


The heavy snow that started on the second day of the new year disrupted Charles' plans.

It’s impossible to go out to play. It’s dark, and the snow is so thick that it’s difficult to walk.

Everyone can only gather drwsily in the scenery room to discuss the script of "Maple Forest".

The general plot is that a pair of little sisters were blown into the maple forest by a tornado. When they were looking for their way home, they met a "headless" elf, a "heartless" big elder sister, and After going through a series of stories, the silly "headless" gains wisdom, the indifferent "heartless" becomes willing to help others, and the "courageous" grows into a brave giant dragon. The little sister also returned home.

"hmph!" Azi pouted dissatisfiedly, "Why didn't I have a chance to play!"

Charles looked at the script and found that there were many daughters recalling the plot taught by mother. After thinking for a while, he said: "Then, let you appear in the memories of my daughters."

Azi thought for a while, and then nodded agreed.

It's just that Lycra said worriedly: "It's snowing now, the story takes place in autumn, we can only wait for next year to shoot."

Charles mysteriously and secretively laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, there will be a large red maple forest when the shooting starts."

Not long after, a purple magic array appeared in the corner of the room, and Beelzebub returned.

"The agreement is signed." She handed Charles a bag of documents, "Haiyan Film Studio took it, and now we start to prepare. You can come over when the snow stops."

Although Haiyan Film Studio is a subordinate unit of the Navy, because of the nature of the military, it cannot do business, but it can carry out military-civilian joint construction work. Bezebub is very familiar with the operation, so she will handle it.

Charles read the document and handed it to Halkara, because this time she took the path of her nutrition wine workshop and the navy.

It's just that the snow outside has to go for two or three days, so everyone can only continue to change the script and recite the lines.

Everyone has no problem with the performance. Falufa and Xia Luxia starred in their true colors. Spirit Race and giant dragon will teach opera and drama during the long education period, Harkala and Laika. It’s no problem. Beelzebub worked in a repertory troupe hundreds of years ago, and it’s nothing difficult to perform.

The costumes and props are a bit more troublesome. Charles and Diana are in charge of this.

Two days later, the snow stopped in the evening. Early in the morning of the second day, Diana took everyone and the maid to the hot spring courtyard in the maple forest. Bring the equipment.

"This is...Divine Vestige!"

During the snowy season, there is a large maple forest with fiery red leaves growing like autumn, and the area is pretty good. warm.

Charles laughed and said: "It is indeed Divine Vestige. I asked God of Life for help."

He found that God of Life had a good impression of him, and he helped him as soon as he asked him. , And it’s free.

Everyone started to get busy after paying attention for a while. The props team prepared the exterior and interior scenes, the actors performed the trick, and the logistics team began to prepare the lunch.

It’s just that Charles asks Tilby’s house with a black line: "Why did you come to be the director yourself?"

Tilby’s house crouched on his hips and said in an imposing manner. : "Our slime kids want to be the protagonists, and we slime seniors must help!"

Charles can't help but let him.

There are already few slimes that have evolved now. One of them was taken away by Reimu, and these two naturally became the darlings of the navy girls.

The filming of the film went well, and some minor issues were dealt with by Tilby House.

After finishing another day of filming, on the way back to the hot spring courtyard, Tilby stopped Charles at his house.

He whispered to Charles: "There is a Space Crack nearby, which should lead to a certain subspace, but it is locked."

Charles frowned, asked. : "Can you open it?"

He was worried about the danger behind this Space Crack, so he planned to open it while a group of powerhouses were there.

Tilby House shook his head and said: "The crack is locked, and there are traces of year-round maintenance. I suggest you find the normal unlocking method and open it. If you forcibly open the space turbulence, it will destroy everything nearby. "

Charles brows tightly frowns immediately released a powerful spirit strength to explore the nearby space elements, and he found something abnormal a few kilometers away.

"Let's go over and take a look."

After he finished speaking, he and Tilby House came to the anomaly.


Charles felt a little speechless.

This is a small waterfall in the forest. There is a stone tablet next to it. There is a durian pattern carved on the stone tablet.

He quickly remembered a past event. When he saw the suicide note left by his father at Auntie Cilantro ten years ago, it stated that there was a secret in the family that had been passed down for hundreds of years, and the ancestors I can't guess it. The specific content of the secret is from Elf Queen. The password is "Eat durian without spitting durian skin". Father suggested that you should find the specific content of Queen Victoria when you become an adult.

Charles is now an adult, and he originally planned to ask about this secret when he went to Spirit Tree Sea in March.

It's just his instinct that tells himself that the secret is the space gap in front of him and the subspace behind.

"Go back." Charles said, "I'm a little eye-catching, let me talk about it when I ask."

He doesn't know what this Space Crack is for, or what Reinforce or enter.

If this is the place where some Demon ghost is sealed, and he stupidly opens it again, and as a result a major event appears in his own territory, then he will cry to death.

So he decided to ask more clearly, so as not to hit him in the foot.

Not long after they left, the god of time and Reimu appeared here.

"Huh..." The God of Time sighed in relief, "Fortunately, he didn't go in today. If he is not prepared enough, he will die in it." Reimu said: " You underestimate him, even if he goes in now, he can solve the problems inside."

"I don't care." God of time shook the head, "I want God to hide, you don't come to me ."

Reimu glanced at him and said calmly: "Well, let us and mortals deal with the next thing."

"Hey..." The god of time sighed, "This time I ran a long distance, so I won't participate in the fight between you. You are uncomfortable with me in the middle, and I don't feel well."

Reimu is curious. Asking him: "How far do you plan to run?"

The God of Time replied: "I plan to walk along the path that the Lord has left and see what I can gain."

Then he was picked up and slammed by the Tilby House that appeared suddenly.

"Sure enough, it's you," said Tilby House, "I feel that something is wrong around me."

The God of Time said apologetically, "I'm sorry for what happened back then. I couldn't stop them."

"Don't care." Tilby House said, "We know you did your best. Later, you protected their Divine Spark, didn't you?"

The God of Time is just laughed, and finally said: "I am leaving, I hope I can see everyone when I come back."

He disappeared not long after he finished speaking, even himself I don't know what will be ahead.

When he returned to this world, he was already the mother of two children.

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