Litmanen carefully observed Charles' every move, wanting to see how the adult dealt with the longhorn whales.

In the summer, they had organized several crusades, but no matter how hard they exerted, the sharp harpoon could not penetrate the tenacious skin of the whale, and everyone eventually returned without success.

But he saw Charles just standing quietly on the surface of the sea, seemingly not doing anything, which made Litmanen mutter in his heart, could this adult have no way to deal with this devil beast? ?

Under the water that they could not see, an extremely powerful spirit strength enveloped the longhorn whale, and did not wake up the devil beast.

In the experience summarized by the adventurers, it is the best choice to vigorously perform miracles when dealing with large devil beasts. Huli's fancy method has too low a fault tolerance rate, and it may be fun.

Charles is very impressed with this. Although this longhorn whale is much smaller than the black whale, it is still difficult to deal with. The tenacious skin and powerful life force are hard to deal with.

Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out under the sea, like countless high-power searchlights illuminating in the water at the same time.

The light went out less than a second after it lit up, and the sea was still calm, as if nothing had happened.

Litmanen and they glanced at each other, no one could understand what was going on there.

Charles sighed in relief, just now he used the magic that the Old Brothers hate fishing-electrofishing.

The extremely pure thunder and lightning elements formed a power grid in an instant, and the huge current ran across the whale's body, causing its heart to stop beating in the blink of an eye.

Unless someone gives this whale a cardiopulmonary resuscitation, it will be useless.

The next thing to do is the most important thing. Another magic is activated. The whale's body is wrapped in a thick double-layer hollow ice shell, and then floats to the sea.

The Ice Bear King belongs to someone else. It is an important means of production just like the cows in the countryside. Charles can't get bear skins.

Following the concept of "Fishing Guys Never Air Force", he decided to move the skeleton of this longhorned whale home, put it on the front lawn of the house, and build a fountain. This must be very exciting. wind.

Charles returned to the ice floe, and Litmanen, who was more than two meters high, came up in a bear hug, causing someone to almost die from a man's chest kill.

"My lord, thank you so much, my lord." Litmanen said incoherently, "I really don't know how to thank you..."

Charles instantly Knowing what he was thanking for, they were short of food, he thought his original intention was to solve the food problem for everyone.

"Hurry up and get the rope." Charles said with a faint smile, "Next we are going to pull it over."

These warriors only understood this time this time. Why do they have to prepare so many ropes by themselves? They quickly brought the rope woven from leather, and then Charles went to the sea again and tied the rope in the hole reserved in the ice shell.

When the whale reached the shore, Litmanen had made arrangements.

Here they divide the whale into pieces. Some people take some meat and go back. Some people guard and wait for the sleigh from the village to come over.

This whale weighs more than ten tons, and they can't carry it back at once.

Charles vetoed his order, and Litmanen was not angry, thinking it was as it should be by rights.

The environment in this place is harsh, and the idea of ​​powerhouse is respected is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although Litmaning and the others don't know how Charles killed the giant whale, only this ability can make these powerful warriors behave like a child.

Charles said: "You tie the ropes on both sides of the ice shell, and wait for me to melt the ice floes and drag the whole whale back."

He finished, and come back. Go to the whale and walk back.

I saw a piece of red light lit up where Charles walked, and immediately after the ice layer melted instantly, a water channel was opened between the ice floes for whales to pass through.

Litmanen and the others were greatly encouraged, and they dragged the whale into the waterway quickly, tied the rope and pulled to follow Charles' footsteps.

The magic used by Charles to melt ice is called "Heat Pump Passage". It was invented by Nasrdin and is part of Intel’s defense system. Grilled.

However, before each test of this system, the company will purchase a lot of sweet potatoes.

It is a few kilometers away from the residential area. Charles walked back all the way at a faster pace, and finally returned to his destination before the spirit strength ran out.

There are many hot springs in the residential area. There is no ice in the place where the hot spring water flows into the sea. The entire group had to make a detour.

In the stone house, Canelva, the old village chief who just learned how to fight the landlords, immediately threw down a handful of bad cards in his hand after hearing the news of Charles and their return. The whale bone crutch rushed to the shore, leaving Genia and Sonia holding a good hand of cards.

"Good fellow!" Canelva marveled at the huge hornwhale, and slapped Charles on the shoulder with excitement. He patted Charles into the beach with the sand all over his ankles.

The old village chief took Charles by the arm and said as he walked back: "Your Excellency, go back and eat something, and then take a rest. We will prepare a ceremony for you tomorrow."

Charles thought, this ceremony is a task reward, right? I just don't know what the specific reward is.

He quickly returned to the stone house and saw the two girls playing with the maid who had brought them something in the house just now, and the other maids were learning.

Just as the old village chief was about to get angry, Charles stopped him.

However, seeing the village chief came back, these maids quickly disappeared.

"Sorry," Canelva said in a low voice, "They are used to being wild and not polite."

Charles stood shook the head, "It's okay."


He could tell from the calluses on his hands that these maids were all part-time workers, and they were ordinary working women in the past.

The beef that was dragged and boiled was quickly brought up. The meat on a beef leg was cut into pieces. After the white water was cooked, it was eaten directly with salt. The taste was not bad. .

The drink is made by squeezing the juice from the sea grapes in the sea. It is not high in content and has a sweet and sour taste. It is good when you eat meat.

Charles is indeed a little hungry. Strong wind scattering the last clouds usually eats most of the corbel and then burps.

Then Canelva arranged a new project. Several young girls who were too thin in the eyes of the locals came over and took Charles to the bathroom.

The old village chief’s mind was very active. He saw that the two girls who followed Charles were "thin body", so he decided that this adult liked this type, so he found a girl of similar body to serve. grown ups.

The bathroom here is directly connected to the hot spring, and the water temperature is quite high, so that Charles quickly turns red all over the body.

Next, the girls who served Charles fished him out of the bath and placed him on a stone bed that was no longer cold with a lot of hot water. Then they picked up a brush and brushed him hard, almost Brush off the skin.

Fortunately, the savior arrived, and Genia and Sonia also came to the bathroom. Charles immediately asked the girls to brush the two of them, always keeping their dermis.

After washing, the highlight of the bath has just begun.

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