Although Charles has seen too many large and small movies, he really doesn’t know anything about making movies.

However, the stage plays in this world are very mature, and a group of students make movies based on their experience.

After dinner, Charles and the students who were mainly involved in the shooting gathered in an empty classroom to discuss the next work.

In the meantime, Charles found that he had too many complaints.

First of all, it is called "movie". This camera and projector use no electricity. It is reasonable to call "Magic Shadow", but because this is called "movie" in the foreign world, so now everyone It’s like calling a cherry like a cherry.

Secondly, it costs money to make a movie. This time the funds are collected by the classmates, and an agreement has been signed. If the movie is profitable, the money will be divided proportionally.

And Charles’s money was paid for him. Agatha first secretly went to Diana but couldn’t find it. Then he approached Altria and asked about the money, and he would pay her back when Charles came back. .

The third is that the job of a photographer falls on someone's head, because this guy has money, so Wan accidentally damages the camera and can afford it.

When the meeting was held, the photographer knew that everyone had already had a meeting and set the general direction on the day they burned the bat cave.

At the same time, the students in the class have also made various preparations.

The shooting location is a luxurious villa on the island. This villa is specially rented out to the local tyrants who come to the island to play. The business is not good this year, so it was rented at a very low rent.

A group of actors have already been selected, and everyone in the costumes gathered together. Now the main task of the actors is to concentrate on memorizing the lines.

The guest guest was also found. Langsha went to find Professor Erbach, and Principal agreed to the students' petitions and acted as the elder of a family.

The shooting time has also been set. Two days later, the first round of entrance exams for the academies on the island will begin. Academy students can take a few days off.

Charles has nothing to say about this. If you have any problems, just work together.

Time soon came the night before the exam, and the filming officially began.



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In the special effects group Under the spell cast by the "Storm Dragon" Verdra, who was specially invited by Langsha to help, a carriage arrived in front of the mansion on the evening of a snowstorm. Charles carried the camera and flew in the air, following the carriage slowly.

This is a long shot. The photographer followed the house owner's second son (Enrico), who was wearing a tight short coat and a thick bear skin cloak who kicked the car door and jumped out of the car, walked into the door. Throw cloak to Fat Steward (Hain) and then go to the living room. At this moment, a few people in the living room are sitting or standing. At this moment, the camera goes to the center of the living room and makes a circle, seeing these people when the second son comes in or despises them. Or the cold expression and the expressionless face of the second son were all taken in.


The director and screenwriter, Agatha, followed Charles all the time, and stopped after the first act was filmed.

"How am I doing?" Enrico was the first to jump to Charles's side and ask.

Several other actors also joined in, wanting to know how they performed.

Agatha said: "Let’s go and see how this shot is."

The first time we took the shot, everyone didn’t know what to do, so the villa ballroom was temporarily converted into a projection hall. Let us first study the effect of the first act.

One of the advantages of this magic movie is that it can be shot and played at any time. Although it is not convenient, it is extremely important for these novices.

The theater is already full of people. In addition to the actors, special effects, props, makeup and onlookers, special guest Erbach is also waiting here.

The scene just now appeared on the screen soon, and everyone watched with excitement attentively.


The three girls who played the maid, stepmother and third daughter wailed when they saw themselves and something went wrong.

Many classmates laughed out loud, because the makeup on the girls' faces was too thick, even in black and white films, it seemed a bit funny.

Professor Erbach laughed and said: "The previous shots are good, the makeup problem is easy to solve."

"In the past, when the audience was far away from the stage, the audience had to be changed. Only heavy makeup can make the actor's face more visible."

"Now we are seeing the actor at a normal distance. This makeup is almost the same as before."

Principal immediately Just pointed out the problem, the girls in the makeup group began to discuss how to improve this makeup.

Pi Qiqi, who played eldest son, stood by the window and looked at the blizzard outside with a cold face. He said: "I think I can add a little bit of out-of-the-window transmission when the camera is on my side. The wind is coming."

Agatha thought for a while, and asked Charles: "Can I add the sound later?"

Charles nodded, said, "Yes, back Other sounds can be added."

Previously, the students thought that only a video camera was enough to make a movie. After Charles explained to them, they realized that the equipment that can edit and dub the video is the most important.

Then some students asked questions such as whether the lighting was too bright. After discussion, the lighting crew, photographers and actors who had re-makeup went to take a few shots in the living room under different lighting.

Now everyone is ignorant, and some technical problems can only be solved by analyzing and discussing several times.

It took almost two hours, and finally an effect acceptable to everyone appeared on the screen.

Next is the dialogue between the Great Family’s eldest son, second son, stepmother and third daughter. This bridge is a fat steward and invites everyone to the restaurant for dinner and the background board maid upstairs. Please come down and end.

At this time, a group of students looked towards Professor Erbach, and Langsha from the makeup group smiled and said to the old Principal: "Principal grandfather, it's time for you to appear next, and I will do makeup for you."

Professor Erbach laughed sitting in a chair and let the students make up for himself. He looked in the mirror and asked: "My character's face is a bit pale, is it sick?"


Langsha, who was putting his makeup on, smiled and said nothing.

The makeup is complete, and everyone takes the Principal to the bedroom upstairs.

The props team has arranged this place properly. Professor Erbach looked around and saw that the flames in the fireplace were half dead, all windows were tightly closed, and the drama classmates were closing the heavy curtains. , The low chair for shoes next to the door was placed a bit crooked.

Director Agatha invited Principal to sit on the recliner, and then handed over half a cup of cold coffee.

She said: "Please throw this cup of coffee by the chair."

Professor Erbach broke the coffee cup with a "Pa" and the coffee inside was on the ground. Flowing slowly.

A character came over and stepped on the broken cup, and then left the bedroom.

Professor Erbach said: "It seems that my character is still a grumpy temper. Should I scold someone after my line?"

Agatha smiled shook the head, said: "Your Excellency Principal, you can just lie down and close your eyes."

Professor Erbach smiled "hehe" and asked her: "Am I asleep? "

"No." Agatha said, "You are playing a corpse."

Professor Elbach: Σ(゚д゚;)


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