The sacrifice is over, and then there is a lively banquet.

It’s just that the food is insufficient now, and everyone just means it.

In the middle of the night, the city is calm.

Charles is about to go back, there is nothing to do with him next here.

After two days of rest, warriors will take the Necro Detector made by Diana to strangle the remaining necromancers in the snow forest in the south, and the final result is their "college entrance examination" score.

Diana will stay here to repair the detector and get feedback on its usage at any time, toss about the bug and apply a patch depending on the situation, and finally go back with Jung, Laiv, and the fishing Old Brother at the end of January next year.

The results of fishing at Old Brother are quite fruitful. Ice fishing and longline fishing are good results. Fishing for sharks depends on luck. If you are fishing on a large scale, you can have one meal a day.

Farewell is coming soon, Charles and Diana are living in the same room tonight, and the two are whispering.

Now Charles has a pain in his head because Reimu gave him a task.

Since Reimu has promised to cover the Kvin people, he must do what he says and improve their living conditions.

So the burden of how to make the Kvin people live a good life fell on Charles.

It’s just that he doesn’t have much to do with someone. He has never heard of agriculture and animal husbandry in high latitudes and cold regions. He hasn’t studied it in other places. Wait for the beginning of the spring to see if the Old Brother with the protagonist halo is here, what can I do?

Diana proposed that offshore fishing can be developed. She will try to see if she can make a detector for the powerful devil beast.

The whispering was over, and the clothes were taken off, and the door opened.

"Why are you here?" Charles asked Reimu who got into their wolf blanket with a black thread.

"Go on, don't care." Reimu said nonchalantly, "It's fine when I don't exist."

Diana is also a black line, and she said, "Or, Together?"

Reimu said, "What kind of virtues do you know about your family? Who else has he been to besides you?"

Diana was a little proud and said: “I told him that it’s okay to eat the food delivered to the door, he just doesn’t act.”

“This is a good thing.” Reimu said, “When the climax, the souls of both parties will resonate and influence each other, and Too many people will reduce the purity of the soul, severely will reduce the strength, like him to control in the face of a several li."

"But..." He lengthened his voice. "I understand that you youngsters can play, but don’t play too intensely. This is what I found in Charles’ dormitory."

I haven’t waited for the two youngsters to respond, Reimu’s hands A metal rod with a length of about 60 mm, a diameter of about 60 mm, and a semicircular head appeared.

After turning on the switch at the end, the metal rod vibrated at a frequency of about 50 Hz, and then Reimu opened the second and third gears, and the frequency of the metal rod rose to about 100 Hz and 150 Hz.

Diana's face turned white. She stared at Charles fiercely and said, "Explain!"

Charles took a deep breath and said helplessly: "This is concrete Vibrator, it will be used when the new airport is built next year. You think it is a "Lady Happy Stick"."

No explanation, otherwise the dividing line will appear on Xiaoyou.

Diana gave an "Oh", obviously sighed in relief.

Charles asked Reimu more helplessly: "What else do you have?"

Reimu's words left them speechless, "This house was originally my house, I Is there anything wrong with sleeping?"

Charles and Diana are indeed speechless.

No words for a night.

☀️Dividing line ☀️

second day, the village led by Count Megadon woke up before the sun came out.

Many people are wearing thick winter clothes. When the eastern sky just showed a little grey dawn, they walked on the snow and came to the vegetable shed to pick vegetables.

When the sky lighted up, the villagers came out carrying a basket full of vegetables, some returned to the village, some walked to the stables not far away, where the vendors who bought the vegetables had already been waiting NS.

The Boss of a tavern in the village was walking on the road with a basket of cucumbers on his back. He saw two youngsters who were wearing thick fur clothes and hats that almost covered their heads on the side of the road and were curious. Looked at this large vegetable shed.

The boss of the tavern immediately walked over and asked the young man in it: "This is the first time for the two of you to come here?"

Charles smiled and said to the Boss: "I I haven’t been here for almost ten years."

The tavern boss said "Oh". After Charles left, those noble children in the Biberach Kingdom would not come here when they came to Northlands to play. The Boss thought This youngster is a noble child who has been here before.

He stretched out his hand and took out a freshly picked cucumber from the basket on his back. A water polo appeared in his hand to wash the cucumber, and then handed it to Charles.

"The guest is here for vacation." Boss said, "My tavern also has a VIP private room. It has a clean and hygienic environment. Everyday all has fresh vegetables to eat. If you stay for more than ten days, you will get one free every day. Taking cucumbers, this is the invention of our Count Megadon. The shop with four cucumbers on the signboard in the village is just that."

Charles took the cucumber and asked with a little doubt:" I remember that there was a tavern in the village that had four pig heads on the sign. The Boss seemed to be called pig head four. I have never seen one with four cucumbers."

"What a coincidence!" Pig head slapped four times. , "That's my shop, you must come!"

Charles whispered to him: "The two of us, if you give me another cucumber, I will go."

As a result, Zhu Tou Si took him a few steps and said in a low voice: "This distinguished guest, I am thinking of you!"

"The cucumbers here can be eaten raw. With only one cucumber, you can take turns to have a bite with that beautiful lady!"

Charles gave Boss a thumbs up.

"Your territory is really simple and honest!" Reimeng sighed.

"Yes!" Charles nodded agreed.

The two of them left the shed area and moved towards Charles' house not far away.

Walking on the road, you can see the wall of big trees outside the Yan House from a distance. The wall is white and the branches are full of frost.

"Are you timid about hometown?" Reimeng asked Charles, who was slower, in Chinese.

Charles was silent for a while, and then chanted a poem:

"Skinny left home and got fat back, the local accent hasn’t changed. The children met and didn’t know each other, so they laughed and asked fatty Where do they come from."

Reimu moved towards him rolled the eyes, wondering if he wants to turn him into a fatty.

They quickly walked to the gate of Yunfu. There was a small house with a guard beside the gate. The guardian uncle walked forward immediately after seeing the two furry guys coming.

Before he could ask the "three questions from the security guard", Charles put the cucumber he just got in his hand and said amiably, "Thank you."

"Master! "Auntie Pomegranate who heard Charles' voice rushed out of the security building and hugged him hard.

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