At the end of January, the island was shrouded in heavy fog when the warm southern current approached.

The sun rises, and between Heaven and Earth is white, and the trees and buildings more than ten meters away can only show a fuzzy shadow.

Wearing soft, comfortable and cute little tiger one-piece pajamas, Diana, who is still sleepy-eyed, closed the curtains that had just been opened. This year's First Stage fog she was very upset.

For a long time to come, this kind of weather will become the mainstream, and the thing of drying clothes is also uncomfortable because of the wetness on the ground and walls.

I was hungry. After washing, she went downstairs to the kitchen.

After going downstairs, she glanced towards the living room and saw Charles sitting in the living room as neatly as last night, but his expression was obviously not happy.

The refrigerator door opened, and it still looked like it was almost full. Last year, the whole roasted seal hadn't been eaten yet. I guess I can still eat half a month.

Wolf Old Master tried his best. He couldn't help eat so much. Older people couldn't deal with this kind of chewy meat.

Breakfast is a piece of seal meat and a few slices of pickles on bread, plus a cup of yogurt.

"Would you like something?" Diana handed the half-eaten breakfast to Charles.

She doesn't like to eat fish. After eating seal meat in Xuelin for a month, she found that she was a bit tired after returning.

There are a lot of delicious things out there. I’ll just go to the white grouper to eat a bowl of tonkotsu ramen.

Charles shook the head, he is not in the mood to eat.

Diana finished the yogurt and said a little funny: "Did you read too many novels? He patted you on the shoulder three times, and you thought he was looking for you in the middle of the night, and then waited until three o'clock. Maybe it will be three years, thirty years, or even three hundred years later."

Charles sighed, shook the head, and said: "Forget it, I'll talk about it later."

Diana asked him curiously: "Who is that and why are you so caring about him?"

She asked this question several times last night, but Charles just didn't answer it.

Charles is also playing the drums in his heart. If he read it right, the old man changed his skin color, and that was the person he had met.

"I'm leaving." He said, "The guests in the territory haven't been able to talk to her well yet."

"Ms. Heidi." Diana said, "What if A few years ago, you told me that she would divorce. I didn’t believe it. The two of them were so affectionate at the time."

Charles shrugged, he went to Professor Erbach yesterday to talk about the next semester. By the way, the Principal thought that this guy coveted the beauty of the discipline, and after taking the beauties as his own, he let out the wind in his favor.

If he hadn't sworn to the gods that he was telling the truth, the Principal would come out of the cabinet with a hammer and hit someone.

So Professor Erbach immediately packed his luggage and went to the airport to fly straight to kill the White House.

There is still a month to leave school, and the separation time is not long, and this distance is not a big deal before the teleportation operation. After the two kissed a few times, Charles left, Diana Go back upstairs to change clothes and eat ramen by yourself, then come back and start studying some kind of magic item.

The fog all around dissipated a bit, and Charles found someone standing on the side of the road not long after he walked out of Diana's house.

God of Death still looks sickly. Seeing Charles approached and looked deeply at him, gave him a look, then turned and moved towards the gate of Wisteria Academy and walked away.

There is no one else on the road, one god and one person walks like this one after the other until he walks out of the gate of the Academy.

God of Death go to the right, that is the road to the sea.

Charles walks to the left, walks straight down the road, and then turns a few turns to reach the handicraft workshop area on the island.

Half a minute later, God of Death appeared beside Charles and said in a hoarse voice: "You succeeded in arousing my interest."

Charles said calmly: " Sorry, I’m not interested in your Excellency."

He is really not interested in this one, this one is in charge of the dead, and he feels that this matter is kind of weird, because it’s different from Reimu’s There is a bit of conflict in business, especially after the appearance of the Hall of Valor.

God of Death's answer to Charles didn't seem to be very surprising. His expression was like facial paralysis, and he continued to say in that hoarse voice: "Do you want to see your parents?"

Charles sighed secretly in his heart and replied: "If your Excellency wants to send me to see them, it will be avoided. If your Excellency sees them, help me tell them that I am doing well now, and the enemies are basically killed. Yes, I will invite you to dinner."

"Your Excellency, don't waste time on me. After all, I was almost cheated to death by Your Excellency. My favorability for Your Excellency is negative."

"If I could not beat your lord, I would have started to drive you away."

God of Death looked at this guy for a few seconds and said, "Interesting little fellow."


"I have also seen people who ignore us after knowing our identity, and actually want to arouse our curiosity. These pretending to be forced to me are all playful."

"You are different, you are really not afraid of me, and you don't like me."

"You are not afraid of me, will you be consigned to eternal damnation?"

Charles Weiwei shook the head and said: "In fact, your lord is afraid that the Lord will come back suddenly one day, and he will flies into a rage because of his own misconduct."

He threw away a king of bombs, which attracted God of Death turned his head and looked at him one more time.

"hehe..." God of Death smiled coldly, "You know a lot, no wonder, it seems that you have been to the bottom of the lake."

"There is no future in mixing with them. The loser is always the loser, no matter how many times it is repeated."

"I admit that I underestimated you before. If you follow me now , I can give you what they can give you."

Charles shook his head without the slightest hesitation, and said, "Forget about it, there is a very important point that you can’t compare to them."

This time even God of Death became curious and asked: "Why can I not compare to them?"

Charles said seriously: "They are more beautiful than you."

God of Death: "That's it?"

Charles: "That's it."

"You probably don't know their true colors." God of Death sneered, "They are all slime."

Charles looked up at the misty white sun in the sky, and said seriously: "slime...not impossible."

This time even God of Death was stunned, and then he said, "One can' least shouldn't..."

Charles turned his head and looked into his eyes. Said: "The preciousness of human beings lies in the daring to try the unknown and to break through new areas."

"If you appear in front of me as a beautiful elder sister at first, maybe we I’ve been happily working together."

In the end, he is a god who has experienced winds and waves. He said straight to the point: "It is often said that geniuses are only separated from lunatics by a thin line. I take such words as The act is to be confused and understand. People who say such things often don't have much knowledge in their heads, so in order to pretend to be a profound mystery, they say some words that are ambiguous, but can't stand the details. These people After finishing talking, I deceived myself to draw a circle, proclaiming that everyone outside the circle who disagrees with him is stupid, and those who agree with him in the circle are really awesome."

"As long as those who have really come into contact with geniuses People will know that although some geniuses seem crazy, they have clear goals, have their own plans and rhythms, and they know what they are doing."

"Madmen... they know themselves What are you doing? Those who play with words and pretend to live with a madman for a month cannot say such things."

"From the day we first met, I have been paying attention to you. I want to know why they value you so much. "

"Facts have proved that you belong to the outstanding handful of transmigrators. Your goals do seem crazy, but everything you do has a clear context, and you know what you are doing. Even I have to think that you might succeed in the end, including what you have to do with those slimes. "

"I know, those of you who grew up singing "Internationale" have no interest in us, but we are not the same as the so-called gods in your world. Those are just made up of religion and superstition. Things, and we are real, and we are in control of this world. "

"As the country in your previous life said in the document, the initial emergence of religious concepts in your place reflects the primordial people’s mystery of natural phenomena when the level of productivity is extremely low. feel. After entering a class society, the deepest social root for the existence and development of religion is that people are dominated by the blind and alien forces of this society and cannot be freed from it. It lies in the laborers’ fear and the immense suffering caused by the exploitation system. Despair lies in the fact that the exploiting classes need to use religion as an important spiritual means to anaesthetize and control the masses. "

"But we are different. We exist objectively. Like teachers, we have been educating and guiding the development of intelligent life. "

Hearing this, Charles sneered and said: "But what you did does not represent the development requirements of advanced productive forces, the direction of advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. "

God of Death smiled unprecedentedly, and he said: "If you have educated a child, you will have a deep understanding of your own words. "

"We are at a different height from mortals. We look at these issues at a higher level. "

"For example, cars are undoubtedly good things. However, if you are a teacher, would you think that it is the right thing for a child under ten to drive on the road? "

"Since the Lord wants us to take good care of sentient beings before leaving, then we need to let them avoid contact with dangerous things before they meet the necessary conditions. "

"If the gods came back and saw you all fired nuclear weapons to each other and died, how would you let us answer?" "

"Just like when you send a child to a kindergarten, when you pick up the child, the teacher says that the little child burned the kindergarten by playing with a match and burned himself to death. How would you react? "

Charles was silent for a long time after listening, and finally shook the head speechlessly.

God of Death saw that he hadn't spoken for several minutes, so he turned and left at the next intersection. .

Charles himself walked silently on the street in the fog. The ground was a bit slippery. If you lower your head, you can see traces of someone slipping on the ground nearby.

At the same time, thinking about what God of Death said just now, it sounds like there is no big problem. If Reimu hadn’t said other things with him before, he basically believed it.

He was going to Ekaterina after the New Year. The night before the palace, Reimu suddenly got into his bed.

Reimu said to him that night: "Talk to you about something. Are you interested in breaking the gods?" "

Charles asked: "Did you stop talking if I refused?" "

"No. "Reimu said solemnly, "I will delete this memory from you later. You only remember that you just slept as usual this night." "

Charles asked him: "Then you talk about the entire process of development?" "

Reimu sighed and began to recall: "The true God in this world is called God Lord, and I don't know where he came from." "

"He is very caring, and often brings back to this world the races in other worlds that have fallen into extinction. "

"Our so-called gods are just children who have mastered the basic laws, helping him manage the races that come here to take refuge and multiply. "

"At that time, we were divided into three groups, one was born and raised locally, the other two were foreign, one of which was the pink brain flower before. "

"One day, the god said he was going to other places, let us take care of this place. "

"He just started well after he left. We thought he was just going to other places to save people. "

"It's just that after a while, the little contact between Him and us was broken. "

"Later, Pink Brain Flower was the first to jump out, intending to steal the power of the Lord, but was finally sealed by the other two of us, and was completely wiped out not long ago. "

"Later, we broke up with the other group, we were mostly wiped out, and now there are only a few of us. "

"After they seized power, they completely sealed the ascendant passage for mortals to become gods. "

"They at first are just powerful mortal wisdom races. They reached this realm only after receiving the guidance of the gods. "

"It's just that in order to prevent other races from becoming gods, they almost completely locked the passages. "

"We just want to recapture everything and reopen the channel. "

Charles asked suspiciously, "Isn't it good for you to have authority?" Why open the ascending channel? "

"Not good at all. "Reimu shook the head," the god master said that even for us, the only way to stand still is decline, and if our existences connected with the basic laws of the world decline, this world will decline and then be destroyed. "

"It's just that we were the only one when the Lord said this. Later we told them to listen to them, and they thought we frightened them. "

Then He said very seriously: "The most obvious example is that Diana came to this place. It shows that our two lives within the realm have been repaired and the'firm''walls' are beginning to loosen again. The'decline' of our world has accelerated. "

"If this world annihilation occurs, it will affect the'nearby' world, such as your hometown. "

Charles thought to himself, it seems that Heaven and Earth will do it.

After some thoughts, he asked, "Do you have any plans?" "

Reimu replied: "We already have a preliminary plan, and the feasibility is extremely high. Now we are nowhere near a spokesperson. "

Charles thought for a while and said, "How come I sound like there is a billion-dollar project, and now I have two thousand dollars left?" "

Reimeng said helplessly: "Do I miss your two thousand dollars?" "

Charles asked again: "Can Diana go home?" "

"What's the problem with this." "Reimeng said, "Just borrow from your hometown. "

Charles immediately agreed: "Well, let her go home, I'll do it with you." "

Now compare the words of the two sides together, and the interesting things will appear.

Charles is not in a hurry to draw conclusions, this matter needs to be considered slowly in the future.

Finally, he went to a handicraft workshop opened by a dwarf and asked that his customized big guy made of graphite could be delivered on time at the end of February and then left contentedly.

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