The White House next to Maple Forest gets busy after the sun rises. Aunt Pomegranate takes a long list and directs the maids to tidy up the house like an NPC who issues tasks. , Quite like a general.

At this time, Alfe saw that she had to walk around.

Alfe is in charge of external affairs. The procurement of related materials has been completed four days ago. However, these days, I still meet and ask twice by Aunt Pomegranate.

Different from last year, the princes from all walks of life will not come back to celebrate the New Year this year. Charles will inspect and arrange the first stage work before returning home.

Just when Alfe was about to go fishing in the village to see what was wrong, he saw a silhouette suddenly appear at the gate.

"Master?!" Alfe cried out in surprise, "You are back!"

He hurried up to help Charles take off the cloak covered with snowflakes.

Charles laughed and said: "I came back, almost all of them slept on the plane in the past few days, and I was almost exhausted."

At this time, Aunt Pomegranate also heard Alfe. The voice hurried over immediately.

After the greeting, Charles said to her: "Get me something to eat, I'll take a break."

Aunt Pomegranate immediately went to prepare the food, Charles came to the bathroom and planned to wash it first. A bath.

Open the door of the bathroom, and then there is a scene of attractive spectacle girl undressing inside.

"Charles!" Mordred, who was wearing only the underwear, rushed over, hugging his waist, rubbing his cheek on him a few times.

Charles gently patted her head and said, "You finally ran away from home."

Who knows that Mordred suddenly burst into tears, she Weeping and said: "Mother bullies!"

Charles could only touch his head in silence. It seems that Altria's sudden body has caused a huge psychological shadow on the children.

After taking a shower and eating a meal, Charles went back to the bedroom and slept beautifully.

In the dim light, he saw Diana in pajamas climbing onto the bed.

"I'm back..." Charles said dazedly, and then extended the hand to hug.

After taking her over, Charles said, "Go to bed early."

Someone could see that she was tired from the journey and did not do much. The two kissed for ten years. Snoring together in minutes.

Early in the morning of the second day, Xu waking up felt his hand being lifted.

Seeing that he was awake, Diana sat on the bed and raised his claws, pointed to the garland crystal bracelet on his wrist and asked: "Where is such a cute bracelet?"

Charles triumphantly "hmph hum" twice, and said: "My daughter gave it to you, envy it?"

Diana said suspiciously: "What is Mordred so powerful?"


Charles smiled mysteriously and secretively, shook his head and said: "They are much more cute and cute than Modred."

"Hey..." Diana thought that he should be a new identity "I am proud of my daughter. Your daughter is not my daughter."

However, Charles said: "Daughters have mothers, although they are a little older."

"They It will be here in a few days. When the time comes, I will introduce you to it."

After he finished speaking, he got up and stretched out to start a new day.

There are a lot of accumulated things to deal with in the territory. Charles finished his breakfast and went to the Oval Office to get busy.

Diana came to the view room on the third floor, enjoying Modred's shoulder massage.

She joked about Mordred and said: "Do you really want to be like your mother? She has shoulder pain every day."

Mordred replied: "If you don't help me, when the time comes, I will catch Charles and the next child!"

Diana replied calmly: "Then catch him, I can help you tie him up. "

"I hate it~" Mordred hugged Diana's neck from behind and started acting like a baby. "You can help me~~"

Diana felt a chill , Reached out and knocked on her head, and said disgustingly: "Where did you learn it, it's scary."

Mudred "hehe" twice and said: "From someone else's I saw it."

Diana thought for a while, and then said to her: "Well, I will go to Linda after the New Year, you follow me, when the time comes, I will teach you."

"But this varies from person to person. Whether you can achieve it depends on your potential."

"Definitely!" Mordred said confidently, "I'm just It’s just that I had a bad time when I was young and my foundation was poor. I definitely have the potential!"

Not long after, Charles, who had dealt with the territorial matters, also came to the scenery room.

Mudred slipped away when he saw him, too lazy to be a street light pole here.

Charles lay down directly on the sofa, resting his head on Diana's thigh.

"Huh..." He sighed, "I miss it."

He reached out and tried to remove the obstacle that prevented him from looking at the ceiling.

As a result, his hand was slapped by "pia".

Based on someone’s experience, it can be seen from the intensity that Diana is not angry.

Diana squeezed her face and said with a faint smile: "You are very famous recently."

Charles thought she was talking about suppressing and killing the bandit in Biro Replied: "Actually, I am not so good anymore. I just happened to ran into it, so I took advantage of the trend."

The hand that pinched the face became stronger, Diana continued to smile and say "The queen of Simeon Kingdom feels very good, right? I think she looks pretty good."

Someone said helplessly: "Can you believe this kind of gossip?"

"hehehehe ......repeated rumor becomes a fact." Diana pinched his nose again. "Now, no matter the country, noble circles are discussing your wife, hobby."

"When I went to help those lord’s castles install the security system, I heard many people mention it, and some even said that they were on the scene."

"tsk tsk tsk...'Charles Moonlight "Oh, opera is coming out soon."

Charles suddenly said seriously: "That's not wrong. You are Charles Medivh’s woman, which fits my Charles Megadon’s. Taste, he he he he..."

"Bulldog!" Diana slammed his chest with a punch, "What's the matter with hero saving the beauty in Kashima? I heard it's dangerous. , That vampire can't be killed by humans or giant dragons?"

She has some intelligence channels of her own, and can inquire about this matter.

Charles talked about the matter roughly, and Diana thought about it after hearing it.

After a long time, Diana said: "Something is wrong."

"In the past few months, you, me, your sister, and Mins, there are still many outstanding Students and transmigrators were sent to the continent to perform various tasks, and the construction of the Academy branch suddenly speeded up."

"These forces were originally intended to be used to block the space door, but now it seems to be Evacuate."

"Will there be a big space gate coming, so I am planning for the worst result?"

Charles thought about it after hearing it, replied "It makes sense, but don’t worry too much."

"There are a lot of experts on the island. In addition, Altria got a new weapon, the Artifact Spirit girls’ nirvana, Great Accomplishment, and Blanche. The strength of the four mothers and daughters should not be underestimated. Ellie, Xili, Vichy, and Tarantula can enlarge the scope and make big moves when needed. When necessary, Uncle Nicola and I can take people over. The navy is there. Can also be dispatched, even if the Necromancer comes out, it is not without the power of a battle."

"Stop talking about this, what are your plans next?"

Diana said: "According to the original plan, all the work of the castle palace security system is finished. Klau said that I went to the Tianshan mountain range to find friends to play, and I will go to Linda after the New Year."

Charles nodded , Said: "The situation on the Bischberg Kingdom is a bit delicate. I have already left."

"I completely withdrew from the wool business. The shares in those factories were exchanged for a large amount of cash. The employees have all been withdrawn."

"In the past few years, they have planted seeds in the hearts of workers, and it depends on how they grow in the future."

Diana said "Yeah" , I have a bottom line for the next work.

Charles got up and said, "Go, I have something for you to see."

Then he took Diana to the bedroom and took out a set of special clothes.

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