Charles Megadon is missing.

At least outsiders think so.

The Academy United Carnival continues to be lively, exciting competitions, lip-synchro debates, fascinating panel discussions, gorgeous magic displays, expensive auctions, full of Handsome Men and Beautiful Women Cocktail party... Charles's silhouette did not appear in these lively places.

All kinds of rumors were flying all over the sky for a time. For example, he offended Principal and was sunk into the seabed, he was resting in the bedroom with beauties for entertainment, and he was planning an unprecedented idea to make big money...

Charles didn't know this. He rubbed his somewhat sore eyes, reached for the coffee pot with a straw on the desk, took a sip and found that it was empty again.


He knocked on the bell on the desk, this time the pomegranate leaves did not appear, the door of the study was opened, and Altria was holding a big cup Walked in.

"Don't drink coffee all the time." Altria put the cup with two catties of hot milk in front of Charles, "How many days have you not slept?"

Charles looked at the thick pile of papers on the desk full of words, shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

He picked up the huge cup and asked Al curiously. Toria: "This is the cup you usually drink with water, isn't it an indirect kiss if I use this?"

Altria sneered and asked him: "Would you like me to feed you mouth to mouth? Drink?"

Charles hurriedly shook her head. She did what she said, except that the "mouth" was not Altria's, but the funnel's mouth.

The origin and history of this method of dealing with children not eating is untestable. Anyway, it is very popular in Abyss City and the surrounding area.

This was mentioned when an elven princess drank too much and cried about someone's brutality.

"This is a spare cup." Altria tapped his head lightly.

Charles picked up the cup and drank the milk.

"Thank you." He put the cup on the edge of the table, then picked up the pen to continue writing.

It's just that the pen in his hand was taken away immediately. Altria scratched his head and said, "You should go to bed. It's not too late."

Charles grumbled and said, "I don't have time. Those who offend Principal will not end well."

Altria asked him in surprise: "Aren't you always a good student? Why did you offend Principal?"

Charles said with a black face that the Academy’s 30% profit turned into a 2% commission that night, and finally said angrily: "That Christian and Kang Latin was sent to work unpaid for a year for planning to instigate prison escape, and then my task is to supervise them so that they can only do their labor on their own!" The acquittal of Diana ended on the spot, and Leylo's case was dealt with separately.

The fact that Christian and Conradin instigated Diana's escape was heard by the monitors. The evidence is conclusive and the case is handled separately.

The case of these two men was quickly sentenced because they only abetted the attempted escape, and the fine was quickly in place. They only needed to go to a place in the barren mountains and unruly rivers to work for the adventurers’ union without compensation. year.

Originally they went there, but Professor Erbach, who was full of Anger Value, made Charles a watchdog for both of them with a single note.

How does this operation look like shutting him or someone with those two guys together?

Altria stood behind Charles, lightly helping him massage his eye sockets with both hands.

After hearing this, she asked: "Then what do you have to do in a hurry?"

Charles leaned on the back of the chair, feeling the fingers around his eyes. The comfort brought, while replied: "I recently discovered a problem, so I have to write something down before leaving and give it to the professors of Alice Academy to improve it."

Altria’s The finger moved to the temple, and he continued to ask: "What new discovery do you have?"

Charles took a deep breath, and he said: "You have also seen it. In recent years, there has been an explosive technological breakthrough. Development, but the level of production management has not kept up."

"The west is fine, there are things left by Fillip."

"But it’s miserable here, just me According to the recent information, the wool textile factory in the Bischberg Kingdom and the garment factory in the Randtjin Kingdom are in a mess, with serious waste and low yield."

"Now they are also relying on the production efficiency of machinery. Only by suppressing and selling defective products to the poor at low prices can we maintain considerable profits."

"If this situation does not change, I am worried that something will happen when the market is close to saturation."

Altolia listened quietly, and the fingers massaging the scalp around his temples and ears made a slight "crack" sound.

"So you want to change everything?" Altria asked, "Being a savior?"

Charles sighed and laughed and said, "I just do a little bit of what I can. Things, make this world a little better."

"And...I'm tired...I'm really tired...just take this opportunity to take a break."

"Anyway, whoever is missing from this world will not be over, I'll find a place to lie down."

Altalia pressed her thumbs at the acupuncture points on the back of her head where the cervical spine and the skull were connected for a while. Just press, the soreness makes you grinning.

She was a little curious, and asked: "Have you encountered other things recently? I haven't seen you so negative."

Charles didn't reply, but his face grew more and more. The darker it is, it's like drawing all ten in a row out of the whiteboard.

"It's so hard!" Altria said, rubbing the back of his neck. "If you keep your head down and don't exercise, your neck muscles are stiff."

"Are you involved in some conspiracy?"

Charles lightly nodded.

He thought for a moment and then said: "Originally, Professor Erbach left me after the birthday party. I wrote to him yesterday and the banquet was cancelled. I will leave at the end of the month."

Even Altria was shocked when she heard this and almost broke Charles' neck.

Charles will be holding his eighteenth birthday party, marking that he has finally reached the threshold of adulthood. This day is of great significance to everyone.

Not to mention that he set the day on the day when the caravan that followed Elizabeth left the territory, its significance and importance are self-evident.

"What's the matter?" Altria squeezed Charles' equally stiff shoulder, "What made you make this choice?"

Charles was silent for a moment, and then became angry. "I don’t want to become a tool in their hands. Linda is not qualified, and Rose is not qualified either."

"One or two treat me as a stallion, right? Use me as a shield Yeah, I can’t afford to offend, can’t I still be able to hide?"

"I don’t care if you guys will fight."

Altria was suddenly excited when she saw Charles When I get up, my mood is a bit wrong, and there is a tendency to become more and more excited.

So she gently stroked Charles' head, and whispered: "You are too tired, you have to sleep well."

tone barely fell, she uses physics The method put Charles into a deep sleep.

Outside the study door, Elizabeth stood there leaning against the wall, and when she saw Altria carrying Charles out like a sack, she blew a whistle frivolously, said with a smile: "Still You have a way to let him rest."

Altolia said irritably: "When you stand in front of him, he must be obedient, why not meet him."

Elizabeth Following Altria, he reached out and touched the drooping head of You, and said solemnly: "No one but you knows that I'm here, now everyone thinks I'm inspecting at the front."

Charles In the room in Altria’s house not far from the study, Altria threw him onto the bed.

Then Altria turned around and asked Elizabeth: "Why let Charles leave at this time?"

Elizabeth sat on the edge of the bed and lightly touched Charles' face. After a while replied: "I beg you for one thing. If there is any bad news coming in a few years from now, you have to hold on to Charles, when the time comes, if he wants to marry the elves, let him choose from the elves I know before today. I The suggestion is Halkara or Sister Wright."

Altria’s brows frowned with a symbol. The only situation that allowed Charles to marry an elf was that Victoria and Elizabeth were both unpredictable, and Charles became the throne. Spirit King.

She said solemnly: "Explain clearly what is going on."

Elizabeth sneered and replied: "Some elves have cultivated several elves that fit Charles' aesthetics. I guess I’m ready to go to the island. Although I can trust Charles, I’m not sure that those elves have any other players, so I have to let Charles leave for a while so we can clean up."

Altoli Ya sighed long and shook her head and said, "It seems that those elves are not dead yet. They haven't given up on them after so many years?"

"Do you want to come to me this time like you did when you were a kid?" Hide for a while?"

Elizabeth just still sneered, pinched Charles' face, but she trembled as if she was thinking of some horrible memory.

Altria thought a while, and said, "Are you planning to use yourself as a bait to lure those elves out? If that's too dangerous, I can't persuade Charles."

Elizabeth smirked and hugged Altria, who was standing next to her, and put her long ears on her lower abdomen, and said coquettishly: "They all ran to the hospital in Greentown for examination, how could you persuade I can’t stop him."

The lightning rod king touched Elizabeth's head and asked: "When will you go back? I'm just going to the Spirit Tree Sea to see how the custom-made armor is progressing."

Elizabeth took out her pocket watch to check the time, replied: "I will go back later and take the last late night flight."

Second day, Elizabeth, who pretended to be on the front line to inspect, was in Aalto. Accompanied by Liya, he returned to Osmanthus City, and was chased by Altria and chopped down half of the city.

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