took a deep breath, Lei Luo calmed his mood.

He has realized that the level in front of him is very important. If there is a mistake, it will be consigned to eternal damnation.

He understands better that it is not a trouble for those real bigwigs to deal with themselves. As long as the big bosses have this idea, those gangsters who smell better than dogs will definitely hand over the knife immediately.

At that time, even if I have evidence of helping some big guys do dirty work, it's useless. I only have to take the initiative to commit suicide while waiting for myself.

At the same time, Leiluo, like many of the big guys present, had a question in his heart, that is why Holy Angel Nun put so much effort to help Charles.

It stands to reason that if it’s just a normal case, it can be settled by standing up as Nun. Not to mention the power of the representative to settle a case, even if it is to slap the future Demon King on the ground, it is not impossible.

Also, if Charles is innocent, if he really committed something today, how will it end?

"Cousin...Queen Your Majesty..."

The whispering call of Auston I awakened the meditating Queen Rose.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Queen Rose, who came back to his senses, found that the people around her were leaving.

Oston I said to her: "What are you thinking about? Now everyone is going to the basement crime scene."

"Oh, this way." Queen Rose He noticed that everyone was walking to the cubicle under the stairs, so they followed.

She took two steps, then turned her head and said to Auston I: "Are you free these two days? I heard that the overseas islands are quite fun, you take me to play "

Oston I raised his brows and said with a smile: "There is only a male and a female together alone."

Queen Rose nodded Said: "I'm fine anyway."

Oston I corner of the mouth twitched, she is fine, her own problem is big.

while speaking They have already descended to the basement, and the one who walked at the back is Reimu.

"Oh, it's pretty." The God of Light picked up a Bismeow action figure on a shelf, "Sure enough..."

The other two gods I speeded up my steps down to the basement and pretended not to know the guy who lifted the action figure skirt. It was too embarrassing.

When they went down to the basement, they watched a little girl floating in the air pointing to a few piles of things on the ground to introduce their functions.

Charles was very surprised that these people actually found A Wei, but it’s not surprising to think about it. Now A Wei has been teaching cooking at the Southern Sea Farm, not only the housewives on the island go to learn. Many chefs from Academy and Chamber of Commerce also went there to be students. It can be said that she is a major expert in the culinary industry on the island.

Furthermore, Charles said early on that the City of Knowledge government should cooperate with the farm if it is reasonably requested by the City of Knowledge government, so it is reasonable for Awei to come to help.

The agents have been busy for a day, and the contents of the big pot in the basement have been cleaned out long ago.

The agents have prepared a lot of shallow trays. These trays are filled with potions in the seafood market where shrimps and crabs are sold. The dregs of medicine were also cleaned out, and piled up in ceramic dishes for vegetables in different categories.

On a table that was moved from the living room, there was some hair in one porcelain plate, and a little black stuff in the other.

A Wei is pointing at one of the piles of medicine dregs introduced: "This starfish-like thing is called a horn, which is often used when stewing sirloin..."

It’s just those Most of the visitors did not pay attention to the explanation of the ghost girl, and they paid more attention to this expanded space basement.

As parties, Charles and Diana looked relaxed.

Diana is obviously sighed in relief. She was nervous when she first got out of the basement, thinking that the contraband she had hidden was revealed.

Gunnar was puzzled when he first saw what was in front of him, but he soon remembered that night, he was so drunk in the garden, and when he went to bed at night, his wife wore a kitchen girl’s The clothes went into the bedroom...

Professor Erbach's face was also dark. He caught a cold at Charles's house at the beginning of the year, and then he was thrown into a pot and boiled several times.

The two of them are relieved, but the other bigwigs don't know.

A big pot that can put people in, a potion that exudes fragrance, the spices used in cooking...

Many people’s minds instantly "eat people" .

When Awei finished the introduction, Lei Luo walked to the table and pointed to the two plates and said, "Everyone, this is the victim's hair and a small amount of cooked blood we found in the pot. Besides, The smell of a girl’s sweat was found in the soup. From this we can conclude that the murderer had cooked at least one girl as a dish here!"

When they got up, the kings of the small southern countries who didn't know Charles first condemned a few words with indignation, but after Gunnar glanced coldly, they died.

Don’t look at them as kings, Gunnar is just a prince, but it’s very simple for Gunnar to cheat them in business.

They realized that something was wrong in an instant, so they stopped after saying a few unnourished scenes.

Those who knew Charles were more skeptical. Auston I heard Charles complaining that he was arrested by unscrupulous comrades. He was the first to ask Lei Luo: "Our chief inspector Your Excellency, how can you prove that these things come from people?"

Leilo looked towards the old Zang who is the representative of the beastman, and he said to the fat fox: "Excuse me, please distinguish, these Is the beastman's hair coming from other animals."

Old Zang's fat face has no trace of emotion, he walked over and picked up a piece of hair to observe it carefully.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone was waiting for his conclusion.

"Um..." Lao Zang nodded, "This is indeed beastman's hair. It should be sheep's hair. It is very different from wool. It can't be wrong."

The big guys looked towards Charles and Diana at the same time, but these two people still looked relaxed.

Reluo said to Gunnar: "You often see blood. Come and see if this blood has been boiled in water."

Gunnar made With a black face expression, he walked to the table and probed the dark thing in another plate with spirit strength. After a while, he said: "It is blood, but I am not sure what blood it is."

At this time, the God of Light, who was watching the lively with Yun Lingmeng, suddenly said: "Those are indeed the blood of the Goatman girl."

Although everyone does not know where this is sacred, But there was an indisputable feeling of this conclusion in their hearts.

Holy Angel Nun turned around, moved towards him, bowed slightly and bowed.

Everyone was taken aback, really cooked in this pot?

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