In the songbook of wandering bard, there are many stories about powerful people coveting others' bodies and relying on martial power to force others to submit.

Charles didn't expect that he would also encounter this kind of thing, and he was the one who was persecuted.

He still can’t control this slime body well. It’s a bit difficult to move around. In addition to the sense of touch and hearing, he has only spirit strength to obtain external information, such as speaking, secreting corrosive liquid that only melts clothes, Things like turning into tentacles can't be done yet.

So Azi took a few shots, then rubbed his face and was surprised at the slime's soft and slightly elastic touch, and lay down after a moment of fighting in his heart.

"It's like lying on a white cloud." She exclaimed, then rolled a few times.

The helpless Slaix used spirit strength to grab the surrounding magical elements and put together a line of words: "I am not a mattress!"

Azi said after seeing it, "Bed The cushion isn’t as soft as you."

Slaix had to spell another line: "You have to consider the fact that I am a male adult!"

Then he obviously I felt Azi’s body stiffen, but after a while, he said, "Anyway, you are now slime!"

Slaine was completely speechless, and he simply tried to move his body, like Tilby’s house at the beginning. We bounced Azi high like when we were playing with ourselves, trying to drive her away in this way.

But he is not proficient in controlling his body. Azi was shocked when he was bounced up, and when he fell, he was caught by his soft body, and the soft feeling instantly rose exponentially.

Azi thought it was Slayy's game, and asked him to play it a few more times.

Slaixi didn't want to, but Azi still rolled around coquettishly.

+:┗=͟͟͞͞ dividing line=͟͟͞͞┛:+

Advance the time a little bit.

At the junction of the kingdoms of Bischberg and Biberach, a dark castle stands on the top of the mountain.

This castle was originally used to guard the gold mines in the mountains, but as the veins are exhausted, it is not a traffic artery. The income from hunting devil beasts is not enough to support the lord’s luxurious life. The lord committed suicide one after another after he owed a huge debt.

Later, the castle and the territory were taken back by the Biberach royal family, and they were canonized to a court noble who donated almost all of the family property to the royal family.

This happened more than a hundred years ago. Now, apart from the royal tax officials, only a few businessmen remember that there is such a place in the mountains.

On the top of the castle tower, two people in black robes are now there, holding a glass of dark red wine in their hands, watching the killings in the town below calmly.

On the main road leading to the castle, countless people wearing black robe brandished their weapons and launched a tidal attack at both Mordred and Gawain with red eyes.

Behind them, Lancelot, Lan Mulok, Gerante, Tristan and the others guarded each intersection in the rear to provide cover for the two attacking forward.

The strength of the black robed man is not weak, each of his eyes exudes red light fierce and unafraid of death, these twelve youngsters have suffered a lot, if not for Charles at the beginning of the year, each of them Sending a mithril lock armor, some of them have already lain down.

In an instant, a long spear breakthrough line of defense hit the position near Gawain's heart.

Gawain immediately twisted and turned, using the spear tip to pierce the Mithril mail to remove his strength.

After a string of sparks, he grabbed the barrel of the gun and created an opportunity for Mordred on the side to stab the man in plate armor under the black robe with Frostmourne.

Not far from the castle, the enemies here are more well-equipped, and it is more difficult to march on the ground with blood.

"It's coming soon." A black robed man on the castle tower said to the people around him, "Gemory, I said that without too much effort, the sacrifices will be delivered to the door obediently. "

The person known as Gemory lifted the wine glass in his hand to the night sky and said softly: "Gemori, this is the wisdom bestowed by my god."

"Just tonight, my god will return to the world and lead us to the top of the world!" Gremory on the side was a little unconvinced, after learning that someone was investigating the battle of the altar that year The person who arranged for his subordinates to make and arrange false clues to attract these sacrifices was himself.

She didn't entangle on this topic, but took a sip of the wine and said: "Didn't expect, we were the only two of us at the end of the seventy-two people."

Gmorley also drank a little wine, and then said gently and firmly: "They are all heretics trying to steal my divine force. If it weren't for their greed, we would have long been the war of that year. Collect enough Life Power to wake up my god!"

"It is their selfishness and stupidity. The god who is awakening is missing. The sleeping god is sealed in City of Knowledge, and the container of the year is also I was taken away."

"Fortunately, we have protected the Scriptures, and finally ushered in the final moment."

"It's just a pity that he didn't wait until this moment. "

Gimonri sighed and said: "I have reminded him not to make money with poisoned alcohol, and not to use Evil God's things to communicate, alas..."

while speaking , Mordred and Gawain below the castle have passed through the castle gate and are preparing to continue the breakthrough.

Lancelot and the others quickly moved closer to them.

By the time Mordred used his ancestral stone sword to blast through the gate of the castle, the tower was already empty.

When Mordred and the others attacked the entrance hall of the Castle Lord building, they found an underground passage on the ground, and a black figure had just jumped down.

"Don't chase!" Mordred grabbed Gareth who was about to chase down, "Be careful there is an ambush below!"

Gawain also said: "We Take a break, the person I want to find is right below."

Others nodded agree, they wanted to sneak into this town at first, and didn't expect to be besieged as soon as they came in.

From the evening till now, everyone is exhausted.

The ambushing enemy in the passage did not make a sound after hearing the outside sound, but continued to lurch.

This passage only leads to a cellar. The people in the castle intend to attract the attackers and use the terrain to capture them all alive in one fell swoop.

It's just that Mordred took out a fist sized metal cylinder from his waist bag, pressed the button on it, and silently counted to three and threw it in.

This is the warhead of a rocket given by Charles, and repeatedly warned her that she must throw one into the pathfinder before going down the tunnel or the like.

After a loud noise, huge shock waves and flames spewed out from the tunnel opening, with a few human-shaped objects.

Mudred frowned and said: "This echo sounds like a dead end."

In the living room on the second floor of the castle, the ground exudes a magical array of red light and bright again. Some.

If Charles were here, he would find this magical array a bit familiar, similar to the one he was tied up as a sacrifice and thrown on it in the underground labyrinth ten years ago.

In the center of this magical array that has absorbed many life forces is a thick book with a white cover. No one can understand the text on the cover that looks like a pattern.

There are only two of Gremory and Gemery here, and Gremory whispered: "The arrest failed, I want to use that."

She saw Gemory Rui did not object, so he raised the magic wand in his hand and started casting the spell.

I saw a tumbling on the ceiling, where there were a lot of dark green tentacles constantly squirming, they stretched out the doors and windows, moved towards the hall downstairs.

The swarming tentacles knocked Mordred and Gawain in the hall completely unprepared, neither swords nor magic can do anything against these slimy tenacious unknown objects.

In a short while, twelve struggling things like zongzi hung upside down in the sky above the magic array.

"Let's get started."

Red light appeared in Gomery's eyes, and the same goes for Gremory, who is standing opposite the magic array.

With the singing of the two, the magic array on the ground and the light in their eyes turned into deep purple, and the strange energy instantly filled all around.

At the end, Gremory and Gemory shouted: "The Lord of the Codex, My God, our humble people beg you to come to the world with the Codex as a lamp, and we are willing to be humble. For your help!"

tone barely fell, the deep purple magic array suddenly shines, and the eerie energy is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, a huge snow-white object appeared in the middle of the magic array. There was also a golden haired girl rolling happily on this object.

S Lailai and Azi froze for a while, what's the situation?

Just now everyone was playing around in the mountains, but a burst of purple black light suddenly lit up around me. In less than a second, the scene was switched?

Gymory and Gemori were also taken aback. Although they heard that gods once had mounts, using slime as a mount still challenges common sense.

But whether it is the two people who have just hosted the ceremony or the twelve unlucky people hanging on the ceiling, it can be felt that this existence that has just been rolling on the slime is extremely powerful.

Gmorley knelt on the ground and moved towards Azi on the white slime, bar, bar, and talked, never realizing that Azi didn't understand what she was talking about.

Slaine immediately figured out the surrounding situation and found that Modred and the others were hung upside down from the ceiling and unlocked the voice function with joy.

It's just that his voice is different when it is natural and human, even Mordred did not hear it.

He used spirit strength to condense into magehand, and wrote on the back of Azi's hand, "Relax, lie down and make a very boring look. Leave the rest to me."

Bing Mori, let's go, let's go, it's nothing more than a group of people to rule the world together.

At this time, there was a finger made of magic elements in the air pointing to Mordred, and a line of words appeared next to it: "Take this sacrifice over and take a look."

Gimonli over there hurriedly manipulated the tentacle monster to pass the struggling Mordred over.

Who knows that two lines appeared at this time:

"I said I like girls with big breasts"

"You guys are going to die Me"

next moment, the extremely pure Fire Element swept the entire castle, and the entire castle fell into the fire sea.

When the Fire Element disappeared, Slay and Azi disappeared, and even the "Divine Tome" that was originally placed on the ground was gone.

The tentacle monster on the ceiling also burned, and Gawain and the others fell to the ground unscathed.

Gymory and Gemory were stunned looking at the empty ground. After nearly a hundred years of preparation, summon came to the gods, but the sacrifices were not big enough to provoke anger. God, God is gone, this sense of loss is enough to make them collapse.

What happened next was simple, Gao Wen and the others tied up the two in the past, and Mordred shrank to the side and cried silently.

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