The entire group walked in the very quiet mountain forest for most of the day. At about five o’clock in the afternoon, I met two dead male wild golden chickens sitting in the small The rock by the stream High Level is holding their Charles.

Charles pointed to the mountain and said to Christo: "Here, the mountainside over there is suitable for camping. In other places, there is no water or suitable ground."

Christo looked at all around and agreed to camp here tonight.

Although the line between two points is the shortest, anyone who has walked the mountain knows that it is best to detour along the mountain when walking in the mountains. Sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces and other places that block footsteps.

They have walked around this day for most of the way. If they are not afraid of death, they can rush to the place where the group of Rex tooth dragons are active overnight, and then become these lesser dragons in the night battle. Supper like devil beast.

Christo’s family education made him understand the theoretical knowledge such as haste brings no success, no work breaks, and night is the worst enemy. His family asked him to bring a squad with him. The adventurer asks him to convert theoretical knowledge into actual combat experience.

It's just that he felt something wrong in his heart today. He arranged for everyone to clean up the camp on the flat ground on the mountainside and then came to the creek at the foot of the mountain. Charles just finished a job here.

I saw Charles insert two circles of freshly cut wooden sticks on the ground. The tarpaulin he bought was hung on the sticks and assembled into two "ට"-shaped drapery, one under the drapery. The small ditch draws the stream in and then flows out from the other end.

Christo asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Charles used Fire Element to burn out the words "male" and "female". The wooden token was hung on the drapery, and at the same time he said: "This is a toilet. You can't let everyone squat in the field. What if you are accidentally scratched by poisonous grass and bitten by a snake?"

Christo opened his mouth in a daze, and said, "Just be careful, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Charles said seriously: "You can't prepare too much for the rescue operation. It’s better to bring more things than to lack something when the time comes."

"I worry that the trapped adventurers will become weak from hunger for many days, even if they are not seriously injured. After a long period of high mental stress and despair, mental problems appeared. After being rescued, I couldn’t immediately follow us on the long journey back."

Christo listened and thought about it. He felt that what Charles said was like an elder in the family. Also said.

It was just when he came back to his senses that Charles was processing the two golden chickens up the stream.

He came to Xiu who was soaking the golden chicken in the hot spring technique mixed with stream water and was preparing to pull out the feathers, and asked: "Do you have any suggestions for what we are going to do next?"

Charles plucked the chicken feathers and said, "My suggestion is to build a small camp. It doesn't need to be very big. After cutting down the big tree, cut it into a plank and insert it on the ground to form a circle with a diameter of more than ten meters. The non-hostile and small devil beast will be fine for two or three days. I think the Adventurers’ Guild has similar ideas, so Romina was sent."

Christo Nodded said: "You said It makes sense, but it’s a bit troublesome to chop down trees."

Charles pointed to the two downstream people who were leading the donkey to drink water and said, "You can ask them for help on this matter. You can listen to them more. The two of them are now in desperation. If you can have a good relationship with them, you will benefit for life in the future."

After listening to his words, Christo looked thoughtful and left and left. I used to chat with the two who were checking the donkey for parasites.

Soon after, Stella came to Charles and asked curiously: "What are you preparing for delicious?"

Charles pointed to the golden chicken being cleaned and said:" There is nothing delicious. The chicken is grilled and the offal is used to make soup."

Stella said excitedly: "Just now Niederhogg found a honeycomb, we can use it for roasting chicken! "

Charles nodded, honey roast chicken is also good.

He looked towards Stella and asked curiously: "Why don't you take off your helmet and mask now?"

Stella "hmph hum" Two times, he said mischievously: "I'm so ugly, I'm afraid it will scare you!"

Charles curl one's lip, pointed his chin in the direction of Christo downstream, and said:" I think you are afraid to scare him."

"Huh?" Stella asked him curiously, "How did you know?"

Charles smiled and said: "I have met with Brother Glasses a few times, and you all look alike."

Stella was taken aback for a moment, then hugged her belly and laughed.

"Do you all call him that?" Stella asked after breathing, "It's so funny, can you tell me how you met?"

Charles shook his head and said, "This is not a place to talk and chat. Let's talk about it when you finish the task."

Everyone gets busy. Charles is responsible for preparing today's dinner. People are busy building camps.

This kind of camp construction is not difficult for these people with extraordinary powers, and it did not take much time to complete.

Christian has experience in this kind of thing. He instructs the people to cut the tree and cut the trunk out, then sharpen both ends and insert the other into the ground, and finally sharpen the thicker branches at both ends. Plug it into the ground around you as a horse.

"It's really troublesome." Dimmi complained again while sipping the chicken miscellaneous vegetable soup, "We will stay for one night, where is it so complicated. It's better to take a break if you have this strength." Let’s cut two more toothed dragons tomorrow."

Kristian, who was eating a piece of honey-glazed golden-skin chicken, felt like he was hitting an arrow while lying down, because Dimmi always complained. Aiming at himself, but Charles suggested that this matter, and Christo agreed, he was only providing a little technical guidance, and he acted as if this matter was his own.

However, Christian just ignored him, the status gap was too big, and he was devalued.

Christo found that something was wrong, so he said: "This is not a waste of time. With the protection of the wall, we can sleep at ease without fear of being devil beast sneak attack."

Captain's face is still to be given, Dimmi said indignantly: "If there are devil beasts, I will stab them to death with a single sword, so that they will regret being born! Even today those devil beasts are in hiding, otherwise you can Seeing how people from City of Knowledge clean up those devil beasts!"

When he heard him mention City of Knowledge, the eyes of several people lit up again.

When he saw this, Demi began to talk about the heroic deeds of himself and his classmates fighting the Death Spirit Skull at the Space Gate.

It was only this time that Christo was frowned and found that the situation was not right.

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