When the war chariot group army's exercise began, the weather was already very hot, but in the western plateau, the night temperature can drop from more than 30 degrees Celsius at noon to more than ten degrees Celsius.

The troops at first thought they were only conducting exercises in the plains, and did not bring thick enough spring and autumn blankets when they assembled.

Fortunately, the air force transport regiment that had participated in the City of Knowledge air operations in the exercise team was strong enough. Under the coordination and command of the General Staff, the army’s large units were airdropped as soon as they reached the plateau. Enough blankets.

Boris walked around the camp in the moonlight and returned to his tent after confirming that the officers and soldiers of the regiment had blankets.

There is a bonfire burning here, all around there are a few mazzas, a samovar made of iron is standing aside, and a night watch patrol is queuing to open the tap and pour hot tea into the kettle.

As Admiral Boris walked to the fire, he happened to meet another man with the rank of Admiral.

Suvorov raised the kettle in his hand and shook it, and asked: "I have a bit of broken grape juice here, do you want some?"

Boris Reluctantly shook the head and said, "Don't drink any smelly water when performing the task!"

As he said, he confiscated the old leader's kettle.

Suvorov had already prepared, and there was a jug of broken grape juice hanging on his back waist.

The two sat down in front of the bonfire. Boris took a sip of the bad grape juice in the kettle and said with satisfaction: "Where did you find this grape juice? It has been broken for many years."

Suvorov replied: "I found it in the cellar of the Ekaterina Palace. It has been there for a long time."

Boris took another sip and asked him:" How did you run to serve as an attendant for Crown Prince at your age? I thought you would come out to be our leader in the next two years."

Suvorov pointed to the command of the Army Group not far away The row of cars said: “Since these Tie Family guys came out, I’ve been thinking about some issues. I went to Ekaterina Palace to allow myself more time to think. This time I apply to follow you as observers just to see what I’m doing. Is the thinking right?"

Boris humbly asked the old leader: "Do you have any preliminary results of your thinking?"

"Yes." Suvorov was very happy. Seriously said, "I should go to the Naval Nursing Home to enjoy the blessings and leave the position to you youngster."

Although they are both generals, Boris only took up this rank this year. Suvorov's military rank has been carried on his shoulders for many years, and it is not an exaggeration for him to call Boris the youngster.

Suvorov took a sip of the bad grape juice, took a deep breath, and continued with a helpless look: "The youngster now is really amazing, the youngster named Georgi I recommended it to Crown Prince. His brain is better than mine. He can think of what I can think of, he can think of what I didn’t think of, and he can find what I think is wrong."

"I am old. Although I always wanted to keep up with you, I found that I was walking too slow to keep up with your youngster."

"So I let him be an observer on the front line. When you expand the army in the future, he can at least become a division commander. It is not impossible for him to be a military commander."

Boris knows that the old leader is promoting the youngster again. He himself was promoted by the old leader.

He thought for a while and said, "We have a young man named Constantine in our war chariot division, and Konev from the artillery regiment. They are all excellent youngsters who can be alone."

"There are also Govorov, Meretskov, Tolbhin, etc..." Boris said several names in succession, "They are all good youngsters, I think They will all have a good performance in this exercise, maybe we don't need to salute after seeing us in a few years."

Suvorov nodded, took down these names.

At first, he wanted to fish in Charles for several years to sort out his military thoughts and theories, but unexpectedly found that he could not keep up with the pace of the times, so he decided to look for those in the army. The youngster who is emerging in the wave of the new era.

This time the war chariot group army gathered the elites of the whole army. Which ones are talents, which are geniuses, and which are evildoers can be seen through this exercise.

Boris drank two sips of bad grape juice and asked in a low voice: "What do you think of His Highness the Crown Prince?"

Suvorov thought for a while and said : "His Royal Highness, he really understands what an army is."

"at first I thought he paid more attention to those dazzling advanced weapons because of his grass-roots service experience and youthful vigor on the side of the elves. "

"You've seen youngsters like that. Why are the blades sharp and which sword is longer so that you can argue with him."

"With him After contacting for a long time, I knew that I was wrong. Although he invented some advanced weapons, he paid more attention to the software construction of the army."

"When the exercise is over, I suggest you go to Cam Ranh Bay. Now the Navy In the trial implementation of the "Outline for Army Grassroots Construction," this outline clarifies the standards for grassroots construction, regular main tasks at the grassroots level, and standards for summary, appraisal, and commendation for grassroots construction. It also puts forward a number of regular tasks for the army at the grassroots level, which is very instructive. "

"Now I am very concerned about this matter. If the trial effect is good in the navy, it will be promoted in the whole army."

After listening, Boris thought silently. For a long time, during the period, I drank a few sips of bad grape juice.

At his level, he naturally knows where the focus of the construction of an army is. That is by no means simple stacking of advanced weapons.

As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Demon King does not know much about military command, but he must understand what an army is and how it should be built.

In fact, these high-level generals still have reservations about the Crown Prince who descended from the air. Heaven knows what kind of person he is. Far.

From the perspective of the construction of the navy, the Crown Prince is very knowledgeable and well done.

The two of them drank the bad grape juice, and Suvorov stood up and said, "I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is your first offensive action. Don't mess it up."

Boris nodded, returned the kettle to the old leader, and got into his tent to rest.

Just as soon as he pulled the stall up, there was a sharp whistle and the shooting of a chain saw gun.

"Enemy attack!"

The soldiers in the tent quickly put on their carrying gear, picked up their weapons, rushed out, and entered their positions in an orderly manner.

The flares rose one by one, illuminating the surroundings of the camp brightly.

Under the dazzling white light, the soldiers can see black shadows flying towards the camp in the woods in the distance to the north.

Followed by a burst of extremely intensive gunfire, this is the 10mm Gatling on the armored vehicle on duty in the north.

Bullets spilled on the dark shadows like raindrops, and after a while they shattered to pieces.

After more than ten minutes, the night sky became quiet again.

Soon after, the soldiers moved back from outside with a large pile of black and tattered wood.

Someone put these pieces of wood together, and they looked like a model of a devil.

These models also have a few ropes on their bodies, and it looks like something is flying in the sky hanging them.

Obviously, this was a surprise attack by the command headquarters.

Fortunately, the patrol was equipped with night vision goggles, so these targets were immediately discovered.

At this time, gunshots also sounded in other directions in the night sky, and obviously more than this camp was selected.

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