The term "productivity" has been around for a long time in this world.

at first, its concept is the amount of crops produced on the land, and then expanded to include the output of livestock, minerals and handicrafts.

Many years ago, Charles and Diana came up with a point of view when researching this issue: in the pastoral economy, a farm can basically be self-sufficient in food, clothing, housing, and transportation, except for salt, iron and other production areas. Besides the essential commodities, there is almost no commodity transaction between the farm and the outside world. Therefore, the landlord lords only care about the amount of property in their own territory, and do not care how these properties come from. For them, the productivity of the territory is the quantity of properties.

The landlord only pays attention to what products and how many products there are on his territory. In addition to the necessities such as salt and iron, the purchase of other commodities depends on what the passing merchants bring.

For the vast majority of small landlords who are indisputable in the world, the output of the territory is enough for their own use and enough to exchange for the necessary goods.

In addition, the level of commodities has not improved in quality for hundreds of years. Furniture and jewelry can be used for hundreds of years without any problem, so they do not have much desire to consume.

In this context, the landlords have no motivation to increase productivity.

But this is not set in stone. With the development of the city in the past century, the living conditions in the city are far more comfortable than farms and castles. So there are small nobles running to the lord’s town, and big nobles are running royal capital. Life.

The hard-working noble is like a migratory bird, and will return to the territory to collect taxes during the harvest season.

Noble, who is lazier, lives in the city for the whole year, and the matters of the territory are handed over to the agent, who is in charge of the steward.

At this time, the "productivity" standard began to gradually move closer to currency.

At the same time, commerce has also developed with the development of the city.

In this context, the "capital productivity" proposed in "The Wealth of Nations" by Alice Margatoloy is regarded as a standard by business nobles and businessmen.

Under the guidance of this idea, "Property" is no longer limited to land harvesting, but began to expand to currency, and then "Fiefdom" is no longer limited to land, and everything that can bring money-such as factories , Chamber of Commerce-can also become a part of the package.

The most obvious is the appearance of "Knight" holding factory shares in the Kingdom of Bischberg.

What the lord of "Knight" canonized is not the land, but the shares of the lord's factory, but there is no shortage of noble privileges.

So that, those traditional nobles regard "Share Knight" as thugs who have tarnished the glory of noble.

And adventurers unique to this world, they are considered security costs in the eyes of the master.

Professor Erbach is not clear about the development of Economics, and is not very sensitive to changes in commercial and industrial status.

He only understands that there is still no place for mental work in "productivity".

Among the three youngsters in the teahouse, Michelle, a girl in her early twenties, looks more cheerful.

She asked Professor Erbach: "Old Mister, what do you think is productivity, and how do you evaluate productivity?"

Professor Erbach replied: "Productivity is the production of products With the ability to produce more products, the greater the productivity."

Charles went to the counter and ordered five cups of tea, one for each.

After thanking Charles, Michel said to Professor Erbach: "We have a difference in the definition of productivity. You think productivity is the expression of the final product, and we think productivity is the power to produce products. ."

"Take the fertilizer plant here, do you think productivity is how much urea it produces, and we think productivity is the power to transform water, air and charcoal in nature into the urea we need "

Lewis next to him also continued: "You think productivity is the result, we think productivity is the process."

Professor Erbach silently nodded after listening, and then said : "Your opinion is very unique, it makes me refreshing."

"Is productivity the power of the production process."

"Then, we old scholars also in the production process It can play a role, and it can be regarded as a part of productivity."

"Charles, what do you say?"

Suddenly nodded by someone named Xu, he responded:" Everyone makes sense."

Then this guy stopped talking.

When the old Principal saw this guy not speaking, he thought he was not good at it, so he didn't embarrass him... blame.

"You, watch, listen, and think more while you are young." Professor Erbach taught him, "Don't think that you have a few money and you will swell yourself and look down on others. Wisdom."

"My teacher, Luc Ang, met a tailor in his early years. The tailor was very knowledgeable and quick-thinking. After some debate, the teacher was deeply impressed by him. The family depends on not going to him to learn."

"Don't think that these theoretical knowledge is useless, it can guide you forward."

Charles listened and meditated. The old Principal thought he had listened, and was nodded with satisfaction.

If the old Principal knew that he was thinking about whether the tailor was an ancestor of Mordred, he would probably come out with an axe and smash it.

The three youngsters laughed and looked at the one old and one young as they were passing the time.

Professor Erbach knocked Xi's head and said: "Tell me your opinion, it is not ashamed to say it wrong."

Charles rubbed his head with a bitter face, thinking After a while, he said: "Productivity is composed of labor tools, labor objects, and laborers. Just now Principal asked scholar whether it is a productivity. Obviously, scholars participate in production activities with their own wisdom. They are also laborers, so they are also part of productivity. "

Professor Erbach listened and thought about it. The three parts that make up productivity sound very reasonable, and they just include the key factor in the production process.

Take the fertilizer factory next to it as an example. The tools of labor are the equipment in the factory, and the objects of labor are the raw materials. The laborers, including Kushkins, are the three closely connected parts of nature. The raw materials taken from it are produced into fertilizers that people need.

"putting it that way..." Professor Erbach said slowly, "Productivity is the ability to turn raw materials into products."

Charles was a little surprised, didn't expect The old Principal can quickly think of this.

He said: "It is true. Broadly speaking, productivity is the power of intelligent races to transform natural objects into products suitable for their needs in the production process."

"Not just production Fertilizer, the chef cooks the ingredients into dishes in the kitchen is also productive."

Professor Erbach looked thoughtful and nodded. It seemed that he had thought of something. He took out his notebook from his pocket shua~ shua~ shua~ Wrote a few pages.

Next, he asked about three youngster farms using the fertilizer produced here.

Everyone was passing the time anyway, this fertilizer is not a secret, so I soon started talking.

One noon passed, and at 2:30 in the afternoon, the report bell rang from the factory.

The three buyers said goodbye to Old Mister. They are going to the factory to handle the purchase.

Professor Erbach sat there quietly after saying goodbye to them, his eyes deepened, and he seemed to be thinking about the problem.

Charles dared not come out from the sidelines, for fear that it would disturb the old Principal's thinking.

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