as the saying goes, yes, women look beautiful in everything they wear.

The beautiful big elder sister who appeared suddenly, although the travel cloak she wore on her body was tattered, and the shoes on her feet were about to be scrapped, and the expression on her face looked rather tired, but she did. The temperament of intelligence and strong self-confidence made her a crane in a flock of chickens among the villagers.

After learning the name of the surnamed Fang, Charles almost jumped up and hurriedly invited her to the White House.

Heidi's beautiful and moving eyes have been watching the iron striker. She smiled and said to Charles: "No hurry, I want to try that interesting machine first."

Charles has no choice but to let her play.

As soon as an expert takes a shot, she can tell that she is not a rookie in ironing, and she has a solid basic skills.

Charles sighed: “It’s Professor Erbach’s proud dísciple, this craft is much better than our blacksmith.”

Heidi replied: “Master in Metal Materials Science I can’t keep up with the attainments of the above. I used to help him a lot, but then I switched to studying magical communication, so I didn’t touch them anymore."

When she had done enough, she said on the way to the White House. : "This machine still has a lot of room for improvement."

Charles said with a slight pride: "This machine is just a toy for me. It was built to reduce the intensity of the blacksmith’s work. The real good guys will not be shown until the Academy competition this year."

"Academy competition..." Heidi's voice is full of memories, "I miss the days at the Shield Bridge Academy. At that time, I was doing what I wanted to do and I didn’t have to think about so many things."

Charles heard that she was a person with some stories. In order to avoid stepping on landmines, he talked to her about Professor Erbach’s An interesting story when making a movie.

They just walked into the White House, and someone immediately rushed up.

"Heidi elder sister!" Vichy was particularly excited, "Why are you here?!"

Heidi looked at Vichy in surprise, then looked at Charles, her face The expression on the face became funny.

Charles said to Vichy: "Miss Heidi is tired from the journey, you take her to take a bath and change clothes, and then take her to a small restaurant for dinner."

Vichy nodded, Without a word, Heidi was taken away.

There are two restaurants on the east side of the first floor of the White House. A large restaurant is used for banquets and crowds, and a small restaurant is for daily use.

Charles asked Aunt Pomegranate to prepare the clothes for Heidi, and then let the cooks prepare the food.

Different from the Megadon Family guessed by outsiders, a meal cost a dozen or so gold coins. At the same time, there are dozens of girls who wear very few fabrics to dance for fun. Charles’s daily diet is only slightly better. Some.

They had mutton and mutton porridge at noon today.

That is to say, the lamb is soaked in water to remove the blood, put in the pot and boiled with water, then take the lamb out of the hot bone and slice it on a plate.

The mutton soup is filtered to remove impurities and scum, pour the rice into it, boil it over a high fire, and then boil it over a low fire to make porridge.

When you eat, the most is that the lamb slices are dipped in different ingredients according to the different tastes of each person, and the porridge is sprinkled with chopped green onion, ginger and salt.

There is also a bowl of vegetable soup cooked with lamb bone soup and cabbage.

As for the dancing girl, she has never appeared before.

Just now, when Charles was busy building the iron machine, lunch time has passed. Fortunately, there is always something in the kitchen waiting for him to come back to eat. NS.

Heidi took the bath soon, and she became more energetic, and came to the restaurant wearing a loose cotton robe.

Charles said to her: "First eat something, take a good rest when you are full, and talk about what you need to rest."

Neither is Heidi, just sit down and start. After eating, she said as she ate, "I received a letter from the Master. He said that I don't need to be polite to you. You are not an outsider."

Charles didn't know whether to cry or laugh, The Principal didn't take his hand lightly when he slaughtered himself. But she was right. Principal told her grandfather senior and junior brothers. She is also the Principal disciple, and everyone can be said to be a family.

Heidi quickly finished what was in front of her, she said: "I have escaped for so long, and finally got a decent meal."

Charles Da Surprised, he hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Who was arrested by you?"

The Principal's discipline was arrested. This matter is extremely serious. It is only necessary to find the place back.

And Heidi said indifferently: "Who else can, my ex-husband."

Charles blinked, what's the situation?

Heidi said, "Bring me a glass of wine."

Charles asked the maid to bring in a low-quality wine.

Heidi drank the wine, and then said: "I got married right after graduation. He loves me very much, but his desire to control is too strong and he suspects me of cheating all day long."

"You also know that I work in the Magic Communication Bureau. I often go from one communication bureau to another to solve technical problems and repair equipment."

"Sometimes the problem is troublesome. When I went back a few days later, he thought I was fooling around with others."

"Sometimes when my colleagues and I study problems for a long time, he thinks that my colleagues and I have an affair."


"Oh...I can't live on such days."

"The day I received the letter from the Master, I had a quarrel with him. The Master said that you have remotely controlled the machinery through messaging technology. I wanted to ask me to study the problem. He thought you had an idea for me, and we quarreled if we didn’t agree. In the end, he shut me up in the castle."

"Later, I let me go home during the holiday. Leo, who came as a guest, left a divorce letter, and then hid it in her luggage and ran out."

"Half way I left before he caught up and caught me back. Leo’s team, and then I came here to look for you."

Charles understood the entire process of development. He had only heard that Heidi was a genius before. Didn’t expect something like this. Encountered, quite embarrassed.

You are not afraid that her ex-husband will come and arrest someone. Since Heidi has fled here so far in such a cold day, it means that he is determined to divorce. Way out.

As for Laiwu, just kidding, let's count how many experts there are now. "Yiba Hundred", "Demoness" Biqi, "Black Tiger" Alfe, these three are famous experts in the arena. The current student president of Shield Bridge Academy, Vichy, is not weak, and he came from the Assassin Organization of "Black Bat". Although Tarantula and Cesare have never done anything, they are definitely not weak. Artifact Spirit girls don’t have to come out to bully people, let alone the ancient land tax that stays in the room all day, that’s outside the rules. This lineup is enough to be a villain for more than a dozen seasons of cartoons.

If there is a group fight, the beastmen on the northern prairie are nesting in the city. They don’t necessarily listen to Charles asking them to do math problems, but asking them to come and help beat people. It is estimated that the entire northern part of the Biberach kingdom will be scared witless. Queen Rose has to go there and ask Charles if he wants to be The king is now.

So Charles said to Heidi seriously: "You can live with me without worry, if your ex-husband comes to you, no one can take you back if you don't want it."

Heidi sighed in relief and said: "I can rest assured with your guarantee."

The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. After the long-tight nerves were relaxed, an unprecedented sense of exhaustion was felt. It touched her heart and made her yawn.

Charles asked the maid to take her to the guest room to rest. If you have anything to do, wait for her to rest.

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