On the first day of rest in October, there is no cloud in all, and the breeze is faint, so it is suitable to go out and play, and you can also row a boat.

The entrance of the Shield River is more than a hundred meters wide. It is the same as the entrance of many large rivers on the island. A dam has been built here to ensure that the water level of the river is high enough. When the water level of the river drops severely, the intrusion of ocean tides can be avoided.

If Charles was thrown into the water, he could see his Old Ancestor's name carved on a rock of the dam.

As soon as the morning fog dissipated, many people gathered in and around the wooden auditorium on both sides of the estuary of the Dun River.

Professor Erbach is under a lot of pressure today. In his opinion, it was Charles who caused it.

In mid-September, when Charles was working hard with his classmates for a new rowing boat, the first issue of several magazines such as "Magic" went on sale.

Then I don’t know how the Charles girl works. During this period, a group of Old Guys eagerly rushed to City of Knowledge and almost fought to get their paper published in the next month’s magazine. .

In the magical world, when they reached the level of Professor Erbach, everyone was in a big circle, and everyone knew what was going on.

Soon these Old Guys knew that "Magic" magazine was created by the current Count Megadon, and its suspected lover, Tarantula, a red-haired girl, was responsible for daily affairs.

The Old Guys naturally don’t go to Tarantula. They searched for Lyngcai under the banner of grandfather grandfather and old friend of Lyn’s old classmate, and then they got so annoyed that they found an excuse to slip away. , It happened to go to Abyss City to be busy with naval funding.

Student Charles Medivh stayed simple during this period of time, and did not leave the dormitory except for the test rowing. Three meals a day were ordered for take-out, so as not to be caught by himself.

The little ones ran away, and the Old Guys put their anger on his Principal's head, so the Old Guys came to watch the game today to witness the birth of Shield Bridge Academy's three-game losing streak.

In order to prevent the Principals from fighting, the auditoriums of the Shield Bridge Academy and the Niudu Academy are located on both banks of the Shield River. Professor Erbach is cold and cheerless, and the Niudu Academy Principal on the opposite bank is surrounded by a group of stomping feet. The place has a great character that shakes three times, it is really lively.

Although Principal has learned that the new rowing boat ran at unprecedented speeds during sea tests, he has never seen it personally, and he is not very confident.

"Charles, come here!"

The Chief-In-Charge of the rowing event was called by the Principal.

Charles could only gently rub the head of Little Sister next to her, let her wait for herself, and then walked to the highest point of the audience.

Professor Erbach asked him in a low voice, "Is the rowing okay? Have you checked this morning?"

Charles sighed and said confidently:" Surely it’s okay. Didn’t you check with us this morning."

"Count Megadon even uses heirlooms. If he is not confident, he will do this?"

He The heirloom mentioned was actually a finger-sized, fluorescent water magic crystal that he took out from the Underground Palace a while ago. At that time, he lent it to the Academy under the name of Count Megadon, and shocked everyone present from the student to the Principal. Until now.

For the members of the royal family such as Spectacles brother, Leo, etc., the magic crystals of Top Grade are used in the magic gathering circle of the palace secret room, and will only be used when they destroy the country or want to destroy other countries. Take it out to enlarge the trick, I have never seen Count Megadon take it out and put it on the table.

As for the others, I have only seen them in books, and this is the first time I have seen them in kind.

At the time, Charles was thinking, or open a stall by himself, and each person would receive one gold coin after touching the Top Grade magic crystal in two minutes, which is estimated to be able to feed Altria.

With sufficient energy, the students who participated in the development of the rowing think that today’s game is impossible to lose, just push the power bar to the end.

Professor Erbach still said: "I have no bottom."

Charles curl one's lip, said: "If you lose this year, you will find a plane to tow the ship next year. Now."

The old Principal drove this guy away angrily.

Charles returned to his seat, took out a bag of peanuts and handed it to Little Sister next to him.

The people who knew him were very surprised. When did this guy come out with a younger sister who looked like a village girl.

Charles didn't bother to explain, as soon as he explained his identity, he revealed himself.

At this time, preparations for the race began. With the sound of a long horn, the rowing boats of the two sides on the shore doing the final inspection began to enter the water.

The students of Shield Bridge Academy who have telescope looked towards the opponent’s ship, all of them discussed spiritedly.

The engine of the Niudu Academy racing boat has been changed. It looks similar to the speedboat engine in your hometown, "▜₋₈" type.

Charles is most concerned about the structure of the propeller, which looks similar to what he had seen in his previous life. It seems that Niudu Academy has done a lot of work on this.

This is an attractive spectacle for him. He does not think that water jets can be applied to all ships, so that the world has one more choice and is more conducive to the development of technology.

It's just that the stern of the Niudu Academy is full of eight engines, which is a bit exaggerated.

Students who understand boats at Shield Bridge Academy are quickly analyzing their opponents.

In the auditorium, the glasses brother pushed his glasses and said to the childhood sweethearts fiancee beside him: "Although the ship on the opposite side has many engines, the hull is still made of wood, and the strength it can withstand is limited. Maybe the maximum output. It won’t take long for the hull to fall apart."

"Our racing boat is mainly composed of the steel structure I designed to bear the force, which can withstand much more force than wood, so we are determined to win."

Professor Erbach finally arrived at the VIP table, and He Doudagger was sitting next to the Principal. These two senior and junior brothers, He Dou Dagger will definitely come to join him today.

It's just that He Dou Dagger drank too much last night and got up a little late.

He pays different attention to the rowing of Niudu Academy.

"The boat on the Niudu Academy is not good." He shook his head and said, "The steering is actually controlled by the rudder or by manpower. Isn't this a deserves a beating? So many engines have been blinded for nothing. "

There are many people who are speechless like him, because after Niudu Academy’s rowing boat was launched, several students took a "ᓀ"-shaped rudder and mounted it on it.

He Dou Dagger looked towards Charles, who was just caught by him next to him, and asked: "Can you see any way?"

Charles said: "According to what I got It’s reported that Niudu Academy originally installed five engines on the rowing boats, and the turning relied on the engines to steer."

"After our rowing boats were exposed, they urgently improved them and installed three engines, only the stern ones. The metal fixing bracket has to be changed. If you want to turn by turning the engine, there is no way."

"Now they still have the metal bracket for fixing the engine nailed to the wooden keel. Nails, I hope not to fall apart."

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