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Nothing can stop, the new year is coming.

The first ray of sunlight on January 1, 1930 shines through the window In the bedroom, Xu, who had just woken up, was thinking about whether he wanted to get back to sleep.

Just got back to sleep and left him because two cute little "bombs" came.


Falufa and Xia Luxia in their nightdresses pushed open the door, rushed to the bed and jumped up, ready to hit Charles on the body.

As they volleyed in the air, Charles instantly turned into Slylyn expertly and caught the daughters with a soft body.

"gē gē gē ……"

Slyxuan extends the hand arm-like tentacles, holding her daughters and starting to tickle.

The Diana next to her was awakened, she rubbed her eyes, and then tried to grab a kid and rub her. .

Everyone woke up after playing for a while, and there are a lot of things to do today.

On the human side, the New Year is an important holiday, and the year ends with 0 The New Year is more important.

No matter what happened before, the most important thing is to have a good new year.

Diana took over the dressing up for the two children Mission, Charles went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Today, all the servants in the White House went home for the New Year holiday, so Master Xi had to do it himself.

He did five I served a breakfast on the stomach, and then cooked a pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the stove to warm it.

Last night Azi, Harkala, Besib and Lakala went to Modred We drank New Year’s Eve wine together. It only ends when the sun is about to rise. It is estimated that we can get up at noon.

After breakfast, Charles came to Reimu’s room with a copy.

There is a white misty divine force in the room with a lot of shiny starlight inside.

"Happy new year." Charles put his breakfast on the small table, and then sat down by the bed.

He asked, "What are you up to?"

"The feedback after the New Year's speech last night." Reimu said, "I sorted out the statistics, and then gave Jung They do it."

"Here you are, a New Year's gift." He threw a crystal ball to Charles as he said, "Help you find time and ask for a divination, and you will know what it is when you crush it. "

Charles caught the crystal ball and said, "It's so Thanks a lot. "

After he finished talking, he crushed the crystal ball. The fragments of the crystal ball turned into a cloud of mist, and a misty voice came from inside: "Little fellow, there are more magic crystals on his body recently, level The higher the better, bring more Mithril and make up for the waist. Hey, he loves you so much, why don't you call him mother? "

"Ma Dan! "Reimu jumped up from the bed, and then disappeared.

He came back less than two minutes later. The big red bow on the back of his head was a bit crooked. It was obviously Divine Immortal who was fighting.

Charles laughed to help him straighten the bow, then began to help him rub his shoulders, and at the same time said: "Many thanks for so many years. "

"Okay, okay, people who are dozens of years old are just like a brat. It's numb. Reimu waved his hand in disgust, "Do you still want to hug me? I'm not fluffy." "

"Not plush will do. "Charles replied, "That's not bad in the tank." "

Reimu tapped his head with a backhand, "Go away." "

Charles rubbed his head and said, "There is a New Year celebration in town today. Will you go too?" "

"Not going anymore. Reimu pointed to the divine force around him, "Too much work. "

"Okay. "Charles said, "I'm going to play, do you want to make a pie with a hole in the middle and hang it around your neck, so you can eat it when you hungry." "

Then this guy was thrown out.

After breakfast, Charles and Diana came to the town with Farufa and Xia Luxia, respectively.

The town is very lively today. The young girls who participated in the parade wore beautiful clothes and skirts. Some people played cheerful music with musical instruments and walked the streets with songs and dances.

" I also need to go! "Falufa, who is dressed like a butterfly, wants to jump down to participate in the parade.

As a result, Charles hugged her tightly, said with a smile: "This is still too early for Falufa , Those who are planning to find a partner at the celebration. "

Falufa buried his face on Charles's shoulder with a "woo", as if he didn't exist.

Charles patted her back, and then started to kill through the street. Food stalls.

Because many outsiders come to the town to eat fresh fruits and vegetables for the winter, the food and beverage industry has developed.

Charles was the first one they arrived. The stall was opened by Aunt Pomegranate’s husband. He didn’t know where he learned it from. He poured the thin batter into a colander, and the batter fell into the pan below, and then fried into a pancake that looked like instant noodles. The pie, crispy and crunchy, can be seasoned with sauces such as ketchup.

Charles ordered one, put on ketchup, and ¼ piece per person.

Street There are a lot of delicious things on the list, you have to keep some belly, after all, they are not Altria.

The entire group soon came to the next stall, an aunt used chopped meat and parsley Knead it into a meatloaf with chili powder and other ingredients, and then fry it.

Seeing that the lord is here, the aunt made a big round meatloaf for him.

"So spicy! "Xia Luxia stuck out her tongue, "It's so hot after eating." "

Charles replied: "Yes, spicy food is warmer in winter." "

Then they stopped in front of a goat milk tea stall.

Now the team of sheep herding on the prairie has returned to the southern city for the winter, so there is no shortage of goat milk. Yes.

Boss boiled a big pot of thick and dark tea, and it smelled of some other spices in it. After filtering through gauze, the tea was poured into the one filled with goat milk and maple syrup. Inside the samovar.

The samovar is like a hot pot for boiling lamb. There is an iron pipe with charcoal in the middle of the iron barrel. Put the burning charcoal in it and you can drink warm goat milk tea in cold weather.

"Huh? Charles was a little surprised after taking a sip of goat milk tea. "

Received the compliment from the lord, the boss smiled like a flower, and then poured a glass for the master.

It was in the master who took everyone to the next booth. At that time, a child pointed to him not far away and said, "Mother, that person doesn't pay for food..."

"Don't talk nonsense, go and go! "The child’s mother covered the child’s mouth and left quickly.

Master Xi wanted to explain to the child that he was eating in lieu of tax.

Everyone was going to the central square of the town. At the time, Falufa, which Charles was holding, was holding a braised pork roll in her hand. She said embarrassedly: "Father, I can't eat it anymore. "

Charles laughed and said, "Will father help you eat?" "

"Good! "Then Falufa started to feed on someone you want.

"Cunning guy! Behind them came a resentful voice in Beelzebub, "I want Farufa to feed me too!" "

Charles hugged Falufa and left without turning his head. At the same time, he said, "Don't be with an adult who is drinking all day. It will turn a girl into a bad one." "

How could Beelzebu let someone slip away, and then follow Falufa with a lollipop and let her hug herself.

Charles asked her : "Why do you wake up so early, thinking you will be drunk until noon. "

Beelzebub said triumphantly: "When I thought of visiting the festival with Falufa and Xia Luxia, my wine woke up! "

Charles was speechless to her.

A stage was set up in the middle of the town. At this time, a theater company was performing an opera, which attracted many locals and foreign tourists to watch.

On the stage, a snake girl actor with a body that looks no different from a human, but with a long snake tail behind him is singing:

"Grandma, listen to me . "

"Wucaoling knife fell to the enemy, The earth shook and the mountain quivered Qingquanyan;"

"In the critical situation, the rate was 800, and I lost 100,000 overnight; "

"Outside the small mountain village, the bears are fierce, throwing a spoon and holding a knife, the soup is not warm;"

"When a boat meets thieves on a big river, seven in and seven out of the water collapse;"

"Thousands of beasts roar outside the city of Onna, and one person is like a wall to avoid;"

"There are so many brave and brave in Salt Lake City, and they are defeated in the snowy night;"

"Aai Ai Xuefeng trembled and went up to Tianshan on a snowy night alone;"

"Biro town screamed, scaring the thieves to death and the water flowed;"

"I want to ask who is like this The work is exactly:"

"The majestic Megadon, a big blade Megadon. ”


Amidst the deafening applause, Charles, dumbfounded, found Alfe who clapped the most vigorously in the crowd.


"What's the situation? "Master Yun asked him, "How could this kind of play be staged?" "

"Ah, sir, miss! "Alfe was startled by the sudden appearance of Charles. "It's not normal to perform in the realm. The first play is to praise the Lord Lord." "

Charles twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "This is also exaggerated." "

"It's all right. "Alfe said, "This play was written by Valerie, and this troupe is owned by our family. I think it's pretty good." "

Charles can only shook the head helplessly, whatever they toss about, anyway, everyone looks very happy.

Valerie is the lover that Xing mother prepared for Charles back then. She was also one of the helpers, and was later sent to the city of Trapani to the west of the Bischberg kingdom to learn to perform. Charles met with her in Chapter 666.

She came back last year and planned to form a theater company. , So Charles approved.

This year, she said to Charles that she wanted to make a movie. Master Yun asked her to wait for the equipment to arrive.

From the perspective of the actors on the stage now, Among them, there are many beastman from the northern prairie. If the film is broadcast, there will be a lot of market.

Thinking of this, Charles looked towards Falufa in his arms, and then asked: "Falufa, do you want to play the heroine in the movie? "

Who knows Falufa said triumphantly: "Xia Luxia and I are already the protagonists of the movie!" Agatha, elder sister, they let us act in a movie! "

Charles was surprised when he heard that he didn't expect his classmates to be so fast.

However, he would not give up, and began to reminisce about the plot of "The Wizard of Oz".

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