In the first few days of the New Year, Charles went to bed every day until he woke up naturally, and then he played chess, ball, and piano with everyone, living comfortably.

Reimu everyday all nestled in his own room. On the surface, he looked like he was on a recliner. He had tea, snacks and read a book. In fact, he was sitting on the dream platform while drinking tea, snacks and reading. Gangs that make poisoned alcohol.

The entire Dreamland platform is anonymous and real-named at the front desk, so Charles opened a bunch of small accounts to publish different works.

And Charles himself is a GM in charge of the front desk, and he cannot see the real-name data in the backstage.

Now Reimu takes the shot himself, and checks in the background along the line of ordering from the boss of the tavern. Finally, it is very simple to find out which person the account of the person involved in the case is.

In other places, the priests of various temples also received news that their leaders thoroughly investigated the poison and alcohol, but they all went to the tavern to visit the information secretly first, and the speed was a little slower.

The rest time passed quickly, and the work of the new year began. The lords of Megadon Family business gathered in the Oval Conference Hall.

Charles sits behind the Demon Sovereign table. A new row of long tables is placed in front of them. Everyone sits on either side of the long table.

At the beginning of the meeting, Charles gave a brief opening remark, and then moved on to the topic.

He said: "The first priority in the family this year is the expiration of the five-party trusteeship. We must do a good job of finishing off without leaving any tails."

At this time, he looked towards Auntie Cilantro and Sybil said: "At the same time, the handover between Auntie Cilantro and Sybil should be done well. Sybil, if you don’t understand, ask more."

Sybil immediately agreed:" Understand!"

Sometimes the bigger the problem, the simpler it is speaking of which, but it is troublesome to deal with.

Then Charles looked towards Alfe and said: "Alfe, starting this year, your focus will be on the family territory, and the work of wool acquisition, caravans and Chamber of Commerce will be handed over to a competent youngster."

"Understood, sir." Alfe replied.

Charles asked the maid to give him the two folders and said: "Next, the construction of the territory has two focuses. One is the development of the underground labyrinth to the south. You can study the construction plan of the labyrinth town. If you have any questions, please discuss with Sybil. She has rich experience."

"The second job is more important. It is necessary to find a place in the maple forest with flat terrain, sufficient water supply and convenient road construction. You have to go there yourself."

The Academy of City of Knowledge has reached a consensus on the opening of bases. Many places are robbing these old hens who will lay golden eggs. At present, Charles has a permanent zero rent and The condition of tax exemption has become a priority for many Academy.

In contrast, the underground labyrinth in the south, half-and-half with neighbors, is not so important.

But the meat in the bowl still needs to be eaten, and a small town for adventurers still needs to be built.

Just Alfe said with a bitter smile: "Let the master know that there is a flame king under the maze. In autumn, the squad crusade led by Igarashi Lanlu failed again, and they plan to strengthen in winter. Strength, the third crusade in the spring."

Charles didn't care, he looked towards Logue, and said: "Logue, the king of flames, grab the steaming pot and help you boil the water. "

Logue had a black line. She asked: "Can I absorb it?"

"Yes." Charles immediately replied, "It's up to you to dip in vinegar or soy sauce." "

So this hapless elemental creature BOSS was gone that night, and the material was exploded.

Charles continued to say to Alfe: "The operation of the pharmaceutical workshop and slime film factory basically does not need to be changed, but the film factory must increase investment in new technology research."

" The most important thing is that the caravan at home needs to be reorganized. I didn’t do business trips in the past and plan to switch to logistics."

Everyone in the room is at a loss. I haven’t heard of this before. .

Charles asked the maid to hang a huge map beside him on the opposite wall so that everyone could see it.

That is a map east of Linhai, and many big cities and riverside port cities are stuck with signs of airplanes and anchors.

"Rigoleto." Charles asked, "How about the airport construction?"

Rigoleto stood up immediately, he walked to the map and said "After the City of Knowledge shipping resumed, I was ordered by the master to visit the kings of various countries and the lords of big cities, and discuss with them the construction of new airports."

"The construction of airports is very important to all countries. Most kings and lords agreed to the airport construction, loan, and joint operation plan proposed by our side and Chaowei Blue Dragon consortium."

"This spring, there are 15 airports in Northlands and 12 in the south. Construction of the airport can start and it is expected to be completed in autumn."

The requirements for the take-off and landing of transport aircraft this year are not high. Can be built inside.

Charles asked the maid to hand over a thick book to Mantua and said: "Your next task is to cooperate with Chaowei Blue Dragon consortium to formally establish an airline."

"Last year I recruited a group of people to work with Mira in the epidemic area. Many of them are good. You can hire some people."

Mantua's breathing suddenly became heavy. Although he was prepared for this appointment, Charles was still very excited when he actually ordered.

Charles looked towards Alfe and said, "You pick a leader in the caravan, and ask him to take a few people with these newcomers to run the airline formation and airport construction work with Mantua. Afterwards, they set up a new logistics company to focus on air transportation."

"After the shipyard in Bosnia and Herzegovina is built and put into operation, this transportation company will also open up the water transportation market."

Then he looked towards Cesare, who thought there was nothing wrong with him, and said: "Next, change the focus of your work. There is nothing wrong with Ocean Mountain, and everything is business as usual."

" In the future, our business will usher in an expansion period. The talents are not enough. Your task is to recruit the civilian students who graduated from the City of Knowledge to enrich our team."

"Huh?" Chesa Lei was surprised by this arrangement. He thought he was a transparent person today.

Charles just smiled slightly and said to him with sound transmission magic: "No, I don't believe that the steward of Mafia teacher is just an ordinary person."

Cesare I looked at Tarantula of Faint Smile, then looked at Charles, and then agreed to a new job.

Alfe was a little surprised by Charles' appointment. Didn't expect the personnel work to fall on this seemingly ordinary brother.

Rigoletto was not surprised. They often played chess together these days, and Cesare's chess skills were obviously not what an average farmer should have.

Charles said to Rigoletto, who was looking thoughtful: "We will encounter many problems in our business next. When the time comes, you, as my representative, are responsible for communicating and solving all over the country."

Rigoletto's heart beats disappointingly a few times. This is regarded as the foreign minister of the Megadon Family. The foreign minister of the small country in the south has no words of his own.

After observing for so many years, Charles has been relieved of him, and he is very familiar with the noble communication system, this job is very suitable for him.

The big business on the surface is over, Charles took a sip of tea, and the next long-term business will come.

He asked the maid to hand over a booklet to Biqi, and then said: "Jiuyang Chamber of Commerce has developed well in recent years, but product upgrades and updates must have their own steps."

"We must be good at exploring the potential of the Shield Bridge Academy's production-university-research base. Next, you must sort out the technologies we have mastered. The technology in this booklet is what I need for the first stage. You must be in Organize it before school starts, and the new products rely on them."

Biqi turned over the booklet, and then handed it to Vichy, who was sitting next to her.

It stands to reason that Vichy graduated last year, but the Academy competition in City of Knowledge was postponed to this year, so Principal asked her to stay for one more year to get good results for the Academy.

She has nothing to do with the Academy this year, and just started to be responsible for the work of the production, education and research base.

Vichy read the booklet roughly, and then said: "Many of the technologies here have been registered in the base, and a small number of technologies can be found in professors and students. I will use the Chamber of Commerce Buy from them in the name of "

Charles nodded, the technology he needs is basically mature, although not perfect, but this step from zero to one is enough.

Then he looked towards Ai Li and Xi Li, and said: "Axi Fan restaurant continues to cultivate among high-end customers. Canned food production is ready to open a new factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Aixi Fan According to the statistics of chain restaurants, I want about ten favorite dishes of customers."

"Next, I have a plan for'Aishi Rice Snacks'. Please discuss it."

"I plan to open'aixi rice snacks' shops all over the country, focusing on customers' favorites, which are cheaper than chain restaurants, but can make people full."

"There are many chain restaurants on the island. The guests are sailors who come to the port. Ask the sailors who have families. We plan to open a shop in some port cities. Are they interested in letting their wives be the cooks? If they come, they will come to the shop at his port." p>

"If we are interested, we will pay for their wives to come over and learn how to cook with Awei, and let her go back there and join our shop if she is qualified."

Ari asked He said: "Will we spend too much money on the road?"

Charles did not answer, but Rigoletto motioned to himself with his eyes, and Charles agreed.

Rigoleto said: "Master, I have a suggestion."

"We train chefs for travel expenses and tuition-free fees. If the specified time is unqualified, we will pay back. I will work for us for five years. During the period, the wages will be issued, but I cannot leave to work with competitors."

Ari thought for a while and said, "This is a good method. I think there will be no Few people agree."

Xili said: "I heard a hero who traveled across the country talk about a franchise store model. I think we can use this model to spread the store. The share benefit is used as an initial fee."

Charles did not make a statement, saying: "You can investigate and share to see what is appropriate. When the time comes, write a report to me."

Then he looked towards Felix, and said according to the table: "Felix, when you helped me before, I said that I would give you a chance to make money."

" You and Ellie, Xili and others are doing this work together. You can see for yourself what kind of business suits you."

Felix’s current personality is a child from the declining Knight’s family, who has been well received. educate. Many years ago, Charles encountered some difficulties while walking around the rivers and lakes, and he helped Charles.

He immediately stood up nervously, moved towards Charles and bowed and said, "Thank you for your gift, I will definitely do it."

Charles waved him to sit down. Finally looked towards Tarantula.

The magazine business managed by Tarantula has been booming in the past few months, and he has nothing to worry about.

He just asked Tarantula to pay attention to the quality of articles in various magazines. After expanding the source of submissions, there was nothing to say.

After finishing the final summary, Charles announced the adjournment of the meeting. Next, we will discuss the issues with each work content separately.

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