her head. She put on the cape and hat on her head and shivered before she walked onto the street again covered with thick snow.

    The wind is too strong now, so most of the people are crowded into the warm shop, only a few are walking on the road with their heads huddled like Zhu Yi.

    Juey walked through several stores without seeing Fumira, and was wondering when she saw two people in front of her walking towards her, supporting each other. These two look so Fumira and Fred...

    Yes, they are!

    Fred's hands were on Fumira's shoulders, and he was talking to her with his head down. Fumira's clothes were a little dirty, but she was wearing a man's coat. She nodded, then covered her mouth and coughed twice.

    Zhu Yi couldn't see their expressions, but their intimate appearance was like a slender needle pierced into Zhu Yi's heart by surprise.

     Zhu Yi couldn't lift her feet when she stood there, she felt that her feet must be frozen, otherwise how could she not feel at all? She should go over and say "hi" to the two of them, and then go back to the three brooms to drink a warm glass of milk... But why is she so uncomfortable? Her nose was a little sore and her face was a little tingling. Zhu Yi rubbed her nose and face until it was wet, and the more she rubbed her face, the more painful it became. She must have a runny nose, and she's not as pretty as Fumira.

    Juey was taken aback by this idea, how could she think about who is more beautiful than Fumira? This is not right!

    Fred and Fumira were walking, as if realizing that someone was staring at them in front of them, they raised their heads together and found Zhu Yi standing there.

    Fred smiled and waved to Zhu Yi and was about to speak, but found that she turned her head and ran away. what's the situation? ! Fred's hands froze in midair, his face puzzled.

      She could see clearly, that silly girl must have been crying for a while, her nose is red!

    Fred did not hesitate at all, and ran after him.

    Although he didn't understand why Zhu Yi was crying, as long as he thought that she was sad and sad, his heart was as unbearable as being on fire.

    Fumira, who was unsupported, almost fell to the ground, but was supported by a strong hand in time. He looks exactly like his brother, and his smile is even brighter.

    George Weasley. Fumira silently turned out the name in her heart. Before today, they were almost strangers, but now they seem to be getting closer.

    "Fred is really not a gentleman. If I don't go to help you pick up something, he will leave you a beautiful girl and run away." George laughed and complained about his brother .

    "I saw Zhu Yi just now, she seems to have misunderstood, Mr. Weasley went after her." Fumira explained a little.

    "Oh, this is a bit interesting!" George handed the bag to Fumira, supported her with both hands, and asked curiously, "What is inside that you have to go back to get it? You've just been beaten up by two Slytherin girls."

    When he and Fred passed by the screaming shack, they saw two Slytherin third-year girls, one of which was the green Finney, who was kicking someone on the ground. If he hadn't remembered the clothes Fumira was wearing, the girl might have been beaten to death.

    Fred also said to stay out of business, but it turned out to be Zhu Yi's good friend, is that still nosy? It must be a matter of fact!

    "Oh, a hat." Fumira lowered her eyes and replied softly.

    The author has something to say:

    In order to compensate everyone, poof~ Today I specially present a long chapter for you to read

    Just, I am very happy, hahahaha~ I love you, really!

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