
Charles didn't expect a small house near the center of the Fire Element circle.

It’s also fortunate for him to make such a trip, because the Fire Element boundary coordinates he used is in the vicinity, if one day the Transmission Gate is opened and the Fire Element is passed over to kill the spirit, Hredmar It's funny after falling out.

When Heridma learned of the intention of this product, he re-evaluated the guy with the eyes of the Demon ghost, and then asked: "Your thoughts are so simple and rude?"

Charles nodded, seriously said: "Sometimes it is the best choice to vigorously perform miracles."

Heridema indifferent expression, she brought everyone to the house, and specifically asked Charles: "What do you want? Just mention it to me, don't let my things run into your pocket without authorization."

Charles was watching the furnishings in the room curiously. There is a magic array on the stone wall all around to allow Fire Element to leave. Opposite the door is a magic stove using Fire Element. Next to the stove is a metal anvil. Tools and a lot of ores and metal ingots are piled nearby. On the other side of the wall is a stone table with a lot of metalworking tools, and some semifinished products around the table. In the corner on the other side, there are neatly placed a lot of well-built items and a few large wine barrels.

The most surprising thing is that there is a stone fence in one corner of the house, which is full of "eggs" of elemental creatures.

He also noticed that there were several fire gold nuggets, ranging in size from fist to volleyball, on the stone table. From the appearance, they should have been picked up in the natural environment, and some have been processed. .

Charles curl one's lip, it is estimated that what Heridema just said was the matter of Top Grade Material.

He asked other people to stay away from him, released two fire gold nuggets of one meter in length, width and height from the storage ring, and then said: "I did not prepare gifts this time. I picked it up on the road, and I used it as a face-to-face gift."

Heridema rubbed her eyes and muttered as she walked toward the barrel: "I must be too tired. , Dazzled, drink some wine and just sleep...Skadi! That is my last half barrel of wine!!"

When she was going to regain the wine, Freiya pulled Charles' sleeve and brought it back. He whispered apologetically, "Boss, don't take seriously what the eldest sister said just now. Her previous workshop was stolen by many people who visited her."

Charles stretched out his hand and scratched her head and said : "It's okay."

The contention over the barrel went into fierce heat, and Heridma turned to Charles and said, "Those elemental creature larvae you can take whatever you want. Other things will be your favorite. If you want to."

After she finished talking, she continued to pack Skadi. With the two large pieces of gold, take the other things.

Charles shrugged, and then said to the disciplines: "Don’t worry about the elemental creatures. Go outside first, carefully observe and study the Fire Element here, and go back to write a paper, who’s thesis Whoever passes will have Fire Element creatures."

Fortunately, Vichy, the other three suddenly wailed.

Charles didn't care about them. According to the general routine, there should be some Heaven and Earth Treasure nearby, so he took advantage of this time to look for it.

The more you go to the center out of the house, the more viscous the surrounding Fire Element will be, and it will look like asphalt in the end.

Charles extend the hand to control a Fire Element and start analyzing.

The purity of the Fire Element here is very high, but it is a little different from the entrance control of the Lord’s House.

"Freiya." He said to Freiya who was following him, "Make a space without elements." A few cubic meters of magic-free space.

Charles released the spirit strength bound by the Fire Element on his opponent. The pitch-like Fire Element instantly sprayed flames like a ignited gunpowder. The scattered Fire Element filled the original with a few breaths. There are no elements.

Charles poked the jelly-like Fire Element around, and let Freiya remove the magic-free space.

all around the asphalt-like Fire Element suddenly gathered, and kept squeezing the Fire Element that was spread out just now, before squeezing them from the "jelly" back to the "asphalt".

"Is that so?" Charles exclaimed. The Fire Element here is squeezed to improve purity. When the "pressure" disappears, it returns to its previous appearance.

This is the question. The purity of the Fire Element in that access control is higher than here, but there is no "pressure" here, so how can the purity of the element be improved?

Charles thought for a while, then decided to try a miracle vigorously, to see if the Fire Element here will get a higher purity Fire Element after re-compression, and then see if that element will be Recover after the "stress" disappears.

So he took Freiya to continue to the more pure Central Zone of Fire Element.

On the road, he asked Freiya: "Why don't you talk to Heredma?"

Freiya said: "I broke a lot of older sister's works before, and I said It's boring to talk about those things."

Charles understood, didn't say anything, just moved on.

"It's almost here." He felt that the Fire Element here was almost as condensed as the fast-cooling asphalt, and he was struggling to walk.

Freiya didn't want to leave a long time ago, she became smaller and sat on the collar of Boss.

The spirit strength spreads out, and it feels that the resistance is a bit big.

The surrounding Fire Element of a few cubic meters is controlled by Charles, and gradually moved towards the center point compression.

He remembered the situation when he played with the syringe in his previous life. When compressing the magic element outside, it is like playing with compressed air blocking the end of the syringe. When compressing the Fire Element here, it is like replacing the air with water. .

Under the strong spirit strength, the continuously compressed Fire Element gradually turns from a turbid fiery red to crystal clear and near-transparent, and finally becomes an element block about the size of a computer case.

He decided to compress it here first, to see what the situation is, and then make the next step. The last time he stopped Wind Element, the explosion caused him to be frightened.

The purity of this large Fire Element is a little bit lower than that in the access control. After the external pressure disappears, it begins to slowly dissipate and dissipate, but the process is not violent.

"It is possible to do that step in theory, but it can't be maintained for too long." Charles sighed, "If it can be stable for even half a second, it will be fine."

Freiya said: "I think this is enough. The wind explosion magic array in the internal combustion engine has a very short working time. When it uses this pure magic element, the power and efficiency can be improved a lot."

But Charles still He sighed and said, "But there is no way to compress the magic elements in the magic crystal to a higher purity. You have to continue to research related equipment."

"hmph, hmph!" Freiya He smiled triumphantly, "You ask me to eat something that I haven't eaten, and I'll tell you what to do."

Charles immediately replied: "No problem, it will be recorded in the account first. City of Knowledge, I’ll treat you to it."

Freiya knew that Boss’ credibility was guaranteed, so she explained the method: "Go to Heridma, she can solve this problem. "

Charles was speechless, and he said, "Aren't you shameless, it's not the way you figured it out."

"I don't care!" Freiya yelled, "I Letting you find someone is also the way. I don’t care, I want to eat delicious!"

Charles finally said helplessly: "Well, let’s talk about it when we return to City of Knowledge."

At the same time, he thought to himself that the roasted whole seal meat in Diana's refrigerator was finally able to handle a little more.

He used spirit strength to search all around and said: "I thought there was something good here waiting for me to pick it up."

Freiya said: "Herid Mar is here, isn't she waiting for you to pick it up."

Charles scratched his head, "Yes!"

It's just that Heredmar was the teacher of Fillip. , Because of this relationship, classmate Xiaoyou regards this Artifact Spirit sister as a grown-up, so she didn't think much of her.

"Stop!" Freiya suddenly whispered, "There is something 52° in front of the right."

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