Less than a month before the vernal equinox, the area around the Slime Basin is warming up.

Following is frequent foggy weather.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the fog dissipated to the extent that the visibility was sufficient to drive safely, and the two sections of the valley in and out of the basin were guarded before the vehicles passed.

Compared with six years ago, the roads in and out of the slime basin have been widened, cut and straightened and improved a lot.

Within the valley, a two-lane concrete road is used for motor vehicles. Next to it is a compacted dirt road that pulls carts for mules, horses, donkeys and other pack animals. The pack animals hurt their feet while walking on a hard surface.

A railway is being built on the side of the mountain. Charles on the donkey cart was observing the cliffs on both sides through the mist, and found that some places prone to landslides, rock falling and other geological disasters have been treated, and Several permanent fortifications that could seal off the valley were also discovered.

He heard about the construction of the reservoir when he sent Altria to Cam Ranh Bay, so he came back immediately.

Next, he changed into a small businessman costume, with a travel bag on his back, and planned to take a stroll in the slime basin to see how it has been built in the past few years.

Today he went into the basin to take a donkey cart that pulled coarse salt. The man who drove was a young man in his twenties, and he agreed to take him with him after receiving a roast chicken as a toll. One ride.

This coachman is not very talkative. Charles asked a few words and learned that he was selling coarse salt to a farm to make pickles, and then buying some chickens and ducks back to sell. What's the matter?

There are trucks passing by from time to time on the cement road next to it. Fortunately, the ground is damp and can't cause dust.

Charles noticed that the driver would stretch his neck every time he saw a motorized car passing by, as if he wanted to buy one.

In the judgment of someone, the Old Brother had to buy a power tricycle to start running.

In the afternoon, the donkey cart came outside the slime city.

The car didn't enter the city, and went around the outer ring road to a farm in the north.

Charles jumped out of the car, said goodbye to the coachman, and walked into the city.

The current slime city does not have a city wall, or the mountains surrounding the basin are its city wall.

The Slime City is very lively near the valley road. There are many people who lead the way and solicit customers, and naturally there are also maps.

Charles bought a copy of all the new newspapers and maps at the newsstand, and then asked Lady Boss: "Beauty, how can I get to the printing house, I want to talk to them about business."

Lady Boss laughed and pointed out the Slime First and Second Seal on the map he had just bought, and then said: "The first factory has good craftsmanship, but they want to print newspapers and may not have time to take orders. Second The factory is a new factory, and it often prints advertisements, but the craftsmanship is a little rougher, but all the big and small jobs are accepted."

Charles thanked Lady Boss and called a power junior on the side of the road. Wheel, "peng~ peng~ peng~" moved towards slime Second Seal and drove away.

He plans to print dozens of manuscripts that he has just written, and then give them to the big guys who can speak for themselves.

Beside the gate of the printing house, there is the front door opened by the sales department. It happened to be seen that someone put the newly printed flyers and the like on the carriage and pulled them away.

When Charles walked in, the receptionist stood up and asked politely: "Sir, do you want to print or pick up the goods?"

Charles opened the backpack and looked inside. He took out the manuscript wrapped in cloth and put it on the counter, and then said: "I will help our master to get the manuscript, fifty copies to be printed."

The waiter girl turned the manuscript and asked : "How big do you plan to print the book? What font? How big is the font? What is the line and margins? What kind of paper? Does the blank need to be printed? What color and pattern are used for the cover?"

A series of questions confused Charles, he really didn't think about it.

So he asked the waiter to bring a few samples, and after some selection, he finally determined the style of the book.

Considering that this time is just a sample, only the book title "Why Magic?" is printed on the cover of Light Blue. "And the author's name, there is no decoration inside, and they are printed in larger, neat fonts.

The waiter sister counted the number of pages, and wrote it on the form contract attachment together with the printing style, and said: "The printing fee is 7000 spirit essence, because the quantity is small, the price is higher. It is estimated that the printing is completed 1 month later. "

Charles had no objection to this, and he happily paid for the contract.

This time the number of printed books is too small, and costs such as typesetting fees cannot be shared, so the unit price is dyingly expensive.

After signing the contract, he asked again: "Can I print if there are color illustrations in the book?"

The waiter sister replied: "Yes, except that the price is higher, the color There are also some requirements for typesetting, which requires an interview."

Charles left after taking the contract back to his bag, thinking that 1 month later, he should return to the small building in Biro Town and continue to supervise the two. I was so unlucky for hard labor. When these books were printed, I asked my cheap student who lives on a farm outside the city to help send them there. I don't know how that guy is now.


Lancelot, who was playing with her daughter, suddenly sneezed. Fortunately, she turned her head quickly and did not spit her cute daughter in her arms. .

Charles didn't know about it. He casually found a restaurant on the side of the road for dinner, and then randomly found a hotel to live in.

Although he has a house in the city, he didn't want to make everyone know when he came over this time, so he didn't disclose his identity.

I just entered the room, and when I walked out of the balcony to see the scenery, I was shocked by the scene behind the building.

Nothing else, because it was a construction site in ding ding dong dong, and a large building reached three floors.

He wants to cry this time, I hope this construction site will not work overtime at night.

Next, he returned to the house, took out the map and began to study.

There is nothing for him to stroll around in the city. He plans to visit Charles Village, where the large steel and heavy industry base subway furnace town and fertilizer factory are located. This time, Altria came here by the way. Bringing a letter of introduction from Ji Shijun, he can visit any place at will with the letter.

After completing the inspection of these places, he will go to the military farm outside the city to visit Lancelot and Gurneyville's family who live there.

The farm was originally set up for the families of slime soldiers, and only military members can go to work and live in it.

However, at the time, thanks to Ji Shijun’s unborn fiancee’s blessing, Lancelot and Gnivel moved in as Ji’s future father-in-law, and by the way, let several other hot pots The family members of the Knight regiment also live there.

According to Mordred told Charles, everyone had a good time there.

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