
"bang! !!!"

"oh la la!"

... …



"Quick, grab it!"

"Grab! Don't let it It's gone!"

"It's over there!"

"oh! It's turning again!"


"Calcium Oxide! It's underwater!!"


"Vichy, freeze the water!"


Beside the big bath in the male bathroom of Shield Bridge Academy, a group of Academy elite flying dogs jumped, and they couldn't help it with a wooden tube.

That night, Collins got the tip from Charles and redesigned the energy supply system of the ring magic array, but he didn’t know how to set the water volume of the sprinkler pipe, considering it was for racing boats. For power, let’s “make miracles vigorously”.

Charles himself doesn't know how to convert flow, velocity, and thrust, so let everyone try it out first, and let's talk about it when we get the data.

On the sixth day of the start of the new-style rowing research work, a water jet power section magic array test machine made of wooden cylinders appeared in front of everyone.

Then Charles proposed to test in the big bath of the girls' bathroom next door, and was immediately suppressed by the girls.

As a result, the power of this "strength work miracle" water canister exceeded everyone's expectations. The force generated after the water spray dissipated the support, and after falling into the pond, it went around like a fish in the water. Scurrying.

Fortunately, there is Vichy, a powerful ice attribute mage in the team. The ice wall she cast divided the pool little by little, and finally trapped the water jet.

"It's decided!" Charles said very seriously, "In the future, the magic crystal cannot be installed directly on the sprinkler, otherwise it cannot be turned off if something goes wrong."

A group of chickens nodded in agreement, except for the glasses brother squinted to look for the glasses that had just been washed away by the water column.

Everyone re-fixed the sprinkler on the shelf. This time, several pieces of wood and several ropes were added to make it obedient.

The Shield Bridge Academy has a set of methods to measure the performance of the ship. The most important one is to let the ship pull the rope. A large spring scale is attached to the rope to measure the thrust.

Everyone has been busy for a while, and finally finished the test before dinner.

Just looking at the red light across the whole face of the glasses brother with excitement, you can see that the data obtained from the test is exciting.

The testing machine for the single-layer spray canister is completed, and the three-layer can be produced tomorrow. With previous experience, the three-layer water spray canister testing machine can be completed in a day and can be tested at night.

For this reason, Charles asked Aunt Pumpkin to prepare a delicious meal for everyone at dinner today, which is considered a small celebration.

As an important person in the research of the water jet core Heart Demon array, Collins said to Charles during the meal: "I think today’s test must be kept confidential and not leaked."

Who knows Charles shook his head in a hurry, loudly said: "no no no, this can't be done. Not only do we not keep it secret, we have to spread it around."

The students in the restaurant have the same ideas as Collins. What is forced must be kept secret, it is not good to leak it, this time everyone was attracted by Charles's words.

"cough cough..." Charles cleared his throat and said solemnly, "I wanted to tell you about this after dinner, but now that I mentioned it, I will say it now. "

"There is a task tonight, which Principal personally arranged. Everyone must perform it meticulously!"

The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became tense. It seems that Principal’s The task is not simple.

Charles deliberately paused to attract everyone’s attention, and then said: “After dinner, everyone came to me to pick up two gold coins, and then brought friends and classmates to the island tavern and other nights. We gather in places with a lot of people, and brag so hard that this year our Academy’s rowing boats are so fast that they can fly!"

The restaurant was suddenly shocked. Except for a few active people, most of them did it. I don't know what the situation is.

Vichy sitting next to Charles nudged him with her elbow and asked: "You can make it clear what the situation is."

Charles drank a little alcohol and moisturized his throat. Said: "Principal said, if we win the race this year, then this unprecedented rowing boat will be used to participate in the island's winter auction, and the auction proceeds will be shared equally among all of us!"

"Tonight Everyone is bragging, as long as you don’t disclose the technical details!"

In the restaurant, the "weng" frying pan instantly. The Winter auction of City of Knowledge is held every four years, and all auctions are There are no cheap auction items for the fine products produced by each Academy.

The overall design of the rowing boat has come out. The blueprint is hung in the Conference Hall. With unprecedented elements such as steel keel, composite hull, water jet, and magic brain core control system, I'm sorry for the signboard of Shield Bridge Academy if I don't take back almost two hundred gold coins from those who have never seen the world.

When the time comes, there are many of them evenly divided among more than 30 people.

"so that's how it is." Collins thoughtfully said, "when the time comes, I call steward to raise the price."

"Yes!" After holding the glasses, "I asked the queen to call the leader of the caravan, when the time comes, we grabbed a few rich people and went to death!"

Then he was a little bit surprised with a look on his face. Charles explained: "If my brother came out first when he was born, I would be the Crown Prince just like you."

After some understanding, it turns out that the glasses brother is the Prince of a small country in the south. The king was hopeless, so he decided to stay as a professor at the Shield Bridge Academy in the future.

Charles thought about it and said to the glasses brother: "In fact, there is one more thing, that is, there is a very rich noble who is very optimistic about our rowing boat. Passenger ships and cargo ships of about ton, don’t know if you’re interested in this industry."

Brother Glasses Hearing this didn’t say anything, he said, "Let’s talk about it when we win the game," and then continue to eat.

The conversation between the two was not deliberately concealed, and the students next to him also heard it.

The rich noble Charles mentioned is naturally himself. He can't get it out of the armored battleship. It's good to get some inland river boats.

The inland river water transport on the human side is very developed, but the boats are wooden boats with wind and manpower. This slime composite rubber water jet propelled boat is still very competitive.

He is not sure about this kind of ship carrying cargo. After all, the FRP boats I saw in my previous life were all yachts, and there were almost no cargo ships. I can only hope that the slimes will do better.

And this time he and the Principals have reached an agreement. If the rowing boat performs well, he will pay for it. Shield Bridge Academy and Wisteria Academy will provide technical talents, and the factory will be built early next year.

If you don’t call the Wisteria Academy in, you won’t be able to do it. Diana alone allows them to be at the forefront of the human world in the research on the control system with the magic brain as the core. Now the person in the team who is responsible for the research on the control system is called Li Ao's rounded Senior Sister is still her student.

The location of the factory has already been selected. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can find a piece of land by the river. Money is easy to handle. When the time comes, family bonds are issued. When necessary, you can find some strong-backed shareholders to invest.

Everyone quickly finished dinner. Charles took out the money bag given by the Principal, each with two gold coins. The classmates who received the money almost rushed out of the laboratory building and greeted their friends.

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