For the past two years, there has been a legend in the army of the Kingdom of Rurik: the army has established a highly confidential army, and everyone in this army is thousands of miles away. Pick one of the elite experts, everyone can bombard a mountain range of a village and city hundreds of thousands of kilometers away with just a finger.

Someone once drank too much and revealed that this unit was equipped with a weapon called "steel fork". Later, this person was sent to the labor reform farm to grow sugar cane and the whole army notified the criticism. The curious person seems to be what this person said must be true, so everyone refers to them as the "steel fork army".

On this day, a certain part of the Rocket Army test-fired a "steel fork type" landmark-matched guided cruise missile on the western plateau. This large missile equipped with a new golem core can pass through the ground Obvious landmarks such as cities, villages, rivers, lakes, etc., confirm whether the route deviates.

The whole army attaches great importance to this type of missile, because Demon King personally told them that this large missile will be equipped with a warhead that has accidentally exploded outside Abyss City, and its formidable power is enough to destroy a small city.

It’s just that there was a sudden problem with this test launch. An air observation post reported that a cruise missile of the size of a small aircraft was not found within a predetermined period of time, and the previous observation post had confirmed that the missile passed normally. .

Everyone in the command center heart startled. It’s not uncommon for this type of missile to get lost, but the chance is extremely small. It is likely to encounter unpredictable bad weather such as wind cutting.

Anyway, the first priority now is to retrieve the missing missile. The black box used as the warhead counterweight records the flight process video. When the time comes, you can analyze the cause of the accident.

It didn't take much time. The giant dragons found smoke from the explosion of the missile thruster in a forest. The black box of the missile was quickly sent to the headquarters for research.

"Delete this video." Braun, who presided over the missile research, said to several experts around him, "The report should be compiled based on extreme weather."

In front of them, the projector projected the missile up ahead of a young man's face photographed by the camera on the screen.

"Yes!" Next to Rurika bishop nodded, who is in charge of engine development, repeated, "We must keep this picture confidential, and we must not reveal a single bit."

How old are he and Braun? The only person among them who has seen Charles in the near future.

At the same time, in front of a wood house on the top of a hill outside a village, two ten-year-olds look the same, only with different hair colors, and short-haired little girls with a necklace around their necks each carrying one. The legs dragged a creature that looked like a human in other places except the face to the gate.

The little girl with light blue hair shouted: "Mother, open the door!"

Another little girl with tawny hair loudly said: "Someone needs treatment!"

The door opened soon, and a 17-year-old girl with long hair, golden, asked as soon as she came out: "Did you meet the injured little bunny or Little Squirrel today?"

The two little girls stepped aside, and a yin whose face was so swollen that she couldn't recognize her elder sister was lying on the ground.

As soon as there was a wounded person, the golden haired girl shouted into the house: "Lycra, come out!"

The giant dragon girl with red short hair came out and asked, "Ah. Master Azusa, what happened?" The girl called Azusa said: "Falufa and Xia Luxia have picked up something terrible and come back. Let's carry it in first."

Azi and Laika lifted their shoulders and Yilong lifted their feet, and soon carried the unconscious Xiu into the room and put it on the sofa.

At this moment, a "mountain elf" came over. She heard the conversation outside the door, and then asked the two little girls: "Where did you find him?"

Falufa replied: "We found him in the woods!"

Xia Luxia said calmly: "We felt he was kind, so we brought him back."

The mountain elf squatted down and said to the two little girls: "Will he be your relative, for example...father...oh!"

Azi hit the mountain with a fist On the head of the elf, he said angrily: "What are you talking about?!"

However, the two little girls said in unison: "Mother, we feel that he is like our elder relatives!"



There is one A giant dragon looked at Azi in surprise with his hands over his mouth. The mountain elf asked: "Master, is he the father of Falufa and Xia Luxia?"

"Um..." Suddenly , Lying on the sofa groaned, and then whispered in an Elvish language: "Is"

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ∆∆


this time it’s the turn of Azusa and Lycra, one giant dragon with hands She covered her mouth and looked towards the mountain elf in surprise.

Falufa poked the stunned Halkara with his hands, and asked curiously: "Do you know him?"

Xia Luxia said: "He may be the one who came here after you all the way, as the books say that."

Of course, Halfala can't recognize Charles, they have been almost ten years old. No, Charles has grown from brat to a young man over the years, even more how his face is hit now that Diana can’t recognize it.

The dazed Xi raises his hand. Two necklaces fell on the ground, one necklace was inlaid with half a Fire Element magic crystal, and the other was inlaid with half a Water Element magic crystal.


In the room Several people from cried out in surprise, because these two necklaces are exactly the same as those worn on the necks of Falufa and Xia Ruxia, and this necklace was given to the two little girls by Zheng Harkara.

Halkara froze for two seconds, immediately screamed and ran away, and came back with a lot of potions after a while.

Azi, Lycra, Faluffa, and Xia Ruxia took four The necklace was whispering aside.

Azi whispered: "It seems that the two of them know each other. "

Lyka pointed to the magic crystal above and said: "These magic crystals are cut in half and paired. "

Falufa asked curiously: "Is this the kind...the kind..." mentioned in the book.

"The token of love! "Xia Luxia said seriously, "The book says that only a token of love will cut a piece of magic crystal in half and set it on different jewelry. "

Then the four of them turned their heads and looked towards Halkara, who was desperately pouring potions on the Xuan, expressions all changed.

"So..." Laika whispered. "This person came here all the way to find Halkara..."

In a moment, she made up a new work with hundreds of thousands of words based on those love novels.

Xia Luxia looked like a small adult and said, "Are we going to prepare the wedding for them?" "

Falufa listened to Xinfan and asked: "Can we be the bride's flower girl?" "

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the living room: "I'm back!" "

Beelzebub held a wine barrel in each hand, and she said excitedly: "I thought His Highness the Crown Prince would run around and scold me because I was at work. Who knew I went back to him? I didn't know where I was going, so I got off work early. "

"I brought two barrels of wine from the wine cellar of Crown Prince. We had a painful drink tonight..."

She saw that she was being filled with potion Crown Prince of Yun, who said that you can’t see the appearance when you look at Yun’s face, but you can still tell who it is in the clothes.

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