The fight was about to start over there. Christo, who was thinking about the next move, just looked back and heard that the three people are noble, just the thing in front of him. It's important, I'll talk about other things later.

Stella is watching the opera, and opera is not so good.

In the end, Christo made the decision. He said: "I agree to let Nidhogg take the supplies while ensuring his own safety, but let Conradin alone be the bait. "

"My plan is like this. We are divided into two parts. We will help him to attract attention on both sides of Niederhogg's rear. When he rushes into the cave, we will retreat, and wait for the evening. Go down to the opposite side and hang them up."

His plan is not bad. He not only listened to Charles’ opinions, but also prevented Conradin from being kicked out as bait, and not having to deal with the entire within the valley. Rexlitodon clashes.

While everyone nodded in agreement, Christian said seriously: "I have a suggestion. Let Charles handle the attraction of the enemy alone. We can save time. At the mouth of the valley, go across this valley to the opposite side."

Others heard heart startled. Charles was still thinking about him just now. Now he sells Charles?

Christian saw the doubts of the people, and he continued: "My proposal is not the key to Charles, he has this strength. And when we pass through the mouth of the valley, it is very likely that we will meet with the tooth dragon Encounter, with our current strength, Christo squad can deal with an adult toothed dragon, Conradin and I can deal with one or two each, Stella must protect Romina. In order to avoid more unfavorable situations. , We must try our best to conserve our energy."

Before anyone else could speak up, Charles nodded and said: "Christian makes sense. I suggest that you just do it."

Christo asked worriedly: "Is this really okay?"

Charles smiled and replied: "Don't worry, my escape is still very difficult to deal with, Christian You trust me to make this suggestion."

Since he said so, Christo decided to act like this.

Dimi just smacked his lips and didn't say anything, for fear that he would be left to cooperate with Charles.

Charles called Niederhogg and Romina, and first said to Romina: "You have to prepare first aid medicine for Niederhogg."

Romina opened the leather bag containing the medicine ingredient and said: "In order to reduce the weight, just wear some bandages, detergents and painkillers."

Charles said: "You can bring more and be prepared. , And can make the wounded feel at ease."

He said that he took down the iron pot, firewood and a wooden bucket filled with water this morning from the two donkeys, and continued. "Bring in the cooking stuff again. A bowl of hot soup is better than any medicine."

"Hey! There are too many things!" Romina was a little angry, but Niederhogg The uncle of his future, he tried his own way to reduce his load and increase the safety factor, but Charles took out a bunch of things to bring him.

Next is the time for Charles to show his true strength.

He took off the small-looking leather bag behind him, and stuffed the iron pot, firewood, and wooden barrel in it.

"Space equipment?" Christo jumped up, "Why do you have this equipment?"

Charles lightly replied: "A friend gave it."

After he finished speaking, he made another move that made Christo jump higher-waved his hand and took out two small wooden boxes from the storage ring.

Christo hurriedly asked: "You...which family lord are you?"

Charles continued to say indifferently: "I am an ordinary adventurer now."

After he finished speaking, he called Niederhogg and Christo, Christian and Conradin to four people, and taught them to use this front is a large display crystal plate and a few rows of alphabet keys. Magic text messenger composed of text and function keys.

After turning on the switch, a mobile phone text message-like Heaven Realm screen appeared on the visualization crystal board. Enter a few lines of text at the end of the screen and press the send button. At the same time, the receiving transmitter also made the same cross talk. After a while, the sent text appeared on the crystal board on the receiving end.


Christo feels that if he gets older, he will have a heart attack and die on the spot. He was born in the Aristocratic Family. He naturally knows the importance of this magical device.

Charles knew what he wanted to ask next, so he said first: "I think you should recognize the Sea of ​​Consciousness. It's the beauty who worked in the Magical Communications Bureau before. She invented this. You If you want to buy it, go to the Shield Bridge Academy to find her."

He had to admire Heidi’s genius head. In the past, one of them was outside the door and knocked on the other magic method bell that also rang in the house and was played by her. The flowers are coming.

After understanding the role of the core of the magic brain, she used this principle to upgrade the text code of the Magic Communication Bureau to a number code of 0 and 1, and then relied on the magic brain to control the small hammer to convert according to the text. The resulting digital code uses 0 to hit 1 to hit the magic bell twice in a row to send out the signal, and then receives the signal brought by the bell vibration to convert the regular sound signal into text.

Compared with the traditional magical messaging system, the biggest advantage of this system is that the threshold for users is low, and there is no need to learn specialized knowledge of sending and receiving reports. Niederhogg will learn how to use it in ten minutes.

It’s just that this messaging system still has many problems waiting to be resolved, such as only being able to transmit signals between two specific machines. The commercialization is not yet mature, so it was not shown at this carnival.

Heidi originally wanted to give the test version of this system to Charles at his eighteenth birthday party. By the way, he advertised and invested in the next step of research and development. But he didn’t want to cancel the banquet. Sent directly.

Although Charles used similar and better products when he was "walking a thousand miles alone", he was very happy with the advancement of human technology, so he accepted the gift and promised to help her To do publicity at the time.

It’s just that the publicity effect in front of me seems a bit crooked. Kristol suddenly took Charles’ hand tightly and asked: " you know her?"

Charles It was strange why he reacted so strongly, but he still said: "Yes, I have had some exchanges with her on magic research."

Then Christo looked at Charles with envy, Charles finally said. It reminded him that he had more important things to do now, and this allowed him to return to normal.

Over there, Romina saw that the legendary space equipment was available, so she took out a lot of medicines for Nidhogg to bring, and asked him to ask through this machine if he didn't understand.

Before the operation started, Romina also personally mentioned the space expansion backpack, and sighed in relief after seeing that it was not heavy at all.

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