The elemental creatures are very casual, and myriad is not duplicated, so it is highly recognizable.

Sybil suddenly looked pale after seeing the appearance of this elemental creature, and the fragments of the big sword in his hand fell to the ground.

In the depths of her mind, the party members were killed one after another, and the scene of the owner trying to self-destruct perish together appeared before her again.

The sense of powerlessness surged all over the body in an instant, and she couldn't even extend the hand.

A colorful light lit up, and the power of Demon God enveloped Charles' whole body.

It's just that the elemental creature disappeared instantly, leaving no magic power fluctuations, only the blood rushing out of Charles.

The attack of this elemental creature is not simple. Its claws carry space turbulence. Now someone’s right lung has been opened with a transparent hole, not just the lung tissue, but also the muscles. And the ribs are gone.

The tiny space turbulence still chews everything at the wound. You can only use Demon God's power to remove the space element, then use the healing technique to stop the bleeding, and finally use the ice element to block the opening.

Charles, who barely stopped the bleeding after an emergency treatment, calmed himself down. The enemy in front of him was a little scary.

He has been paying attention to the space elements all around, but the surrounding space elements did not fluctuate at all when the enemy appeared and retreated.

This shows that the enemy is not using space magic, nor is it super high speed, and it is impossible to say what it is.


Charles looked towards the girl when she was sitting there, her eyes lost.

It was the first time he saw this situation with the Artifact Spirit girls. In his impression, these girls were experienced and tenacious warriors.

"Get up!" Charles helped the girl up, and at the same time let the Demon God's force cover all around, then took out the black-rimmed glasses and put them on her.

"I need your help, I want to know...Ah...Where did it appear again!"

while speaking, that elemental creature actually appeared in Demon God Inside the force, it immediately detached after it was shot again.

This time Charles's left arm is only connected by the flesh, so he can only freeze the entire arm and shoulder together with icicles, and treat it later.

It's just that Sybil is still stunned, without any reaction.

Charles had no choice but to pinch her waist with a right hand and let her body trembled came back to his senses.

"You help me predict where it will appear next time!"

He yelled at Sybil and released the Pea Gatling and Supreme flame stumps, dense flames The pea barrage instantly filled the surrounding space.

At the same time, he also casts a mental retardation aura, hoping to affect close enemies. Fortunately, the black-framed glasses made by Reimu can withstand the effects of this halo, otherwise he would definitely not dare to use it with a party member around him.

Sybil took a deep breath and then nodded, then stretched out his trembling hands to hold the body "Future Crystal" and began to cast the spell.

White rays of light flashed from the future crystal. After a while, these rays of light transformed into a line extending from a distance, and finally formed a ball of light under Charles' feet.

At this moment, a series of flying flame pea and pea Gatling, Supreme flame stump suddenly turned into a light spot in the space turbulence at the same time, and the path coincided with the line marked by Sybil at the same time.

At the same time, Charles immediately moved towards the position of the ball of light in front of him and exploded with a demon God force.

A single thought flashed in his heart. The ability of this product shouldn't be the manipulation of time. Stop the time before coming to him to launch an attack.

The mental retardation aura worked, and the elemental creature tripped over the last row of pea Gatling and fell in front of Charles.

The elemental creature drew away at high speed at the last moment, and its body, which was a bit like an octopus with claws, was bombarded by the power of Demon God in half.

This is enough, because its elemental crystal is exposed.

Charles rushed over, wrapped the right hand that broke the power of Demon God, broke through the space turbulence, moved towards the elemental crystal and grabbed it.

As long as this crystal is destroyed, this elemental creature will be finished.

It's just that the elemental creature burst out suddenly, instantly speeding up its movement, and at the same time allowing the elemental crystal to swim to other places in the body.

Charles slowed down a bit, but his fingertips could touch the elemental crystal.

But this is enough, this kind of operation is enough for him to use the plug-in skill that he hasn't used for a long time-Devour.

Since that time using something swallowed as fuel for the soul to burn, Charles has wondered whether to prepare some fuel in his soul so that it is not cost-effective to burn his own basic disk when he needs it.

It's just that although this elemental creature is weird, its soul is not too strong, so it was immediately absorbed by Charles.

The elemental creature without soul died on the spot, and the elemental crystal fell on the ground, and the space elements that made up its body instantly rioted into a space turbulence, twisting a large piece of pea Gatling into magic element.

Charles used the magehand to retrieve the element crystal the size of a computer case next to the space turbulence and drank a little medicine, then smiled and said to Sybil: "Your party members' hatred will finally be avenged. Now."

After he finished speaking, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground.

Sybil immediately rushed to hold him.

"Let's go back now!" she said anxiously.

Charles slightly nodded, his injury can't be dealt with. It's worse than losing his nose. It seems that he has to go to Greentown and get treatment by the epic surgeon of Spirit Race.

Just before he contacted Reimu and asked to go back, a large number of elemental creatures suddenly appeared in the surrounding space to surround them, and these elemental creatures had a leader.

As soon as the leader appeared, Charles' mouth grew wide in shock, and Sybil trembled all over.

That was a girl who looked almost exactly the same as Sybil, except that Sybil's hair was black and hers was silver-gray.

"Long time no see, my successful younger sister." When the girl opened her mouth, Charles was shocked, "Why did you leave so soon this time?"

Charles looked at Sybil, who was holding onto his right hand, and then looked at the girl, and found that things were not simple.

He has had more contact with Divine Item, and he can feel the divine force they carry, but this girl does not have a trace of divine force on her body.

"Hello." Charles asked, "Are you Sybil's elder sister, how should you call you?"

The girl suddenly disappeared from her place and appeared at the same time. In front of Charles, smiling replied: "Hello, young hero. I'm just a failed product, no name."

"Failed product?" Charles looked at the girl in front of him in surprise , "Your ability is to stop time, how can this ability be a failure?"

The girl said bitterly: "The ability does not meet the needs, no matter how strong it is, it is a failure. There is no stopping time. It’s useful to peek at the long river?"

Charles nodded, said: "You make sense. If I want to hire a cook, it’s useless if he can’t cook and sing well."

"So Sybil has become a Divine Item because she meets the requirements, but you can only stay here because you don't meet the requirements?"

The girl said aggrieved: "That's right, time God looks down on me."

Charles was nodded again, and said: "I understand, a god can only have one Divine Item at most, so the god of time chose Sybil among you , Because this can firmly grasp the group of fortunetellers. If it is you, it seems that there are not many people who need time to stop."

"It's very smart." The smile on the girl's face suddenly changed. Shining brightly, "My good younger sister asked Oracle to help hero crusade against the demon race, I think, my abandoned elder sister helps the demon race eliminate those heroes, is there no problem?"

Charles was extremely surprised. Looking at the girl, his expression made the girl very satisfied.

He asked: "Then how many heroes did you eliminate?"

The girl counted her fingers and said, "Not many. After all, there are not many heroes who have come here to take risks, so many years. There will be eight gangs, only my sister can go back."

Then she looked towards Charles, cold said with a smile: "Will you be the ninth one? Do you want to be with me? Let’s go to the demon race together?"

Who knows that Charles suddenly stood up straight with the pain, and instantly switched to the demon race form, then loudly said in a loud voice: "In recognition of your staying over the years The Kingdom of Rick made outstanding contributions to the war of aggression. I, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Ric, would like to grant you the Red Flag Medal on behalf of all the people of the kingdom."

Bill pulled out the hands that he held tightly, and then took out a white enamel as the background color from the storage ring, surrounded by the oak leaf wreath, with a red flag fluttering in the middle. The medal was pinned on the girl’s left chest. The magic power was condensed. On the robe.

The Red Flag Medal is one of a series of medals set up by Fillip. It is awarded to citizens of the Kingdom of Rurik who have directly participated in the battle and performed particularly brave and brave.

The last time he was in Abyss City, he won some, and he was going to award it to the Marine Corps girl who performed bravely at the Space Gate.

Because the demon race has long-lived races such as giant dragons and elves, Fillip also admitted their previous achievements when setting up the medal, and this girl has eliminated those heroes before and meets the conditions for awarding.

The girl stayed there for a long time and didn’t came back to his senses. She killed those heroes beloved by the gods just to exasperate. She didn’t think she was worse than Sybil, so she used this method to prove Oneself is useful.

Demon race is just the reason she borrowed it, purely to scare those heroes, but I didn't expect to encounter a real demon race this time.

"" The girl's voice suddenly stammered, "Are you a demon race?"

Charles nodded replied: "Yes, your lord Achievements can also get other medals, but I can only report the matter after I go back, and wait until the relevant departments approve the award."

The girl’s attention is different. Bill asked loudly: "So she is helping demon race now?"

Charles nodded, replied: "Objectively speaking."

The girl grew up incredible. Mouth, and then said: "It's incredible!"

"How about I messing with you? I want to see how the younger sister who has been fighting against the Demon King with the heroes helped the demon race! "

Charles almost didn't keep up with her leaping thinking. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "That...well, let's go back for details."

Lungs and left hand His severe pain made him almost unable to hold it, so he should go back for treatment first.

The girl agreed without saying anything. Charles hurriedly called Reimu to take them back.

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