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"ខ្ញុំ ស្មៅ ភក់ សេះ"



After unclamping, Reimu pointed at the sky and cursed for an hour in a language Charles understands and does not understand.

Charles was sitting on the bed studying the newly acquired electromagnetic rifle, and also opened the magic power circuit for debugging according to the instructions of the manual.

I have to say that this electromagnetic rifle is pretty good. It can be used as an assault rifle at close range at low muzzle velocity, and it can also be adjusted to its maximum muzzle velocity as a sniper rifle. The 50-round magazine makes it even better. Can be turned into a light machine gun.

In addition to the mechanical sight and scope, it even has a red dot sight and a bright light.

At the same time, he is not afraid of running out of warheads. As long as there is iron, he can use teleportation to make a batch of ordinary warheads for use.

The disadvantage is that the energy consumption of magic power is a bit high, and it is not easy to use it if it is not a local tyrant like Charles.

The Artifact Spirit girls also thoughtfully added a colorful function to this gun. When turned on, the light strip on the black gun body will light up with several optional colors, and there is even a marquee. Option, besides being handsome, this function exposes the target in the night battle.

As Charles was considering whether to try a gun in the mountains tonight, his cheek was grabbed and pulled to the side.

"Stop!" He cried out in pain, "Don't talk, I'm not a slime!"

The Reimu behind him said angrily: "You count as half a slime. , I can’t die by tearing it twice."

Charles put the electromagnetic rifle away and asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

"Not you yet." Reimu Said faintly, "I'm not going to monitor you to prevent you from having trouble with those Evil Gods. When you come here, they say I will follow me too."

"What's so good about this broken place? Yes, it’s like a coffee shop where you have to eat and drink."

"They worked together to tie me up."

Charles is speechless, he can think about it. When this guy was lying on the sofa to fish and was forced to work by a group of accomplices, he had no choice but to shook the head.

He got up and said, "Then you stay here, I'll go to the study to make a floor shop."

"Don't go!" Reimu grabbed him, "Come and give I'll squeeze a pillow for a few times, and the anger is still there!"

So Charles spent the night as a pillow.

Second day, when Aunt Pumpkin came here in the morning, she saw Reimu lying on the big bed and flipping through a cartoon, so she called "Madam" respectfully.

Reimu didn't have lower oneself to somebody's level with her. Throwing a divine technique in the past made her forget that she had seen herself just now, and would ignore her own existence in the future.

At the moment, Charles, who is preparing for morning exercises on the roof, looks dazed, because there is also a large wooden box tied with a bow that can put people in on the roof.

Charles looked at all around, there was nothing unusual.

Then he tore off the bow, and waited for one minute, just like last night, before opening the lid.

Then it was him and Bis Meow who had been tied up in a box for a night, big eyes staring at small eyes.

After loosening the tie, Bismeow said to him "Wait a moment" and disappeared.

Charles blinked and looked towards the wooden box, and found that there were eight black puffs the size of a football.

He was a little flustered, for fear that the next gift he would receive would be a white dress.

Before he took out the black puffs, Bismeow came back. He said without emotion: "Thank you for the trouble."

Charles obediently stepped aside and watched quietly as Bismiao came back carrying the tied up Tilby House, and then stuffed the struggling younger sister into the box, then closed the lid, and then renewed the bow. Fasten.


One person and two gods sat on the big bed, looking at each other speechlessly.

In the end, Charles frowned and asked, "What's the situation?"

Reimu lay first, and he played the game with the phone he brought back from Charles’ hometown. He also said: "I don't care. If you don't rebel, I will treat you as if you don't exist."

Tilby House said: "It's strange, when I sent the gift last night, it was clearly placed here In the room, why did you run upstairs?"

Charles scratched his head, pointed at Reimu and said, "I'm afraid the god who sent him saw the move upstairs."


Then he was stared fiercely by Reimu.

Tilby House instantly understood what was going on, clutching his stomach and laughing on the bed rolling, then Reimu went to fight with him, and Charles picked up the phone that Reimu tossed aside and studied it. .

Back to the desktop, and seeing several pages of loan apps on the phone, Charles called out: "Good guy!"

Curiously, he clicked on the text message, and it turned out that there were a bunch of them inside. Courier and reminder text messages, the call log contains a bunch of missed calls.

Click on the contact, there are only two records, one "self" should be the number of this mobile phone, and the other one is "dead fatty".

looked towards Reimu and Tilby’s house lumped together on the bed, Charles felt that they had no time to care about themselves, so he clicked on "Dead Fatty", and then accidentally found the end of the phone number No. seems a bit familiar.

Next, Charles swallowed nervously. First, he opened a novel app with a white icon on a red background. After seeing a lot of cached novels in it, he clicked into "Zhu Ziqing's Prose (Collection)" and Turned to "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond", then cautiously returned to the desktop to open the gallery.

Then he saw a bunch of landscape photos, food photos and comic exhibition photos, and even his COS photos in the water.

Flicking through, a photo made Charles almost jump up. It was like a miserable scene of a self-service hot pot restaurant after a fire. The door was burnt so hard to see that the original store door was covered with colored stripes. It was sealed, and there were a few dried flowers next to it. It was taken about 1 month later.

Flicking back a few street shots, suddenly a selfie of "unbearable to look at" popped out, and then he didn't know anything.


The next few days passed peacefully.

Reimu played "Iron Ambition 4" on the bed every day with the notebook she brought back. The Tilby House, who was on public holidays, occupied the third floor study room and engaged in serious artistic creation all day long.

Charles, who ignored the two of them, led a retired life like before, and occasionally took on the task of hunting devil beasts in the Adventurer’s Guild, trying out the newly acquired electromagnetics. The rifle and the few puffs with open mouths that can spit magic bullets will add some adventurer points to yourself.

It's just that he feels that his memory seems to be missing a small piece from time to time. It seems that he can't remember what he has seen.

I don't think about things that I can't remember. When he returned to the town this day with a Sabertooth tiger on his back, he heard a noise from the central square of the town.

He walked over curiously and found that his classmates were putting up a shelf and putting up a curtain to show the movie.

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